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DosRescueForPhixDos Rescue For Phix 82K Author: Pete Lomax Date: 18th Sep 2017 NB: This file is not intended to be OpenEuphoria or RDS Eu compatible. (too much effort, not enough reward, never was 2.4 compatible anyway) While the OpenEuphoria versions of this file are a drop-in include, further manual intervention is required to get things to run on phix. This file should be viewed as a temporary measure and as part of the process of porting legacy DOS-only code to something a little more modern, and ideally cross-platform. Hence a little extra effort at the initial stage is not deemed significant. The core module is just the single file dos_rescue.ew; the other 28 files can and should be considered optional tests. The following (global) routines retain their legacy names: all_palette display_image draw_line ellipse get_all_palette get_active_page get_display_page get_pixel graphics_mode palette pixel polygon rectangle save_image save_screen set_active_page set_display_page sound tick_rate use_vesa For phix you /must/ however replace bk_color clear_screen cursor get_key get_position getc gets position print printf puts scroll text_color video_config wait_key wrap with dr_bk_color dr_clear_screen dr_cursor dr_get_key dr_get_position dr_getc dr_gets dr_position dr_print dr_printf dr_puts dr_scroll dr_text_color dr_video_config dr_wait_key dr_wrap The following are unique to dos_rescue.ew: HIWORD LOWORD pass_key peek_pixel poke_pixel putsxy set_delay set_full_screen set_title Not currently supported by/integrated with dos_rescue, but work as part of phix: (dr_)text_rows (dr_)put_screen_char (dr_)get_screen_char (dr_)save_text_image (dr_)display_text_image Note that (eg) the builtin get_screen_char works fine with the builtin puts, but not at all (afaik) with the dos_rescue dr_puts, etc. Also, read_bitmap and save_bitmap are not part of dos_rescue but standard builtins (defined as part of the auto-include builtins/image.e) - however in that case there is no requirement whatsoever for any special integration with dos_rescue. Lastly, originally from mouse_rescue.ew, now part of dos_rescue.ew: get_mouse mouse_events mouse_pointer |