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Contributions with links to which should perhaps have a different Phix version hosted on this site.

Some packages might work equally on both OpenEuphoria and Phix; whether there should be mirrored downloads or just one is a case-by-case decision.

If you upload a version to this site (ideally just adding a link on the existing page), you may leave the link, but should remove the [[!rds-hosted]] category.

 AbcmsmAbcMSM  William HeimbignerJun 30 2004WIN rds-hosted
 AbcmyfavsABCmyFavs  William HeimbignerJun 26 2004WIN rds-hosted Internet
  150ABeginnersGuideToEuphoria-htmlA Beginners Guide To Euphoria (HTML)  Jules DavyMay 16 2007GEN rds-hosted Documentation
 ABetterTextEditorA Better Text Editor  llamedosoAug 17 2016WIN rds-hosted Editors
 AbgteTutorialAnnotatedForOpeneuphoriaABGTE tutorial annotated for OpenEuphoria  Tom CiplijauskasApr 18 2012GEN rds-hosted Documentation
 AboutWinabout win  amir rezaJul 5 2004WIN rds-hosted
 AcropdfDemoAcroPDF Demo  Greg HaberekAug 18 2008WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 AdaptingTheRegistryToWorkBetterWithJudithsIdeAdapting the Registry to Work Better with Judith's IDE  Shawn PringleJun 19 2006WIN rds-hosted Documentation
 Add-onToTidy-printadd-on to tidy_print  Antonio AlessiSep 5 2004WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 AddId3v2TagsAdd ID3v2 Tags  Andy CranstonOct 31 2007GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
   20AddressRoutingAddress Routing  Victor KaprilianApr 23 2001GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level
  100AdvancedWildcardLibraryAdvanced wildcard library  AronNov 11 2006GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 AerodynamicCalculationsAerodynamic Calculations  Erik van KampenApr 21 2001GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 AlarmClockAlarm Clock  Bernie SomesJan 15 2002WIN rds-hosted
 AlienAttackAlien Attack  GazApr 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
  150AllegroEuphoriaBitmapLibraryAllegro Euphoria bitmap library  Mike WeverJan 8 2004WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 AlphaBlendingAlpha Blending  Thomas Parslow (PatRat)Dec 2 2001WIN rds-hosted
 AmbiAmbi  David PlettsMar 27 2009WIN rds-hosted Sound
 AmbiplayerAmbiPlayer  David PlettsApr 2 2009WIN rds-hosted Sound
 AmortizationTablesAmortization Tables  Kenneth RhodesNov 16 2016GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 AmptickerAmpTicker  Cassidy NapoliOct 30 2001WIN rds-hosted Internet
 AnalysisOfLinearModelsAnalysis of Linear Models  Alexei van BaarenJan 25 2001GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 AndreaCinisEuwinguiReloadedAndrea Cini's EUWinGUI reloaded  ChrisBurch3Nov 15 2010WIN rds-hosted User Interfaces
 AnimationTestAnimation Test  Greg HarrisFeb 9 1999WIN rds-hosted
 AnIntroductionToEuphoriaProgrammingAn introduction to Euphoria Programming  Charles NewbouldMar 15 2006GEN rds-hosted Documentation
 AnotherApproachToObjectOrientationAnother approach to Object Orientation  Matthew WhiteheadApr 12 1999GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 ApplicationLauncherApplication Launcher  Alistair MurraySep 29 2000WIN rds-hosted
 ApplicationStarterApplication Starter  Andrea CiniDec 17 2002WIN rds-hosted
 AppointmentCalendarDemoAppointment Calendar Demo  Al GetzFeb 26 2005WIN rds-hosted
 Apromptaprompt  James CookMay 27 2017GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces
 ArcfourEncryptionAlgorithmArcfour Encryption Algorithm  Davi FigueiredoOct 19 2002GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 ArchiveDatabaseInRussianArchive Database in Russian  Igor KachanFeb 5 2002GEN rds-hosted Database
 ArchiveHtmlGeneratorArchive HTML generator  RDSJan 21 2006GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS
  265ArchiveReaderArchive Reader  Tony StewardFeb 17 2002WIN rds-hosted Database
  115ArchiveSearchArchive Search  Roland StowasserFeb 23 2002WIN rds-hosted Database
 ArLibAr Lib  Matt ArriolaAug 2 2001GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  520ArraysArrays  Juergen LuethjeDec 7 2005GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 AscexASC.EX  Brian BrokerJul 31 2004GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 ASetOfEuLogosA set of EU logos  Igor KachanOct 10 2009GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 AssemblerVersionOfMersenneTwisterRngAssembler version of Mersenne Twister RNG  Juan ReinaOct 19 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 AssemblyLanguageInterpreterAssembly Language Interpreter  Jeffrey FieldingJul 26 1999GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 1400AssemblyMini-debuggerAssembly Mini-Debugger  Alexander ToressonOct 10 2004GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level
 AssociatorAssociator  Jesse AdkinsSep 9 2006WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 AssortedMathRoutinesAssorted Math Routines  Laurence DraperNov 30 1999GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  300AsynchronousHttpAsynchronous HTTP  PatRatJun 6 2001WIN Internet rds-hosted
 AtpInstallerATP Installer  Alexander ToressonApr 12 2004WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 Auto-generatePaste-inGuiCodeAuto-generate paste-in Gui code  Phil FrenchJan 20 2014WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 1270Auto-scaledControls-V21Auto-scaled controls - v2.1  MrTrickFeb 14 2005WIN rds-hosted
 Avi2gifAVI2GIF  micOct 14 2009WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 AviGenerator-genericAVI Generator (Generic)  MicOct 8 2002GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  100AviGenerator-windowsAVI Generator (Windows)  MicSep 30 2002WIN rds-hosted
 Axiom2Axiom2  Greg HaberekDec 26 2004WIN rds-hosted Editors
 AxiomEditorAxiom Editor  Greg HaberekDec 23 2002WIN rds-hosted Editors
 BabysumsBabySums  Fred ManganMay 29 2012WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 BalanceSheetBalance Sheet  Andy DrummondAug 30 2005WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 BalloonTooltipsBalloon Tooltips  Logan KodyszJun 4 2006WIN rds-hosted
 BarCodeMakerBar Code Maker  Andy CranstonApr 3 2002GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 Base10To62ConverterBase10 to 62 converter  Russell SowersAug 16 2009WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 Base64AndQuotedPrintableBase64 and Quoted Printable  Pete LomaxJul 3 2002GEN rds-hosted Internet
 BaseConverterBase Converter  Jim RobertsOct 17 2001GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 BaseConverter-beta1Base Converter (beta1)  jxliv7 - jonDec 27 2005GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 BasicElectronicsFunctionsBasic electronics functions  Michael J. SabalMay 18 2006GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 BasicWin32libAppBasic Win32Lib App  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 BatchFilesMenuBatch Files Menu  Shian LeeApr 12 2014GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 BatchJobScheduleAuditScriptXpbatch job schedule audit script XP  Michael RaleyJun 17 2006WIN rds-hosted
 BatteryMonitorBattery Monitor  Greg HaberekMar 15 2006WIN rds-hosted
 Bible-asv-AsEuphoriaDatabaseBible (ASV) as Euphoria Database  C. K. LesterSep 26 2003GEN rds-hosted Database
 Bible-kjv-AsEuphoriaDatabaseBible (KJV) as Euphoria Database  C.K. LesterSep 26 2003GEN rds-hosted Database
 Bible-web-AsEuphoriaDatabaseBible (WEB) as Euphoria Database  C. K. LesterSep 26 2003GEN rds-hosted Database
 BiblerForEuphoriaDatabaseBiblesBibler.e for Euphoria Database Bibles  C. K. LesterSep 26 2003GEN rds-hosted Database
 BigMathBig Math  Matthew LewisNov 12 2002GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 BigNumberArithmeticBig Number Arithmetic  Craig GilbertJul 13 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 BilingualToolkitBilingual Toolkit  Igor KachanSep 13 2004GEN rds-hosted Fonts
 Bin2hexbin2hex  Jason GadeFeb 8 2006GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 BinaryData-typeFileIOBinary Data-type File I/O  Gabriel BoehmeDec 23 1999GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 2075BinaryPrint-GetBinary Print/Get  Gabriel BoehmeMar 30 1999GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 BitabouteuBitAboutEu  Fred ManganJun 9 2011GEN rds-hosted Documentation
  100BitmapConverterBitmap Converter  Mike WeverDec 29 2003WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 BitmapManipulationToolBitmap Manipulation Tool  MicMar 2 2002WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  330BitOperationsBit Operations  Juergen LuethjeMay 3 2007GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  380BitsBITS  Mike DuffyJan 24 2007GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
   50BlackjackGameBlackJack Game  Jon SnyderNov 23 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
 BlackjakBlackJak  Louis BryantJan 28 2005GEN rds-hosted Games
  100BlowfishForEuphoriaBlowfish for Euphoria  Alexander ToressonJan 28 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 BlurAddrblur_addr  Hayden McKayMar 21 2005GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level
  150Bmp-Xpm-ConverterBMP <--> XPM Converter  Roland StowasserNov 15 2001WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 BmpToXpmOrSequenceBMP to XPM or Sequence  Guillermo BonvehiJul 6 2004GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 BoggleGameBoggle Game  Brett PantaloneJan 2 2006WIN rds-hosted Games
 BolakbalikGameBolakbalik Game  AkuDec 9 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
 Bookreaderc2BookReaderC2  Fred ManganSep 19 2011WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 BootTimeLoggerBoot Time Logger  KatSep 30 2004GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  150BrainfckInterpreterBrainf*ck Interpreter  D. NewhallFeb 27 2005GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  275Bresenham-BezierCurvesBresenham/Bezier Curves  BarbarellaSep 3 2002GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 BrowseForADirectoryBrowse for a Directory  AkuOct 14 2001WIN rds-hosted
   20BumpmapEffectForExoticaBumpmap Effect for Exotica  MicMar 4 2000WIN rds-hosted
 BundleOfWindowsGoodiesBundle of Windows Goodies  Patrick QuistJan 22 1999WIN rds-hosted
 Bzip2DataCompressionLibrarybzip2 data compression library  AkuOct 22 2003GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  200Bzip2LibraryBZip2 Library  Greg HaberekOct 14 2003WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 CalculatePiCalculate PI  James PowellMar 25 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 CalculationsWithLongNumbersCalculations with long numbers  David MoneyJan 25 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 CalendarCalendar  DaJaRoOct 11 1998WIN rds-hosted
 Calendar2Calendar  AndrewApr 5 2001WIN rds-hosted
 CalendarUpdateCalendar Update  Fred RansomMay 3 2012WIN rds-hosted
 CallItCall It  Lorri Wolk-LaniewskiApr 16 2003WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 CamelGameCamel Game  Louis BryantJan 28 2005GEN rds-hosted Games
 Captureewcapture.ew  jacques deschenesSep 23 2007WIN rds-hosted
 Cards32ewWithCardsentrationDemoCards32.ew with Cardsentration demo  Brian BrokerOct 6 2004WIN rds-hosted Games
 CarsDatabaseCars Database  Greg HaberekFeb 3 2004GEN rds-hosted Database
 CasinoBlackjackCasino BlackJack  James HuffFeb 4 2000WIN rds-hosted Games
 Cavelux-VlcActivexcomWrapperCavelux - VLC ActiveX (COM) wrapper  Gary ShinglesJul 9 2008WIN rds-hosted
 CdrMenuCDR Menu  Tony StewardOct 26 2001WIN rds-hosted
 CgiCalendarCGI Calendar  H.W. OvermanJun 18 2005GEN rds-hosted Internet
