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Categories: WIN phix

Enhanced IDE 731K 708K

Author: Judith Evans Date: Jul 27 2008 $201.75

old link: [[]]
phix-compatible (PL):

A greatly-enhanced version of David Cuny's original Interactive Development Environment for Win32Lib. The IDE lets you easily design a Windows user interface, and attach pieces of Euphoria code that will be executed when GUI elements are clicked by your user. A complete Euphoria program is generated for you. Includes a companion stand-alone editor. Win32lib 0.70.4a or later is required. German and French language support is available. (Anyone who wishes to submit a translation update or new translation is welcome to do so. Judith can host it on Sourceforge or you can submit it to the Recent Contributions Page.) Jul 27: ListView Styles Explorer and winlibscan rewritten, many improvements.

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Page last modified on July 19, 2017, at 10:37 AM