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Other Libraries

The following libraries are technically not part of Phix, but are included in the standard distribution.

base64? - convert data to and from base64, which is safe for internet transmission. cffi? - parse C struct and function definitions, and use them. complex - complex number arithmetic. database? - simple database system (copied from Euphoria). dict? - associative arrays. ipc? - ipc (inter process communication) using shared memory. json? - json parser/printer/converter. libcurl? - client-side URL transfer library. librsvg? - [draft] svg (scaleable vector graphics) handling. LiteZip? - extract from or create zip files. mpfr / gmp - arbitrary precision arithmetic, much faster than bigatom, but needs dll/so files. pGUI? - The Phix portable Graphical User Interface - 32/64 bit, Windows/Linux compatible. ppp? - Pete’s Pretty Print. pqueue? - priority queues. pSQLite? - the most used database engine in the world. regex? - routines for handling regular expressions. serialize? - conversion to and from a flat series of bytes. timedate? - date and time routines, with timezone and daylight savings handling. utfconv - simple conversion between UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32. xml - xml parser/printer.

Deprecated (but still supported):

Arwen? - a fast, compact GUI library for Windows-based applications (32-bit only). arwen32dib? - fast bitmap manipulation (24-bit graphics). bigatom? - arbitrary precision arithmetic.

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Page last modified on February 14, 2025, at 05:17 PM