 CgiOn-linePhoneBookCGI On-line Phone Book  Andy CranstonJun 25 2002LNX rds-hosted
 CgiParserCGI parser  Gregg SomesSep 6 2002WIN rds-hosted Internet
  300CgiSearchEngineCGI Search Engine  Guillermo BonvehiMar 24 2002WIN rds-hosted Internet
  250CgiSupportLibrariesCGI Support Libraries  Greg HaberekAug 20 2005GEN rds-hosted Internet
  350CgiSupportRoutinesCGI Support Routines  AkuApr 26 2002GEN rds-hosted Internet
 CgWrapperCg wrapper  micJul 24 2008WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 ChaosGrapherChaos Grapher  SR WilliamsonJul 21 2000WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 CharacterUppercase-LowercaseConversionsCharacter uppercase / lowercase conversions  Derek ParnellOct 26 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 ChatServerClientChat Server & Client  Norm WalcottMay 2 2001WIN rds-hosted Internet
 CheckersGameCheckers Game  Mario SteeleAug 27 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
 CheckEuphoriaVersionCheck Euphoria version  Jean-Marc DUROOct 30 2016GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 CheckForFakedllsCheck for Fake .dll's  AkuDec 11 2002WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 CheckingAccountManagerChecking Account Manager  Al GetzDec 3 2007WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 CheckProcessesCheck processes  Jean-Marc DUROAug 25 2017GEN rds-hosted
 CheckUserAndPasswordCheck User and Password  Jean-Marc DUROSep 24 2012LNX rds-hosted
  600CheesySpaceGameCheesy Space Game  Steve AllenOct 5 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
  175Chip8EmulatorChip8 emulator  micSep 29 2005WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 CipherTools2Cipher Tools  C. J. SilverJan 3 2003GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 CityscapeCityscape  Guy ProgrammerNov 3 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
 Cjsoncjson  rasMay 16 2012GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Claro-CairoGuiWrapperWin-Nix-MacClaro / Cairo GUI wrapper win/*nix/mac  ne1unoApr 19 2007GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces
 ClassFileExmpleclass file exmple  James CookMay 27 2017GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 ClassSystemForEuphoriaClass System for Euphoria  Mike NelsonSep 1 1999GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 Clockclock.e  Hayden McKayApr 6 2005GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level
  150ClockInARoundWindowClock in a Round Window  Roland StowasserDec 23 2001WIN rds-hosted
 CncControlCNC Control  Nathan hillApr 26 2004WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 CodeBeautifierCode beautifier  Jean-Marc DURODec 1 2015WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 CodeScrapsForMsExcelDocumentsCode scraps for MS Excel documents  Michael J. SabalSep 8 2006GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
   80Colorcolor  Mike DuffyFeb 1 2008WIN rds-hosted
 ColoredCharacterFormsColored Character forms  CChrisNov 1 2004GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces
 ColorPickerColor Picker  Ben LoganApr 17 2000WIN rds-hosted
 ColorPicker2Color Picker  Robert SzalayMar 12 2003WIN rds-hosted
   70Command-lineOptionsForYourProgramCommand-line options for your program  James CookMay 27 2017GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Command-lineProcessingShellCommand-line Processing Shell  James CookApr 13 2017GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
   70CommandLineProcessorCommand Line Processor  Alex ChamberlainSep 15 2005GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Comment-Un-commentMacrosForTextpadComment / un-comment macros for TextPad  Rubem PechanskyJun 4 2004WIN rds-hosted Editors
 CommentRemoverComment remover  CChrisMar 22 2007GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 CommonLibrariesModifiedToAvoidNamespaceErrorsCommon libraries modified to avoid namespace errors  Jean-Marc DUROOct 18 2014WIN rds-hosted
 CompareFiles2Compare Files  Jean-Marc DUROOct 21 2016WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 CompareFoldersCompare Folders  Jean-Marc DUROOct 21 2016WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  180ComplexLuDecompositionComplex LU decomposition  Don CahelaDec 22 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 ComplexNumberCalculatorComplex Number Calculator  Shawn PringleDec 13 2015GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Compress-DecompressCompress/Decompress  Daniel BersteinJun 20 1998GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 CompressionCompression  Justin SnyderAug 2 2006GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 CompressionAlgorithmCompression algorithm  Emlyn MerlynJul 29 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 CompressionTestingDemoCompression Testing Demo  Hayden McKayAug 11 2004GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 CompressionToolCompression tool  Guy ProgrammerOct 28 2003WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
   12CompressoCompressionLibraryCompresso Compression Library  Roderick JacksonJul 15 2000GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 CompressStrings3Compress Strings 3:1  Michael RaleyAug 8 2001GEN rds-hosted
 Connect4GameConnect 4 Game  David EltroApr 16 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
 ConnectToAWebPageConnect to a Web page  DaJaRoSep 21 1998WIN rds-hosted Internet
  100Conquest2GameConquest2 Game  Mark AkitaMar 12 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
  300ConquestDeluxConquest Delux  Jordan BellJun 28 2006WIN rds-hosted Games
   50ConquestGameConquest Game  Mark AkitaApr 14 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
 ConsoleClipboardRoutinesConsole Clipboard Routines  Greg HaberekSep 10 2008WIN rds-hosted
 ConsoleIOForWin32Console I/O for Win32  Ken RogerApr 12 2011WIN rds-hosted
  300ConsoleIOLibraryConsole I/O Library  Ken RogerMay 10 2002WIN rds-hosted
 ConsoleIpSubnetCalculatorconsole ip subnet calculator  alban readMar 5 2006GEN rds-hosted Internet
 ConsoleWidgetsConsole widgets  Jean-Marc DUROJul 8 2015WIN rds-hosted User Interfaces
 ContactKeeperContact Keeper  Ryan MannAug 23 2009GEN rds-hosted Database
 ContextEditorFilesConTEXT Editor files  James CookMay 7 2008WIN rds-hosted Editors
 ControlCodeGeneratorControl Code Generator  Greg HaberekMar 7 2003WIN rds-hosted
 Conv-unzipconv_unzip  Kenneth RhodesJan 3 2017GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  500ConversionOfExerrConversion of ex.err  Juergen LuethjeDec 18 2007GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 Convert24-bitBitmapsTo8-bitConvert 24-bit bitmaps to 8-bit  Rod JacksonNov 19 2001GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 Convert3d2TonffConvert .3D2 to .NFF  Mark AkitaJul 8 2002WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 ConvertbmpToeConvert .bmp to .e  Graeme BurkeJun 5 1998GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 ConvertDataToAeFileConvert Data to a .e File  Jordah FergusonMay 19 2002WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 ConvertEuphoriaToHtmlConvert Euphoria To HTML  Martin StachonJul 18 2001GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 ConvertExcelDatetimeFormatToEuphoriaDateTimeFormatConvert Excel datetime format to Euphoria date time format  Jean-Marc DURONov 13 2015GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
   50ConverthToeConvert .h to .e  Daniel KlussApr 23 2002WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 ConvertLineTerminatorsConvert Line Terminators  Robert SzalayJun 14 2003GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 ConvertMsWordDialogsToEuphoriaConvert MS Word Dialogs to Euphoria  Michael J. RaleyJan 9 1998WIN rds-hosted
 ConvertToLargeBaseConvert to Large Base  C. K. LesterJan 19 2000GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  400CopyIncludedFilesCopy Included Files  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 CorrectedExoticaWrappersCorrected Exotica wrappers  DavideltrosoftMar 21 2004WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 CorrectionsOnEdexCorrections on ed.ex  Marco AchuryApr 6 2008GEN rds-hosted Editors
 CpuFrequencycpu frequency  jacques deschenesAug 15 2007WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level
 CpuidCPUID  Hayden McKayDec 3 2015WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level
  300CrcCRC  Graeme BurkeJan 5 2002GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 CreateHotkeysForAppsCreate Hotkeys for Apps  Guillermo BonvehiDec 27 2002WIN rds-hosted
 CreateMulti-dimensionalSequencesCreate Multi-Dimensional Sequences  KaseyApr 18 1998GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 1300CreateShortcutCreate Shortcut  Martin StachonMar 17 2003WIN rds-hosted
 CreditCardVerifierCredit Card Verifier  AkuOct 15 2004WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
   80Cross-printingToConsoleAndAFileOrFilescross-printing to console and a file or files  J.GuyMar 23 2006GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 CrossHairsCross hairs  don coleJul 16 2009WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 CrosswordAndHangmanSolverCrossword and Hangman Solver  AndrewOct 16 2001GEN rds-hosted Games
 CrosswordsAssistantCrosswords Assistant  Jean-Marc DUROAug 2 2016WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 CrossWordScannerCross Word Scanner  Evan MarshallNov 21 2002GEN rds-hosted Games
 CrosswordSolverCrossword Solver  llamedosoAug 2 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
 CrosticCrostic  ShawnApr 8 2005GEN rds-hosted Games
 CrosticsPuzzleMakerCrostics Puzzle Maker  John McAdamMay 5 2000GEN rds-hosted Games
 CshelpCSHelp  Allen AshbyJun 28 2008WIN rds-hosted User Interfaces
 CsvParseRoutineCSV parse routine  Shawn David Pringle B.Sc.Jun 1 2016GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 CuandoV03Cuando v0.3  Guillermo BonvehiJul 7 2004GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 CustomAppointmentCalendar03Custom Appointment Calendar 03  Al GetzSep 16 2005WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 CustomEventsExperimentCustom Events Experiment  Don PhillipsDec 10 2001WIN rds-hosted
 CustomizedWin32DllCustomized WIN32 DLL  Francis BussiereDec 12 1997WIN rds-hosted
 CuteWindowsDemoCute Windows Demo  Jonas TempleJul 24 2003WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 CutrexServerCutrex Server  Luis CamposOct 11 2001WIN rds-hosted Internet
 1200CximageCxImage  MicMay 20 2010GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 DailyJournalDaily Journal  Jonas TempleDec 14 2000WIN rds-hosted
 DatabaseManipulatorDatabase Manipulator  Philip DeetsJun 14 2003WIN rds-hosted Database
 DatabaseVisualControlLibraryDatabase Visual Control Library  Jean-Marc DUROMar 24 2013WIN rds-hosted Database
 1700DateAndTimeFunctionsDate and Time Functions  Carl WhiteJun 26 2001GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 DateAndTimeSubroutinesDate and time subroutines  David MoneySep 10 2005GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 DateCalculationsDate calculations  Junko MiuraSep 1 1996GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS
 Datetimev110datetime.e (v1.10)  Shian LeeMar 11 2017GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  210Dawg-BuildWrappersAutomaticallyDAWG - Build wrappers automatically  Chris BenslerApr 1 2002WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 DayOfTheYearDay of the Year  E. Allen SoardJan 7 2000GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  300DbfFile-dbase-AccessRoutines.DBF file (dBase) access routines  Daniel BersteinNov 4 1996GEN rds-hosted Database
 DbgviewInterfaceToEuphoriaDbgView interface to Euphoria  Karoly KovacsAug 4 2009WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 DbMakerDB Maker  Logan KodyszNov 16 2006WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 DbtsvDBTSV  Andras SzaboApr 30 2006GEN rds-hosted Database
 DcScalableRandomNumberGeneratorDC Scalable Random Number Generator  Dan McGrathAug 27 2005LNX rds-hosted Library Routines
 DdeLibraryDDE Library  Matthew LewisJan 9 2001WIN rds-hosted
 DebuggingAidForWin32libDebugging Aid for Win32Lib  S.R. WilliamsonFeb 18 2000WIN rds-hosted
 Decimal-HexCalculatorDecimal/Hex Calculator  Jerome NicholsNov 28 1998WIN rds-hosted
 DecodeBase58ToBinaryDecode base58 to binary  Shawn PringleDec 26 2013GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 DefineWordsdefine words  jacques deschenesOct 31 2008WIN rds-hosted Internet
 DeleteToRecycleBinDelete to recycle bin  Arthur CrumpNov 1 2010WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 DeluxeSlideShowDeluxe Slide Show  Don ColeJun 24 2005WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  350DeluxeSlideShow32Deluxe Slide Show3  Don ColeJul 3 2010WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 DemoRunnerForGtkLibraryDemo Runner for GTK Library  Chris BurchNov 26 2002LNX rds-hosted
   70DemotesterDemoTester  Gary ShinglesSep 25 2007WIN rds-hosted
 DereksContest-FinalSubmissionsDerek's Contest - Final Submissions  Robert CraigApr 22 2005GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS
 DesignPatternsInEuphoriaDesign Patterns in Euphoria  Steve BaxterApr 16 2015GEN rds-hosted Documentation
 Devdspdevdsp  Michael J. SabalJun 25 2004LNX rds-hosted
 DibDemoDIB Demo  MikeFeb 6 2002WIN rds-hosted
 DiccionarioDiccionario  GalileoFeb 5 2005GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 DictionaryWrapperDictionary Wrapper  Stewart MacKenzie-LeighJan 3 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 DieRollScriptingLanguageDie Roll scripting language  CChrisApr 23 2005GEN rds-hosted Games
 DifflistUtilityV32Difflist utility, V3.2  Alan OxleyFeb 15 2008GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 DiggerDigger  stagasJan 29 2011WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 DigitalClockDigital Clock  Jesus ConsuegraApr 9 2002WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 DigitalElectronicSimulatorDigital electronic simulator  gazJul 12 2009WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  100DipnDaubDip 'n Daub  David PlettsOct 8 2003WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 DipnDaubExpertDip 'n Daub Expert  David PlettsJun 7 2004WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 DirDemodir() Demo  David MosleyJun 22 2001GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
   50Directe-DirectxForEuphoriaDirectE - DirectX for Euphoria  MicJul 9 2008WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 DirectorySizeDirectory Size  Rolf SchroederSep 5 2003WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 DirectxDemoDirectX Demo  Matthew LewisJun 1 2001WIN rds-hosted
 DirSizeDir Size  Jean-Marc DURODec 15 2012WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 DirtMerchantDirt Merchant  Steven AllenMay 4 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
 DisplayLettersAndDigitsDisplay Letters and Digits  Joseph SemmelAug 2 2003WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 1000DisplayServerDisplay Server  Al GetzMay 25 2004WIN rds-hosted
 DistanceCalculatorDistance Calculator  Michael S. ThompsonSep 5 2003WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
  300DllLinkageRoutinesDLL Linkage Routines  Austin CatheyMar 26 1999WIN rds-hosted
 DllSetupTechniqueDLL Setup Technique  Colin TaylorMar 29 1998WIN rds-hosted
 DnaSoftwaredna_software  James CookMay 27 2017GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 DollarWiperDollar wiper  CChrisJan 9 2005GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 Domecalcdomecalc  Kenneth RhodesMar 22 2012LNX rds-hosted Mathematics
 Domecalc13adomecalc1.3a  Kenneth RhodesOct 23 2013GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 DonColesNifftyProgressBarDon Coles Niffty Progress Bar  don coleNov 6 2006WIN rds-hosted
 DoomsdayPerpetualCalendarDoomsday Perpetual Calendar  Irv MullinsOct 25 2003LNX rds-hosted
 Dos-landDOS_Land  DB JamesMay 13 2007WIN rds-hosted
 DotNotationForEuphoriaDot Notation for Euphoria  David CunyJun 2 1998GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 DotNotationForEuphoriav2Dot Notation for Euphoria (v2)  Jeremy CowgarMar 24 2009GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 DownloadFilesUsingFtpDownload Files using FTP  Monty KingFeb 26 1998WIN rds-hosted Internet
 DragDrag  Isaac RawayJan 23 2004WIN rds-hosted
 DragAndDropDrag and Drop  Al GetzFeb 6 2001WIN rds-hosted
   50DragonBlastDragon Blast  Mark AkitaMay 2 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
 DrawbustDrawBust  Fred ManganNov 20 2008GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 Ds1620-2Ds1620-2  Wolfgang FritzDec 9 2006WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level
 DuoBibleViewerDuo Bible Viewer  Ferlin ScarboroughApr 6 2005WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  500DuplicateFileFinderDuplicate File Finder  Doug WeinertNov 14 2003WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs EU4.1? Phix
  300DynamicConditionalIncludeLibraryDynamic/Conditional Include Library  Vincent HowellNov 11 2005GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 DynamicIncludeSystemDynamic Include System  Gabriel BoehmeMar 29 2000GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 DynamicTextDynamic text  amir rezaJul 4 2004WIN rds-hosted
  450E-mailClientE-Mail Client  Jordah FergusonApr 12 2002WIN rds-hosted Internet
   50EasterCalculationEaster Calculation  Ken RogerJan 7 2002GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Easy4capScreencaptureEasy4Cap ScreenCapture  Andreas WagnerDec 6 2014WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 Easy4euMediaplayerEasy4Eu Mediaplayer  Andreas WagnerDec 6 2014WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  150EasyDesignToolForWin32libEasy Design Tool for Win32Lib  Jacques DeschenesJan 26 1999WIN rds-hosted
  120EasyWebServerEasy Web Server  Louis BryantDec 5 2006WIN rds-hosted Internet
 EbcdicV01aEbcdic v0.1a  Hayden McKayAug 18 2004GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 EdbeditorPrebetaedbEditor prebeta  AlgorythmDec 30 2008WIN rds-hosted Database
 EdexMacroModED.EX macro mod  James CookJan 12 2018GEN rds-hosted Editors
 EditEuphoriaFilesWithDevstudioEdit Euphoria Files with DevStudio  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Editors
 EditorSyntaxFilesEditor Syntax Files  Ken RhodesFeb 4 2001LNX rds-hosted
  500Eds-NetEDS/Net  Jonas TempleAug 16 2001WIN rds-hosted Database
 1130EdsGuiEDS GUI  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Database
 EdsToolboxEDS Toolbox  Buddy HyllbergApr 8 2000GEN rds-hosted Database
 Edu-editoredu editor (v1.00) for Euphoria 3.1.1  Shian LeeDec 27 2017GEN rds-hosted
 EduardosEventSystemEduardo's Event System  aceduardoJun 7 2016GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
  350EeForLinuxEE for Linux  Irv MullinsOct 25 2003LNX rds-hosted
  500EffmEFFM: Euphoria's Free File Manager  H.W. OvermanJun 18 2005WIN rds-hosted
 EgfViewerEGF Viewer  DB JamesJul 30 2007WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 EinsteinsRiddleEinstein's Riddle  Juergen LuethjeSep 27 2007GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 ElfinEncryptionElfin Encryption  Emlyn MerlynSep 22 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  200Elink032bElink 0.3.2b  Graeme BurkeOct 29 2006WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 ElizaEliza  David ElsdonFeb 6 2001GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 Emacs-syntaxEuphoria 3.1.1 syntax highlighting for GNU Emacs  Shian LeeNov 20 2017LNX rds-hosted
 EncryptFilesEncrypt Files  Daryl van den BrinkApr 13 2002GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 EncryptionBenchmarkEncryption Benchmark  George OrrFeb 26 2001GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 EncryptionUtilityEncryption Utility  Hayden McKayJan 25 2004WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 EnglishDictionaryAsEdsDatabaseEnglish Dictionary as EDS database  Robert CraigOct 27 2008GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 EnglishNumbersEnglish numbers  James CookMay 27 2017GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 EnhancedBucketSortEnhanced Bucket Sort  Art AdamsonJan 2 1999GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 EnhancedDatabaseProgramEnhanced database program  Art AdamsonAug 16 2001GEN rds-hosted Database
 EnhancedIdeEnhanced IDE  Charles NewbouldApr 22 2014WIN rds-hosted
  925EnhancedInterfaceToEdsEnhanced Interface to EDS  A.C.HarperFeb 26 2003GEN rds-hosted Database
 EnhancedNexusEditorEnhanced Nexus Editor  Mario SteeleSep 7 2003WIN rds-hosted Editors
 EnhancedProcessListEnhanced Process List  Jean-Marc DUROJul 20 2012WIN rds-hosted
 EnumerationTypesInEuphoriaEnumeration Types in Euphoria  Jeff FieldingJan 19 1999GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 Epaint2Epaint2  JoeMay 4 2004GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 Eslv001ESLv0.01  Jeremy PetersonJan 20 2006GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Eu2cStringEncrypterEu2c String Encrypter  Aku 2005May 13 2005GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  100Eu2htmleu2html  Jules DavyFeb 5 2004WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 Eu3geanyEuphoria 3.1.1 Syntax highlighting for Geany editor  Shian LeeOct 20 2017GEN rds-hosted
 Eu3nanoEuphoria 3.1.1 syntax highlighting for nano editor  Shian LeeOct 13 2017GEN rds-hosted
 Eu3StandardLibraryEu3 Standard Library  Jean-Marc DUROJan 5 2018GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Eu4glEu4GL  your average JoeJan 7 2006WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 Eu4StandardLibraryEu4 Standard Library  Jean-Marc DUROJan 5 2018GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Euall5EuAll5  Andy P.Aug 4 2013GEN rds-hosted Games
 Euallegro5EuAllegro5  Andy P.Jun 19 2017GEN rds-hosted Games
   50EuappeuApp  Matt ArriolaJul 19 2003LNX rds-hosted User Interfaces
 EuAssistantEu Assistant  Jesse AdkinsMar 9 2007LNX rds-hosted
 Eubox2dEuBox2D  AndyJun 6 2017WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 EucairoEuCairo  AndyAug 14 2016GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 EuChessEu Chess  your average JoeJan 6 2006WIN rds-hosted Games
 EuclaudeNaturalLanguageDemoEuClaude Natural Language Demo  Andy Serpa / George BrooksNov 21 2002GEN rds-hosted Games
  300Eudebug-ag-version100EuDebug_AG (Version 1.00)  Al GetzFeb 14 2006GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
  550Eudoc-EuphoriaDocumentationGeneratorEuDoc - Euphoria Documentation Generator  D. NewhallOct 8 2005GEN rds-hosted Documentation
 EudocRevisedEuDoc revised  Andy DrummondSep 15 2005GEN rds-hosted Documentation
 EuexpatForLinuxVer012EuExpat for Linux ver. 0.1.2  Damien "damo" HodgkinMay 27 2005LNX rds-hosted Internet
 EuexpatVer01EuExpat ver. 0.1  DamienOct 31 2005GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 EufreeimageEuFreeImage  Mike DuffyFeb 13 2012WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 3200EugridGridControlV134EuGrid Grid Control v1.3.4  Phil RussellMar 17 2008WIN rds-hosted
 EugtkDemosEuGTK Demos  irv mullinsMar 10 2008LNX rds-hosted
 EuhelpEuHelp  Kenneth RhodesFeb 4 2013GEN rds-hosted Documentation
 EuirrEuIrr  AndyOct 31 2017WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 EukaEuKa  Juergen LuethjeOct 24 2004GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  140EunetEuNet  Michael J. SabalJul 8 2008GEN rds-hosted Internet
 EuODEEuODE  AndySep 12 2017GEN rds-hosted
  300Euphoria311-405SupportForVimEditorEuphoria 3.1.1/4.0.5 support for Vim editor  Shian LeeApr 12 2014GEN rds-hosted Editors
 EuphoriaArticleEuphoria Article  Ralf NieuwenhuijsenMay 6 1998GEN rds-hosted Documentation
  300EuphoriaBookEuphoria Book  Mike SabalJan 15 2003GEN rds-hosted Documentation
 EuphoriaCalculatorEuphoria Calculator  Pierino MoroJun 28 2003WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  100EuphoriaCgiSetupEuphoria CGI Setup  Irv MullinsFeb 12 2001LNX rds-hosted
 EuphoriaClipbookForNotetabEditorEuphoria Clipbook for NoteTab Editor  Jiri BaborMay 17 2000WIN rds-hosted Editors
 1800EuphoriaDatabaseBrowserEuphoria Database Browser  Matthew LewisAug 25 2004WIN rds-hosted Database
 EuphoriaDataManipulationEuphoria Data Manipulation  Ralf NieuwenhuijsenMay 17 1997GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 EuphoriaDataSharingDemoEuphoria Data Sharing Demo  Jordah FergusonSep 5 2002WIN rds-hosted
 EuphoriaDocumentationGenerator2Euphoria Documentation Generator  Robert CraigNov 3 2006GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS
 EuphoriaEditorEuphoria Editor  David RagazziMay 20 2005WIN rds-hosted Editors
 EuphoriaEditorForWindowsEuphoria Editor for Windows  Eric RandallJun 4 2002WIN rds-hosted Editors
 EuphoriaHeapManagerEuphoria Heap Manager  BarbarellaSep 3 2002GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 EuphoriaHelpFileMakerEuphoria Help File Maker  Virtual B / Roland StowasserJan 23 2003WIN rds-hosted Documentation
  100EuphoriaHypertextHelpEuphoria HyperText Help  Juergen LuethjeFeb 5 2006GEN rds-hosted Documentation
 EuphoriaIconsEuphoria Icons  Carl WhiteJun 16 2000GEN rds-hosted Editors
  500EuphoriaInstall-SetupUtilityEuphoria Install / Setup Utility  H.W. Overman & Al GetzJul 12 2005WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  300EuphoriaJfwLibraryEuphoria JFW Library  Louis BryantMar 26 2006WIN rds-hosted Sound
 EuphoriaMediaPlayer-betaEuphoria Media Player (Beta)  Logan KodyszNov 19 2008WIN rds-hosted Sound
 EuphoriaMessagesInEnglishAndRussianEuphoria Messages in English and Russian  Igor KachanSep 26 2002GEN rds-hosted Documentation
  100EuphoriaPreprocessorEuphoria Preprocessor  David CunyJun 2 1998GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
  300EuphoriaPreprocessor2Euphoria Preprocessor  Chris BenslerJul 23 2001GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 EuphoriaSourceFileAnalyzerEuphoria Source File Analyzer  Craig GilbertAug 13 1999GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 EuphoriaSupportFileForTheGeanyProgrammingEditorEuphoria support file for the Geany Programming Editor  Kenneth RhodesOct 27 2011LNX rds-hosted Editors
 EuphoriaSvgIconsEuphoria SVG Icons  Alexander ToressonMar 19 2005LNX rds-hosted
 EuphoriaSyntaxFileForVimEuphoria syntax file for Vim  Jason GadeNov 21 2007GEN rds-hosted Editors
 EuphoriaSyntaxForGlimmerEditorEuphoria Syntax for Glimmer Editor  Travis BeatyMay 5 2003GEN rds-hosted Editors
 EuphoriaSyntaxForUltraEditEuphoria Syntax for Ultra Edit  Antonio AlessiDec 13 2003GEN rds-hosted Editors
 EuphoriaVersionDetectionLibraryEuphoria Version Detection Library  Vincent HowellAug 17 2005GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 EuphoricMysteriesE-bookEuphoric Mysteries E-book  Bill AitkenJun 5 2009GEN rds-hosted Documentation
 EuscanfEuScanf  Fred ManganFeb 23 2010GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Eusdl-md2EuSDL_MD2  Steven AllenSep 15 2007GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 Eusdl2EuSDL2  Andy P.Oct 24 2017GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 Eusdl2-gfxEuSDL2_gfx  Jean-Marc DUROJan 18 2016GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 Eusdl2-ttfEuSDL2_ttf  Jean-Marc DUROJan 8 2016GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 Eusdl2imageEuSDL2Image  Andy P.Sep 29 2017GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Eusdl2mixerEuSDL2Mixer  Andy P.Jun 2 2015WIN rds-hosted Sound
 EuseteuSet  Rene ConijnMay 24 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
 Eusfml2EuSFML2  Andy P.Mar 5 2017WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 Eusp-betaEuSP (beta)  Alex ChamberlainDec 19 2005GEN rds-hosted Internet
 EuspeechEuspeech  Jeremy PetersonDec 23 2005WIN rds-hosted Sound
 EustudioEditorEuStudio Editor  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008WIN rds-hosted
  300EusudokuEuSudoku  Erik-Jan van KampenMar 31 2006WIN rds-hosted Games
 EuSyntaxColoringForFarNAndPspEU syntax coloring for FAR, N++ and PSP  Igor KachanMar 12 2007WIN rds-hosted Editors
 Eutendo-ANesEmulatorEutendo - A NES emulator  micNov 9 2003WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level
 Euvide0220SetupProgramEuVIDE 0.22.0 Setup Program  Andy DrummondJan 10 2007WIN rds-hosted
  100Euvide100SetupProgramEuVIDE 1.0.0 Setup Program  Andy DrummondJun 6 2007WIN rds-hosted
 EuvideBoundInstallProgramEuVIDE Bound install program  Andy DrummondAug 1 2009WIN rds-hosted
  150Euviewer3EuViewer3  Al GetzJun 20 2005WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
   80EuWebClick-DownloadCounterEU Web click/Download Counter  Pete StonerNov 3 2006GEN rds-hosted Internet
 EuwikiBackup-2006-10-13EuWiki backup - 2006-10-13  AkuOct 13 2006GEN rds-hosted Documentation
 EuwikiBackup-20060916EuWiki backup - 20060916  AkuSep 15 2006GEN rds-hosted Documentation
  200EuwinfunEuWinFun  Roland StowasserMay 22 2006WIN rds-hosted
 9700EuwinguiLibraryAndIdeEuWinGUI Library and IDE  Andrea CiniOct 30 2006WIN rds-hosted User Interfaces
 EuwinguiPrintingEuWinGUI printing  Rod DamonNov 5 2006WIN rds-hosted
 EuwordsInItalianEUwords in Italian  Antonio AlessiMay 21 2005GEN rds-hosted Editors
 EuwpbarEuwPBar  Fred ManganMay 15 2008WIN rds-hosted
 EuxosdeuXosd: Wrapper for the XOSD on-screen display library  Ira HillJan 2 2012LNX rds-hosted
 EvaluateMathExpressionsV110Evaluate math expressions v1.1.0  Shian LeeDec 6 2014GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  380EvaluateSimpleExpressionsEvaluate Simple Expressions  Martin StachonJul 30 2001GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 EventCodeGeneratorEvent Code Generator  Greg HaberekFeb 5 2003WIN rds-hosted
  280EventSystemForEuphoriaEvent System for Euphoria  Jeffrey FieldingJul 21 1999GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 EvolutionSimulatorEvolution simulator  Matt ArriolaAug 8 2011GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 ExampleOfAnimationExample of Animation  Hongyanto SetioAug 5 2004WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 ExampleOfUsingTheIpcLibraryExample of using the IPC library  Pete StonerMay 13 2005WIN rds-hosted
  640ExcelToolsExcel Tools  Roger MarinOct 30 2002WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 ExeccommandexecCommand  Jean-Marc DUROSep 24 2012LNX rds-hosted
 ExecutorOfEuphoriaFilesForScite-ruExecutor of euphoria files for SciTe-ru  Mike ManturovFeb 10 2009WIN rds-hosted Editors
 ExoticaxDemosExoticaX Demos  Dan McGrathNov 9 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
 ExpressionEvaluatorExpression Evaluator  Andy MontgomeryJul 2 1998GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 ExpressionEvaluator2Expression evaluator  Jean-Marc DUROOct 4 2016GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 ExpressionEvaluator22Expression Evaluator  David CunyFeb 3 1998GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  200ExtendedPrecisionArithmeticExtended Precision Arithmetic  Antoine TammerMay 30 2002GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  420ExtendedTaskingLibraryExtended Tasking Library  Mike NelsonOct 30 2005GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 ExtensionsToTopazExtensions to Topaz  Matt ArriolaAug 26 2000GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 3150ExtraControlsExtra Controls  Don PhillipsSep 28 2004WIN rds-hosted
 ExtraRoutinesExtra routines  Hayden McKayDec 21 2003GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 ExtraRoutinesOfferedForWin32libExtra routines offered for win32lib  Arthur CrumpOct 7 2010WIN rds-hosted
 ExtraWin32FunctionsExtra WIN32 Functions  Jonas TempleJan 30 2003WIN rds-hosted
 EzipEzip  Paul PlummerJun 26 2003WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 FactorialAndPrimesFactorial and Primes  AbhayJan 25 2000GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Fasm4efasm4e  Hayden McKayDec 3 2015WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level
 FastAccessfast access  llamedosoMay 9 2013WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 FastdllForValueFast .dll for value()  AkuOct 11 2001WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 FasterPiCalculationFaster PI Calculation  Michael BolinMar 29 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
   50FasterPiCalculation2Faster PI Calculation  Laurence DraperSep 24 1998GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 FasterRoutinesForMachineeFaster Routines for machine.e  AkuSep 15 2001GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 FasterWildcardeFaster wildcard.e  Colin TaylorNov 25 2000GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 FastScrollingFast Scrolling  H.W. OvermanJun 18 2005WIN rds-hosted
  120FastSortingForEuphoriaFast Sorting for Euphoria  Leks van der Voort van der KleijJan 13 2006GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 FaxManagerFax Manager  Chris BurchAug 25 2004LNX rds-hosted
 FeEditorFE Editor  Mike DuffyDec 14 2002WIN rds-hosted Editors
 FermatsTestFermat's test  Marco AchuryAug 17 2011GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 File2euFile2Eu  Davi FigueiredoMar 30 2000GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 FileAndPipeLibrariesFile and Pipe Libraries  Jeff FieldingFeb 22 2000LNX rds-hosted
 FileArchiveSearchFile Archive Search  Robert SzalayJan 20 2003GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 FileCommands2File Commands  Ted FinesFeb 16 2001LNX rds-hosted
  100FileCompareFile Compare  Ricardo FornoAug 16 2002GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 FileDecompressorFile Decompressor  ChrissyFeb 1 2002WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  300FileIOScreenIOAndOtherMiscFunctionsFile I/O, Screen I/O & Other Misc Functions  Bill ReedJul 17 2005GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 FileNamesToLowerCasefile names to lower case  Carlos ValdesDec 28 2008LNX rds-hosted Utility Programs
 FileNotesFile Notes  Doug WeinertNov 4 2002WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 FileOperationsFile Operations  AkuMay 18 2003WIN rds-hosted
 FilePackUnpackFile Pack/Unpack  Jiri BaborJan 29 2000GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  110FilesForContextEditorFiles for ConTEXT Editor  Jiri BaborSep 4 2001GEN rds-hosted Editors
 FileSizeRoutinesfile size routines  Thomas BetterlyJul 10 2005GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 FileSplitterFile Splitter  Carl WhiteApr 18 2000GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 FilesWithinAllZipsFiles Within All .zip's  Robert CraigJan 30 2006GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS
 FileTransferProtocol-ftpFile Transfer Protocol (FTP)  Daniel BersteinMay 27 1998WIN rds-hosted Internet
  100FinancialCalculatorFinancial Calculator  Jaime MarcosOct 25 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 FindBiggestFilesFind Biggest Files  Niels LambertsenAug 7 2002GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 FindDuplicateFilesFind Duplicate Files  RDS / Ricardo FornoApr 15 2007GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 FinderFinder  Frank CollinsApr 24 2000WIN rds-hosted
 Findinfile-fifFindInFile (FIF)  William HeimbignerJun 19 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 FindPictureFind Picture  Theo GottwaldOct 26 2000WIN rds-hosted
 FireballFireball  Evan MarshallNov 23 2003WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 FixDiccionarioCodePage'Fix' Diccionario Code Page  Al GetzFeb 8 2005GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 FixedWidthFileParserfixed width file parser  Jeremy CowgarMar 19 2009GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  150FixForExotica-ExoticaxFix for Exotica/ExoticaX  Paul PlummerAug 28 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
 FlagsDemoFlags Demo  MicMay 23 2000WIN rds-hosted
 FlashWindowExampleFlash Window Example  Logan KodyszMay 29 2006WIN rds-hosted
  200Flat-assembler-wrapperFlat-Assembler (wrapper)  Hayden McKayMay 28 2007WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level
 FlatMathEvaluationLibraryFlat math evaluation library  CChrisAug 15 2007GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 FloppyBirdFloppy Bird  Evan MarshallDec 5 2014WIN rds-hosted Games
  150FluffyBunniesFluffy Bunnies  Mark HonnorOct 23 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
  200FmodSoundLibraryFMOD Sound Library  AkuApr 22 2003WIN rds-hosted Sound
 Font-sdlFont_SDL  Mark AkitaMay 31 2003WIN rds-hosted Fonts
   50FontConverterFont Converter  Juan ReinaOct 31 2001WIN rds-hosted Fonts
 FontEnumeratorFont Enumerator  Greg HaberekJun 20 2005WIN rds-hosted Fonts
 ForeignLanguageEditorForeign Language Editor  John McAdamAug 27 2001GEN rds-hosted Editors
 ForMigratingToANewerWin32libFor migrating to a newer Win32lib  ShawnAug 14 2005WIN rds-hosted
   25FormulaCompilerFormula Compiler  Al GetzMar 4 2001GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
  900ForthCompilerForth compiler  micDec 4 2005WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 ForwardReferenceParserForward Reference Parser  J. BrownJul 18 2001GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 Fractal-MandelbrotFractal - mandelbrot  Harald RegerFeb 13 2011WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 FractalGeneratorForWindowsFractal generator for Windows  Dan-Ake EngqvistNov 26 2007WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
  100FractalScreenSaverFractal Screen Saver  Nick MetcalfeAug 4 2009WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 FreebudgetV13FreeBudget v1.3  Jean-Marc DURONov 18 2012WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 FreebudgetV132FreeBudget v1.3  Jean-Marc DUROSep 5 2012LNX rds-hosted Simple Demos
 Freeglut-TheFreeOpenglUtilityToolkitfreeglut - The Free OpenGL Utility Toolkit  Elliott Sales de AndradeMar 26 2004GEN rds-hosted
 FreeimageFreeImage  Greg HaberekDec 23 2005WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 FreeworldScreensaverFREEWORLD screensaver  Carlos ValdesAug 19 2004WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 FrontEndForRunningEditingProgramsFront End for Running/Editing Programs  WOLF InI SoftwareApr 13 1999WIN rds-hosted
  100FrostFrost  AndyJun 7 2009WIN rds-hosted Games
 FruitMachineGameFruit Machine Game  sotiris bellosNov 29 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
 FtpLibraryFTP Library  Jean-Marc DUROSep 10 2012LNX rds-hosted Internet
 FtpServerFTP Server  Jean-Marc DUROSep 24 2012LNX rds-hosted Internet
 FtpStubFTP stub  Michael J. SabalAug 20 2009GEN rds-hosted Internet
 FullScreenClockForTheHolidaysFull Screen Clock For The Holidays  llamedosoJun 24 2016WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 FullScreenDemoFull Screen Demo  Greg HaberekOct 30 2003WIN rds-hosted
  600GallerymakerGalleryMaker  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Internet
 GameCreatorGame creator  gazNov 25 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 GameMakerGame maker  gazFeb 19 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 GameOfLife2Game of Life  Carlos ValdesSep 9 2000GEN rds-hosted Games
  100GatherGather  Ricardo M. FornoMar 13 2007GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  300GdiplusGdiPlus  Mike DuffyJan 16 2012WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
  600GdiplusGraphicsLibraryGdiPlus Graphics Library  Al GetzMar 30 2005WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 GeditSyntaxForEuphoria40GEdit Syntax for Euphoria 4.0  Mario SteeleJan 16 2009LNX rds-hosted Editors
 2750GeneralFunctionsGeneral Functions  Ricardo FornoDec 31 2006GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 GeneralizedRunge-kuttaNumericalIntegrationForStiffOdesGeneralized Runge-Kutta Numerical Integration for Stiff ODEs  Don CahelaMar 8 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 GeneralscalingGeneralScaling  Fred ManganOct 18 2010GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 GenerateUniqueNumbersGenerate Unique Numbers  Derek ParnellJul 26 2002GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  100GenericGameboyIdeGeneric Gameboy IDE  Russell K. DavisFeb 15 2000WIN rds-hosted Editors
 GetadaptersaddressesWrapperGetAdaptersAddresses wrapper  Pete StonerMar 4 2006WIN rds-hosted Internet
 GetadaptersinfoWrappergetAdaptersInfo wrapper  Brian BrokerNov 19 2004WIN rds-hosted
   20GetCpuParametersGet CPU Parameters  Pete EberleinSep 17 1999GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level
 GetDriveInfoGet Drive Info  Al GetzAug 30 2003WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level
 GetFixedGet Fixed  Daniel KlussMay 6 2006GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 GetForegroundControlGet Foreground Control  AkuMar 6 2003WIN rds-hosted
 GetReturned64BitIntegersGet returned 64 bit integers  CChrisJan 11 2008GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 GetstartupdirectoryGetStartupDirectory  Al GetzSep 4 2005GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 GettimeRoutinePatchGetTime routine patch  Shawn PringleOct 24 2007WIN rds-hosted
 GetvolumeinformationgetVolumeInformation  William HeimbignerJul 6 2004WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 GhostMaze2Ghost Maze 2  gazMay 8 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 GlassworksGameGlassWorks Game  David CunyOct 23 1999WIN rds-hosted Games
  130GlobalsExtractorForEditorSyntaxFilesglobals extractor for editor syntax files  Michael NelsonMay 21 2008GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
  450Glue-glutWrapperGlue (GLUT Wrapper)  MicFeb 11 2004GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 GlutWrappersGLUT wrappers  Daniel KlussDec 23 2001WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 GooGoo  Karl BochertFeb 27 2001WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
   50GoogleSearchToolGoogle Search Tool  Robert SzalayOct 15 2002WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 GpgpuWithAtiFixGPGPU with ATI Fix  Daniel KlussNov 12 2005WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level
 GrabberGrabber  MrTrickNov 1 2003WIN rds-hosted Internet
 GradientFillGradient Fill  Martin StachonFeb 17 2003WIN rds-hosted
 GraphControlV002Graph Control v0.0.2  Greg HaberekJun 30 2005WIN rds-hosted
  170Graphexgraphex.ew  Gary ShinglesJul 24 2008WIN rds-hosted
 GraphicFileConverterGraphic File Converter  Normand BlaisJan 21 2000WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 GraphicScalingGraphic Scaling  Fred ManganJan 31 2008WIN rds-hosted
 GraphicseForLinuxgraphics.e for Linux  Mike SabalSep 9 2000LNX rds-hosted
  500GraphicsEngineForLinuxGraphics Engine for Linux  Bernie RyanDec 20 2000LNX rds-hosted
 GraphpeuGraphPeu  Jean-Marc DURODec 5 2016WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 GravesGraves  GazJun 11 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
  550GreatComputerLanguageShootoutGreat Computer Language Shootout!  Jason GadeFeb 5 2007GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 GridcalcGridcalc  Michael J. SabalMar 11 2005GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  200GridControlGrid Control  Jonas TempleJun 20 2002WIN rds-hosted
  100GrprintVersion2GrPrint version 2  Andy DrummondSep 15 2005WIN rds-hosted
 Gsl2014GSL2014  Fred ManganFeb 16 2016WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 GsudokuGSUDOKU  Ricardo M. FornoJun 21 2006GEN rds-hosted Games
  185GtkLibraryGTK Library  David CunySep 7 1999LNX rds-hosted
 GtkOpenglExtensionGTK OpenGL extension  Michael J. SabalJan 11 2005LNX rds-hosted Library Routines
 GtkWrapperDeclarationsGTK Wrapper Declarations  David CunySep 7 1999LNX rds-hosted
  300GuideToObjectOrientedProgrammingGuide to Object Oriented Programming  Alex CaracatsanisSep 11 2003GEN rds-hosted Documentation
 GuiForTranslatorGUI for Translator  Roland StowasserDec 28 2002WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 GuyArcadeGuy Arcade  Guy ProgrammerNov 3 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
  100Gw-to-eGW_to_E  Daniel KlussNov 18 2003WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  325GzipDecompressorGZIP Decompressor  Davi FigueiredoOct 10 1998GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 HaikuGeneratorHaiku Generator  Mark AkitaNov 22 2003GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 HamsterspeakHamsterSpeak  James PaigeMar 4 2001GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
   70HandlingUndefinedValuesHandling Undefined Values  Juergen LuethjeSep 27 2007GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 HardBitConversionHard bit conversion  Emlyn MerlynSep 7 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  200HardwareDepEnabledEuphoriaHardware DEP enabled Euphoria  Shawn PringleDec 29 2008GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 HelpDeskUtilitiesHelp Desk Utilities  Michael RaleyJul 2 1998WIN rds-hosted
 1050HelpFileHelp File  H.W. OvermanJun 18 2005WIN rds-hosted Documentation
 HelpFileMakerHelp File Maker  Greg HaberekMar 19 2005WIN rds-hosted Documentation
  100HewForEuallegrohew for euallegro  Chris BurchJul 12 2005GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 HexFileViewerHex File Viewer  Jacques DeschenesJan 5 1999WIN rds-hosted
  100HexmathHexMath  Michael J. SabalSep 29 2008GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 HexViewerHex Viewer  Maurizio MoroniApr 2 1998WIN rds-hosted
  100HexyGameHexy Game  Mark AkitaAug 27 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
 HiddenMessagesHidden messages  Emlyn MerlynSep 22 2004GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 HiddenWindowsHidden Windows  Francesc OrtizSep 12 2002WIN rds-hosted
  400HighResolutionTimingRoutineHigh Resolution Timing routine  Verne TiceJan 23 2005GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 HighScoresLibraryHigh Scores Library  MrTrickFeb 12 2004WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 HistpieHistPie  OtterDadFeb 1 2010WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Histpie2HistPie  Fred ManganJun 5 2008WIN rds-hosted
 HolisticEncryptionHolistic Encryption  Peter BlueMar 9 2004LNX rds-hosted
 Horde3dForEuphoriaHorde3D for Euphoria  Mark BrownSep 18 2011WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 HowToProgramComputersHow To Program Computers  Steve BaxterFeb 16 2012GEN rds-hosted Documentation
 Hq9InterpreterHQ9+ Interpreter  D. NewhallFeb 26 2005GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 HtmlBuilderHTML builder  Tapani TalvitieMar 10 2003GEN rds-hosted Internet
 HtmlibHTMLib  Nahuel CarballoOct 4 2003GEN rds-hosted Internet
 HtmlMakerHTML Maker  Ryan MannFeb 13 2010GEN rds-hosted Internet
 HtmlParserHTML Parser  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008GEN rds-hosted Internet
 HtmlParser2HTML Parser  Jean-Marc DUROSep 30 2012GEN rds-hosted Internet
  120HtmlProgrammingLibraryHTML Programming Library  back_analysJan 20 2007GEN rds-hosted Internet
 HtmlTableMakerHTML Table Maker  Aidan BindoffMay 20 2000GEN rds-hosted Internet
 HuffmanCompressionHuffman Compression  Junko MiuraMar 18 1999GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS
  100HyperbolicAndListRoutinesHyperbolic and List Routines  Brad OlsonFeb 4 2003GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 IconsIcons  Mike DuffyFeb 28 2007WIN rds-hosted
 IDE104IDE 104 for win32lib 0.70.4 and eu 4.xx  ChrisBurch3Dec 22 2016WIN rds-hosted
 IdealatorIdealator  Ron TarrantOct 14 2002WIN rds-hosted
 IdeLanguageFileIDE language file  Fernando Jose Velo PerezFeb 26 2006WIN rds-hosted
  260IdleTaskLibraryidle task library  Ryan W. JohnsonJul 14 2008GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 ImageEditorImage Editor  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 ImageEditor2Image Editor  GazApr 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
  120ImageEvolverImage Evolver  Alexander ToressonMay 28 2003WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 IncludeFileDependenciesInclude File Dependencies  Matt ArriolaMar 1 2003GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 IncludeUtilityINCLUDE Utility  Fred ManganOct 26 2006GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 IndexSortIndex Sort  Pete KingFeb 4 2000GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
   80InfoboxinfoBox  Andy DrummondJul 27 2007WIN rds-hosted
 IniFileEditorIni File Editor  Matt ArriolaAug 19 2000WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  150InplaceScientificCalculatorAndServerInPlace Scientific Calculator and Server  Al GetzApr 8 2005WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Inputboxinput_box()  Greg HaberekDec 2 2004WIN rds-hosted User Interfaces
  100InsertBitmapsInsert Bitmaps  Elliott Sales de AndradeOct 31 2002WIN rds-hosted
 InsertCommasInsert Commas  Robert PilkingtonJul 3 1998GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 InsertPeriodsInsert Periods  Raúl CamposMar 27 1998GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 InstallationWizardInstallation wizard  Emlyn MerlynOct 26 2004WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 InstallChessPiecesInstall Chess Pieces  Al GetzFeb 27 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
 InternationalFontsInternational fonts  Igor KachanMay 1 2006GEN rds-hosted Fonts
 InternetLibrary2Internet Library  Jean-Marc DUROAug 8 2016WIN rds-hosted Internet
  150InternetServerInternet Server  Hawke'Dec 26 1998WIN rds-hosted Internet
 InverseMathFunctionsInverse Math Functions  J.F. SoucailleJan 16 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 InvertAMatrixInvert a matrix  Art AdamsonJan 23 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 IOPortsI/O Ports  Jesus ConsuegraDec 10 2001WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level
  500IrregularWindowsIrregular Windows  PatRatJan 16 2001WIN rds-hosted
 IsoToUtf-8ConversionIso to UTF-8 conversion  Jean-Marc DUROSep 16 2012GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 JankenGameRockPaperScissorsJanken game (rock, paper, scissors)  micSep 20 2004WIN rds-hosted Games
 JapaneseTextConverterJapanese Text Converter  AkuDec 11 2002WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 JapaneseTutorJapanese Tutor  MicAug 8 2000WIN rds-hosted
 JapaneseVerbConjugatorJapanese Verb Conjugator  Matt ArriolaMay 17 2002WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 JapiForLinuxTestedAndReadySamplesjapi for linux tested and ready samples  Carlos ValdesJan 30 2009LNX rds-hosted
 JapiForWindowsTestedAndReadyjapi for windows tested and ready  Carlos ValdesJan 30 2009WIN rds-hosted
 JapiGuiLibraryCompiledForIntelOsxJAPI GUI Library compiled for INTEL OSX  alban readNov 19 2006GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces
 JensFileEditorForEuphoria3xJens' File Editor for Euphoria 3.x  Alex AntypenkoNov 28 2008WIN rds-hosted Editors
 JetvetsqlJetvetSQL  Chris BurchFeb 11 2006GEN rds-hosted Database
 JimsTimerJims Timer  llamedosoAug 2 2008WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 JirisSudokujiri's sudoku  jiri baborNov 28 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 JoedJoEd  Jonathan SantosFeb 9 2001WIN rds-hosted
 JudithsIdeAsExeJudith's IDE as a .exe  Greg HaberekJan 12 2003WIN rds-hosted
  100JudithsIdeCompiledJudith's IDE compiled  AkuNov 21 2004WIN rds-hosted
 JunkosDaybydateReviewedJunko's DayByDate reviewed  Jean-Marc DUROSep 30 2010GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 KakuroAssistantKakuro Assistant  Jean-Marc DUROJun 24 2013WIN rds-hosted Games
 KakuroAssistantV2Kakuro Assistant v2  Jean-Marc DUROJul 19 2013WIN rds-hosted Games
 KakuroTrainerV18Kakuro Trainer v1.8  Jean-Marc DUROOct 18 2014WIN rds-hosted Games
 KcregKCreg  keldepuloDec 13 2003WIN rds-hosted
 KernighanInterpreterBenchmarksKernighan Interpreter Benchmarks  RDSJan 28 1998GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS
 KeyboardKeyboard  Fred RansomNov 30 2012WIN rds-hosted
 KeyboardStatusKeyboard Status  AkuJul 3 2003WIN rds-hosted
 KjvApocryphaKJV Apocrypha  William HeimbignerJul 25 2004GEN rds-hosted Database
 KnapsackKnapsack: simple and fast  Ricardo FornoSep 2 2007GEN rds-hosted
 KnapsackProblemKnapsack Problem  Art AdamsonNov 11 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Kv-KeyValueSequencesKV - Key/Value Sequences  Kenneth RiviereJul 28 2010GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 LaborSchedulingLabor Scheduling  Logan KodyszDec 19 2004WIN rds-hosted
 LAndDL and D  DB JamesAug 12 2007WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 LAndDFullscreenL and D Fullscreen  DB JamesMay 9 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
  150LaunchPadv403Launch Pad (v4.03)  Al GetzMay 26 2006WIN rds-hosted
 LazguiLazGUI  Jean-Marc DUROFeb 24 2016GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces
 LdapSearchLDAP Search  Jean-Marc DUROMay 31 2017GEN rds-hosted Internet
 LearnToTypeLearn to type v1.50 - for Euphoria 3.1.1  Shian LeeJan 11 2018GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 LetterGameLetter Game  Erik-Jan van KampenApr 1 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
 LevenshteinStringDistanceLevenshtein string distance  Jeremy CowgarAug 20 2008GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 LewyTsRpgGameLewy T's RPG Game  Lewis TownsendJun 15 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
 Lib2lib2 v1.00 for Euphoria 3.1.1  Shian LeeJan 16 2018GEN rds-hosted
 Libcurllibcurl  Jean-Marc DURONov 10 2016GEN rds-hosted Internet
 LibraryForComplexNumbersLibrary for Complex Numbers  SpockyFeb 16 2000GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  100LibraryOfStatisticalFunctionsLibrary of Statistical Functions  Charles NewbouldApr 9 2010GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 LibxlswriterForEu3libxlswriter for eu3  Jean-Marc DUROOct 9 2016WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Limitslimits.e  Jason GadeJun 12 2008GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 LinearLeastSquaresLinear Least Squares  Rolf SchroederFeb 28 2001GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Linebreak-Lb-FixTheLineBreaksInTextFileslinebreak - lb - fix the line breaks in text files  Shawn PringleDec 8 2008GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 LineNumbersLine Numbers  llamedosoAug 17 2016WIN rds-hosted
 LinkedListLinked List  James CookJun 23 2017GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 LinuxConsoleUtilitiesLinux console utilities  Chris BurchFeb 4 2004LNX rds-hosted
 Listroutines2ListRoutines  DB JamesJul 16 2007WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 ListviewTreeviewDemoListview/TreeView Demo  Wayne OvermanJul 24 2000WIN rds-hosted
   50LlamaLlama  David CunyJun 29 1999WIN rds-hosted
 LlamaDemosLlama Demos  Kenneth RogerJun 13 1999WIN rds-hosted
 LoadFileFromEuphoriaDataLoad File from Euphoria Data  Andrea CiniDec 20 2001WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 LoadgifWithWin32libLoad .GIF with Win32Lib  Martin StachonJul 9 2003WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 LoadOrMergeFilesIntoEdsLoad/Merge Files into EDS  Larry GreggMay 24 2000GEN rds-hosted Database
 LongestCommonSubstringProblemLongest Common Substring Problem  James CookJun 2 2017GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 LosslessImageCodecLossless Image Codec  MicDec 9 2002GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Low-levelWindowsWrapperLow-level Windows wrapper  Jean-Marc DUROJan 10 2016WIN rds-hosted
 LowLevelMemoryRoutinesLow Level Memory Routines  Jordah FergusonAug 9 2002WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
  150LplannerLPlanner  Michael J. SabalMar 2 2005WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 LsdV03LSD v0.3  Jean-Marc DUROApr 18 2007WIN rds-hosted Database
 LtscLaptop Spy Camera  llamedosoMay 17 2016WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  120LuaV502WrappersForEuphoriaLua v502 wrappers for Euphoria  Jeremy PetersonDec 20 2005WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
  200LzCompressionLZ Compression  MicMay 28 2003GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 LzjbCompressionLibraryLZJB compression library  Aku 2006May 14 2006GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Machine-languageExecutorMachine-Language Executor  Brecht PynooMar 29 2000GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 Machine2v101Machine2 (v1.01)  Shian LeeMar 17 2017GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level
 Machine2v106Machine2 (v1.06)  Shian LeeDec 23 2017GEN rds-hosted
  200MagicDesigner-toy-EmulationProgramMagic Designer (toy) emulation program  Andrew KatzJul 2 2009WIN rds-hosted Games
 MagicPacketUtilityMagic Packet Utility  Andrew HallMay 31 2005WIN rds-hosted Internet
 MakedocMakeDoc  Derek ParnellDec 18 2006WIN rds-hosted Documentation
 MakeIconMake Icon  Alexander ToressonOct 10 2004GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  200MakeProjectFileMake Project File  Martin StachonApr 5 2002WIN rds-hosted
 ManageExcelFilesManage Excel files  Jean-Marc DURONov 16 2015WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 ManifestMakerManifest Maker  Mike DuffyMar 24 2010WIN rds-hosted
 MapEditorMap Editor  Blair HowarthJun 20 2001WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  150MaprulerMapRuler  jacques deschenesSep 9 2005WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  150MarkovianTextGeneratorMarkovian Text Generator  Ricardo M. FornoJan 27 2006GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 MastermindGame22MasterMind Game  Roland StowasserDec 2 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
 MasterSystemEmulatorMaster System emulator  micApr 5 2004WIN rds-hosted Games
  720MathevalMatheval  Matthew LewisApr 20 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 MathLibraryMath Library  Al GetzFeb 12 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  100MathLibrary2Math Library  Don CahelaJun 2 2009GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 MathProblemGeneratorMath Problem Generator  Jon SasJun 24 2003WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 MathRoutinesMath Routines  Andy MontgomeryFeb 5 1999GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Mathv100Math (v1.00)  Shian LeeFeb 18 2017GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 MatrixOperationsMatrix Operations  J.F. SoucailleJan 30 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 MazeMakerMaze Maker  Evan MarshallJun 2 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
 MazeSolverMaze Solver  Jeremy PoppSep 9 2002GEN rds-hosted Games
 McatalogMCatalog  Fred ManganNov 5 2009WIN rds-hosted Database
 McsyntaxEuphoria 3.1.1 syntax highlighting for Midnight Commander  Shian LeeNov 17 2017LNX rds-hosted
 Md5MessageDigestAlgorithmMD5 Message Digest Algorithm  Davi FigueiredoNov 12 2000GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 MdiDemoMDI Demo  Francis DowlingJun 12 2001WIN rds-hosted
 MdxEuphoriaConsoleEditormdx.ex Euphoria console editor  Kenneth RhodesMay 2 2014GEN rds-hosted Editors
 MeasurementConversionToolMeasurement Conversion Tool  Jim RobertsOct 5 2001GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 MemoMemo  Thomas JansenApr 14 2005WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  100Memorymemory.e  Hayden McKayMay 2 2005GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level
 MemoryChallengeMemory Challenge  Ryan MannDec 5 2010GEN rds-hosted Games
 MemoryChallengesMemory Challenges  irv mullinsDec 17 2010LNX rds-hosted Games
 MemoryDumpMemory Dump  Jess HarpurFeb 16 2001WIN rds-hosted
  240MemoryMonitorMemory Monitor  H. W. OvermanDec 26 2002WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  200MemoryV10Memory v1.0  Evan MarshallJan 2 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
 MergeSortMerge Sort  Don CahelaSep 19 2008GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  100MersenneTwisterMersenne Twister  Brendon SlyJul 20 2001GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 MessageBoxesForUnicodemessage boxes for Unicode  Arthur CrumpOct 14 2009WIN rds-hosted
 Meta-tagGeneratorMeta-tag Generator  Robert SzalayJun 12 2002WIN rds-hosted Internet
 5700MethodEuphoriaMethod Euphoria  Mike NelsonOct 9 2010GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 Micromicro  int-inputApr 19 2004GEN rds-hosted Games
 MicrosoftOutlookBarMicrosoft Outlook Bar  David CunyDec 9 2000WIN rds-hosted
  325MidiFileGeneratorMidi File Generator  Mark AkitaMar 31 2001WIN rds-hosted Sound
 MidnightCommanderSyntaxHighlightingMidnight Commander syntax highlighting  prickleJul 31 2009LNX rds-hosted Editors
  100Mimocmimoc.e  agsFeb 9 2006GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 MinesweeperBeaterMinesweeper Beater  Daniel KlussSep 4 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
  150MinesweeperbeaterVer3MineSweeperBeater Ver3  Daniel KlussSep 10 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
 MineSweeperGameMine Sweeper Game  David CunyJun 1 1999WIN rds-hosted Games
 MinesweeperWithQuestionsMinesweeper With Questions  Daniel KlussSep 7 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
 Ming-swfOutput-Wrapper-alpha04Ming (swf output) wrapper (alpha04)  Gary ShinglesJul 24 2008WIN rds-hosted Internet
 MiscGraphicsProgramsmisc graphics programs  practicing01Dec 28 2004WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 MixedFractionsMixed Fractions  Fred RansomApr 15 2012WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 ModernOpenglTutorialsModern OpenGL Tutorials  Steve AllenJan 2 2013WIN rds-hosted Documentation
 ModifiedConquestGameModified Conquest Game  Shawn PringleDec 31 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
 ModifiedEdexModified ed.ex  T-DukeApr 21 2015WIN rds-hosted Editors
 ModifiedIncludeSystemModified include system  Vincent HowellFeb 9 2006GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
  100ModifiedInterpreterModified Interpreter  Matthew LewisJul 14 2003WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 ModifiedLibraryDocumentationModified Library Documentation  Rod HicksAug 1 2002GEN rds-hosted Documentation
  600ModifiedPrintRoutineModified Print Routine  Gabriel BoehmeMar 29 2000GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Monblamonbla  practicing01Mar 8 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
 MonitorAllWindowsMonitor All Windows  Greg HaberekApr 7 2003WIN rds-hosted
 MonsterMinesMonster Mines  Liquid-NitrogenOct 23 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
 MoreDatesMore Dates  don coleAug 17 2005GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 MoreIconsMore Icons  jxliv7 - jonJun 21 2005GEN rds-hosted
  850MorfitReloadedMorfit reloaded  Mark Brown and Todd RigginsNov 30 2007WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
  420MouseViaKeyboardMouse via keyboard  Thomas BetterlyJul 20 2007WIN rds-hosted User Interfaces
 MoveOrResizeBorderlessWindowsMove/Resize Borderless Windows  DadukoDec 31 2009WIN rds-hosted
  100MoveOrResizeBorderlessWindows2Move/Resize Borderless Windows  PatRatMar 25 2001WIN rds-hosted
 Moving3-dObjectsMoving 3-D Objects  Jason MirwaldJun 28 2000WIN rds-hosted
  100Mp3EvaluatorMP3 Evaluator  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Sound
  150MpegGopCutterMPEG GOP Cutter  Doug WeinertNov 17 2002WIN rds-hosted
 MrMr  Eric RandallApr 27 2016WIN rds-hosted Editors
 Multi-playerWordGameUsingSocketsMulti-player Word Game Using Sockets  Irv MullinsFeb 15 2000LNX rds-hosted
 MultiplatformEvalScriptMultiplatform Eval Script  Alex ChamberlainDec 15 2005GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 MultiplicationQuizFor3rdGradeMultiplication Quiz for 3rd Grade  HecnorJan 9 1999WIN rds-hosted
 MultisearchMultiSearch  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 MunafaAccountingPackageMunafa Accounting Package  Anando BanerjeeJul 9 2005WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 MusicDatabaseMusic Database  Larry MearsOct 1 2001WIN rds-hosted
  300MusubiMusubi  Mark K. AkitaSep 2 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
 MutateDollarSigns-mdsMutate Dollar Signs (MDS)  Al GetzJan 4 2005GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 MyboxMyBox  Allen AshbyNov 20 2006WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 MydiaryMyDiary  Fred ManganNov 26 2015WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 MyeditorMyEditor  Allen AshbyJan 21 2007WIN rds-hosted Editors
 MyinputoutputMyInputOutput  eggMar 21 2006WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 MyLinksMy Links  irv mullinsMar 16 2010LNX rds-hosted Simple Demos
 Mysql50ForEuphoriaFromFabioRamirezMySQL 5.0 for Euphoria from Fabio Ramirez  MC WongSep 26 2009WIN rds-hosted Database
  150MysqlForEuphoriaMySQL for Euphoria  Fabio RamirezJul 20 2002WIN rds-hosted Database
 MystackMystack  James CookMay 27 2017GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  130MywindowsMyWindows  KittenABAug 25 2006WIN rds-hosted
 NamespaceDemoNamespace Demo  AkuJun 22 2003GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 NamespaceParserNamespace Parser  J. BrownJul 18 2001GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 NaturalLanguageTranslatorNatural Language Translator  George Brooks / Rob CraigFeb 5 2002GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  100NaturalSortNatural Sort  Andy SerpaJan 13 2006GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  100NcursesForEuphoriancurses for Euphoria  Chris BurchJan 26 2006LNX rds-hosted
 NetscanNetscan  irv mullinsMar 19 2010LNX rds-hosted
  305NetworkGameEngineNetwork Game Engine  AndrewDec 19 2001WIN rds-hosted Internet
 NeuralNetworkBugSimulatorNeural Network Bug Simulator  John McAdamMar 12 2001GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 NewtonianTelescopeSpotDiagramsNewtonian Telescope Spot Diagrams  Kenneth RogerMay 16 1998WIN rds-hosted
  450Nexus24Pre-betaNexus 2.4 pre-beta  Don PhillipsFeb 11 2004WIN rds-hosted Editors
  700NexusCodeEditorNexus Code Editor  Don PhillipsNov 9 2002WIN rds-hosted Editors
  300Non-englishLanguageSupportNon-English Language Support  Jiri NemecDec 18 1998WIN rds-hosted
 Non-linearLeastSquaresNon-Linear Least Squares  Rolf SchroederFeb 28 2001GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
   70NormalDistributionNormal Distribution  Erik van KampenApr 10 2001GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 NotesNotes  Greg HaberekAug 25 2008WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 NotetabFileNoteTab File  Alvin KoffmanMar 31 2001WIN rds-hosted
  300NumberConversionsNumber conversions  David MoneyDec 31 2005GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 NumberEWithThousandsOfDigitsNumber e with thousands of digits  Jaime MarcosOct 20 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Object-orientedProgrammingObject-Oriented Programming  Ralf NieuwenhuijsenJun 2 1998GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 Object-orientedProgrammingExampleObject-Oriented Programming Example  Francis BussiereMay 25 1997GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 ObjectOrientedProgrammingInEuphoriaObject Oriented Programming in Euphoria  Jurgen JanesJul 11 1999GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 1400OdbcDatabaseConnectivityODBC Database Connectivity  Matthew LewisMar 10 2005GEN rds-hosted Database
  300OdbcLibraryODBC Library  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Database
 OddBehaviourInMletextOdd behaviour in MleText  Phil FrenchJan 22 2015WIN rds-hosted Fonts
 OnxxxToSethandlerIdeProjectConvertonXXX to setHandler IDE Project Convert  Andy DrummondMar 1 2004WIN rds-hosted
 Openal3dSoundOpenAL 3D Sound  Daniel KlussNov 8 2003WIN rds-hosted Sound
 Opencv10OpenCV1.0  rasJan 11 2012GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 OpenEuLogoSamplesOpen Eu Logo Samples  Alex CaracatsanisSep 6 2009GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 OpenglDemoOpenGL demo  Steve AllenJan 12 2013WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
  100OpenglDemo-TrueGlOpenGL Demo - True GL  Daniel KlussNov 21 2003WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 OpenglDemosForSdlOpenGL Demos for SDL  Mark AkitaFeb 6 2003WIN rds-hosted
 OpenglExamplesOpengl Examples  Daniel KlussMay 31 2004WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 1275OpenglGraphicsForEuphoriaOpenGL Graphics for Euphoria  MicMar 23 2008WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
  200OpenptcGraphicsOpenPTC Graphics  Russell K. DavisJun 7 2000WIN rds-hosted
 OptimalScalingOptimal Scaling  Alexei van BaarenNov 1 2001GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 OptimizedImageOptimized image.e  Paul PlummerApr 5 2002GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 OrbitsOrbits  Erik-Jan van KampenFeb 15 2006WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 OsxintelBuildOfDavidCunysEeEditorOSX (Intel) build of David Cuny's EE editor.  alban readNov 8 2006GEN rds-hosted Editors
 OsxintelSpeechSynthesizerLibraryOSX (Intel) speech synthesizer library  alban readNov 13 2006GEN rds-hosted
   30OthelloGameOthello Game  Jerry NicholsDec 1 1998WIN rds-hosted Games
 OxParserGeneratorOx Parser Generator  David CunyNov 4 2000GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 PaletteFileReadingAndWritingRoutinesversion10Palette file reading/writing routines (Version 1.0)  cumesoftwareJan 21 2005GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Papou32Papou32  NeoOct 18 2005WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level
 ParRarEliminatorPar/Rar Eliminator  don coleJul 29 2006WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 ParseWithKeepParse with keep  Michael RaleyOct 9 2005GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 PasswordKeeperPassword Keeper  V.J. DemskyMar 16 2000WIN rds-hosted
 PatcherPatcher  Alexander ToressonMar 16 2004GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  400PatternMatchingPattern Matching  Karl BochertApr 23 2002WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
  400PatternMatchingForTextStringsPattern Matching for Text Strings  David CunyFeb 4 2000GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 PbookPhonebookUtilitypbook phonebook utility  Greg HaberekMar 10 2004GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
   50PcSpeakerSoundsPC Speaker Sounds  Ting (Aku)Jul 9 2001WIN rds-hosted Sound
 PebblesGamesForDosAndLinuxPebbles Games for DOS and Linux  Benjamin FitchJan 10 2001LNX rds-hosted
 PentiumBugCheckPentium Bug Check  Nahuel CarballoAug 3 2008GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level
 PeriodicTableOfTheElementsPeriodic Table of the Elements  Guillermo Friant V.May 17 1999WIN rds-hosted
 PeriodicTableProgramPeriodic Table program  Jeremy PetersonDec 23 2005WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  100PerlinNoiseLibraryPerlin Noise Library  Dan McGrathSep 3 2003GEN rds-hosted Sound
 PermutationsPermutations  Fred RansomApr 10 2013WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 PermutationsAndCombinationsOfUpTo13ThingsPermutations and Combinations of up to 13 things  Ralph GillottNov 6 2003GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 PhoneListPhone List  Guillermo Bonvehi / Gustavo BottegoniNov 21 2001WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 PhoneMasterPhone Master  Doug WeinertMar 25 2004WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 PictureViewerPicture Viewer  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 Pikquik3PikQuik 3  David PlettsJun 21 2005WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  100PikquikBitsPikQuik Bits  David PlettsJun 23 2005WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 PingAndTrace-routePing and Trace-Route  Alexander KarpeevApr 17 2002WIN rds-hosted Internet
 PipeIOPipe I/O  J. BrownApr 1 2002LNX rds-hosted
 PlistFileForTextwranglerForMacOsXplist file for TextWrangler for Mac OS X  MacUserJan 1 2010GEN rds-hosted Editors
 PoolDemoPool Demo  GazApr 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
 Poptpopt  Jeff NyczDec 21 2003LNX rds-hosted Library Routines
  300PopupEliminatorPopup Eliminator  Robert SwistonMar 28 2003WIN rds-hosted Internet
  600PopupsForEuwinguiPopups for EuWinGui  Colin TaylorNov 21 2002WIN rds-hosted
 PortAccessPort Access  Monty KingJul 2 1998WIN rds-hosted
 PortfolioOptimizerPortfolio Optimizer  Robert CraigNov 9 2007GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 PortForwarderPort Forwarder  Mario SteeleJul 14 2004WIN rds-hosted Internet
 PortOfTheWin32libToSupportOldVersionsOfWindowsPort of the Win32lib to support old versions of Windows  Shawn Pringle B.Sc.Oct 21 2007WIN rds-hosted
 Postgresql81WrapperForEuphoriaPostgreSQL8.1 wrapper for Euphoria  Jeremy PetersonDec 23 2005WIN rds-hosted Database
  250PreciseTimerDosAndWindowsPrecise Timer DOS and Windows  Daniel KlussAug 6 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 PreprocessorForOopPreprocessor for OOP  Karl BochertSep 20 2000WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 PretenderPRETENDer  Some SlackerDec 18 2005WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 Pretty-sequencePretty_Sequence  Al GetzJun 30 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  100PrintInColumnsPrint in Columns  Tony StewardAug 17 2003WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 PrintUtilityPrint Utility  Barend MaaskantJul 29 1999WIN rds-hosted
 PrioritizedColumnSortPrioritized Column Sort  Al GetzJun 22 2005GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
   80ProcessViewerProcess Viewer  Pete StonerJun 16 2006WIN rds-hosted
 ProfileLibraryProfile Library  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
  100ProfilerProfiler  Alexander ToressonNov 15 2003WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 ProgramLauncherProgram Launcher  Brian JacksonFeb 26 1999WIN rds-hosted
 ProgramLauncher2Program Launcher  Norman WalcottMay 17 2001WIN rds-hosted
 ProgrammersFontsProgrammer's Fonts  Karl BochertMar 4 2001WIN rds-hosted Fonts
 ProgramWithFlowChartsProgram with Flow Charts  Claudio EmiliozziAug 6 2001WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 ProgramWriterprogram writer  don coleMay 15 2005WIN rds-hosted
 ProjectFileExamplesProject File Examples  Martin StachonDec 14 2001WIN rds-hosted
 PropertySheetProperty Sheet  Martin StachonSep 24 2002WIN rds-hosted
 1000ProviewerProViewer  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 PsionE-mailHandlerPsion E-mail Handler  David AldredJun 2 2001WIN rds-hosted Internet
 PtcDemosPTC Demos  Mark AkitaApr 28 2001WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 PurgeFilesPurge Files  Greg HaberekJul 20 2003WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 QalarmclockQ_AlarmClock  DB JamesSep 16 2007WIN rds-hosted
 QhtmQHTM  Aku 2005Feb 26 2005WIN rds-hosted
 QtToEuphoriaGtkQt to Euphoria Gtk  ninoidApr 21 2010LNX rds-hosted
 QuadraticEquationQuadratic Equation  Rubens Monteiro LucianoMay 19 2002WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
  100QuartzQuartz: OOP in Euphoria  Roderick JacksonDec 14 1999GEN rds-hosted
 QuartzProfessionalQuartz Professional: OOP in Euphoria  Roderick JacksonDec 14 1999GEN rds-hosted
 Quick-alarmQuick-Alarm  Marc PoulinDec 20 2004WIN rds-hosted
 QuickImgTagGeneratorQuick IMG tag generator  Marco AchuryMay 12 2008GEN rds-hosted Internet
 QuickPickQuick Pick  Logan KodyszApr 9 2008WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 QuickProgramLauncherQuick Program Launcher  Liu JunfengMar 27 2003WIN rds-hosted
 QuickSortAlgorithmQuick Sort Algorithm  Greg HaberekNov 14 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 RandomLevelsForPlatformGamesRandom levels for platform games  Emlyn MerlynOct 26 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
   10RandomNumbersRandom Numbers  KaseyApr 30 1998GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 RandomPhraseGeneratorRandom Phrase Generator  James BegleyAug 13 1998WIN rds-hosted
 RandomPlaylistGeneratorRandom Playlist Generator  Greg HaberekDec 27 2002WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 Randomv100random.e (v1.00)  Shian LeeMar 23 2017GEN rds-hosted Database
 RandomwavPlayerRandom .WAV Player  Chris BurchOct 26 2002WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  300RarFileExtractionLibraryRAR File Extraction Library  Elliott Sales de AndradeNov 24 2003WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 RaySmithsEutcp4uWithLongSequencesRay Smith's EuTcp4U with long sequences  Jean-Marc DUROSep 30 2010WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 RayTracingInOpenglWithTgasRay Tracing in OpenGL with TGAs  Daniel KlussNov 22 2003WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 ReadAndWriteCsv-unicodeRead + Write CSV (unicode)  Aku 2004Dec 22 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  300ReadAndWritewavFilesRead/Write .WAV Files  Daryl Van den BrinkMay 14 2003GEN rds-hosted Sound
 ReadKeysRead Keys  Ken RogerJun 8 2001WIN rds-hosted
  300ReadOrWriteFileDateAndTimeRead or Write File Date and Time  Rolf SchroederSep 20 2003WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 RecipientEditorPluginRecipient Editor plugin  Michael RaleyMay 31 2004WIN rds-hosted
 RecodeRussianTextRecode Russian Text  Igor KachanMar 16 2007GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  300RecordSortingRecord Sorting  Derek ParnellOct 10 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 ReferenceReference  Pierino MoroJul 10 2006WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 Regewreg.ew  Shawn PringleJan 19 2016WIN rds-hosted
 RegistryFunctionsRegistry Functions  Jok3rMar 14 2000WIN rds-hosted
 RegistryModificationsForEuphoriaRegistry Modifications for Euphoria  Mathew HounsellApr 4 1999WIN rds-hosted
 RegistryRoutinesForWindowsNtxpvista78910And2000Registry Routines for Windows NT,XP,Vista,7,8,9,10 and 2000  Shawn PringleJan 23 2016WIN rds-hosted
  100RegressionAnalysisRegression Analysis  Marcelo MolinaApr 20 2002WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 RegularExpressionMatcherRegular Expression Matcher  David CunySep 24 1998GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 ReminderReminder  Mike WeverSep 22 2003WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
   25Reminder2Reminder  Jordah FergusonFeb 20 2002WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 RemoteAccessServiceremote access service  amir rezaMar 10 2005WIN rds-hosted
 RemoteDesktopSystemRemote Desktop System  Mario SteeleMar 26 2004WIN rds-hosted Internet
 ReplacementPrintStatementReplacement print statement  Derek ParnellJun 3 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 ResizerResizer  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008WIN rds-hosted
  175ResourceBinderResource Binder  David CunyNov 13 1999GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
  550ResourceUtilityForWin32libResource Utility for WIN32LIB  Bernie RyanJan 23 2006WIN rds-hosted
 RestApiFunctionsREST API functions  Jean-Marc DUROMay 20 2017GEN rds-hosted Internet
 ReverseFindAndOtherVariationsReverse find() and Other Variations  Lucius L. Hilley IIIMay 13 2002GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 RgbColorSelectorRGB Color Selector  Alan OxleyDec 29 2002WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 RgbviewRGBview  don coleJul 30 2008WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  300RichEditorRich Editor  Jason MirwaldOct 5 2002WIN rds-hosted Editors
 RolodexRolodex  ChrisAug 26 2003LNX rds-hosted Simple Demos
 RomanNumbersRoman Numbers  James CookJun 21 2017GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 RootFinderRoot Finder  Art AdamsonFeb 6 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Rot-13EncoderAndDecoderRot-13 Encoder/Decoder  Zak GreantJun 20 2000GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 Rotmg132GameClientRotmg 13.2 Game Client  gazMay 9 2013WIN rds-hosted Games
 RotmgEngineRotmg engine  gazDec 6 2014WIN rds-hosted Games
 RoundClockRound Clock  H.W. OvermanJun 18 2005WIN rds-hosted
 RoundingFunctionRounding function  Jean-Marc DUROMar 25 2007GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 RoundRobbinRound Robbin  Fred RansomMay 28 2010WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 RoundToNDecimalPlacesRound to N Decimal Places  Mike NelsonJun 10 2000GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 RoutinesForAccessingdllFilesRoutines for Accessing .DLL Files  Drazen MravinacAug 11 1999WIN rds-hosted
 RoutinesForSvgalibRoutines for SVGALib  Marcos DonnantuoniFeb 6 2000LNX rds-hosted
  400RoutinesForWin32ProgrammingRoutines for WIN32 Programming  Bernie RyanSep 24 1999WIN rds-hosted
 Rssgetrssget  Juergen LuethjeFeb 6 2006WIN rds-hosted Internet
  250Runge-kuttaNumericalIntegrationRunge-Kutta Numerical Integration  Don CahelaMar 8 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 RunProgramsPeriodicallyRun Programs Periodically  Travis MayOct 31 2002WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  300RussianEuSdlRussian EU SDL  Igor KachanMay 18 2006GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 SafeEdsWrapperLibrarySafe EDS Wrapper Library  Jordah FergusonMay 22 2002GEN rds-hosted Database
 SampleOdbcConnectionToAs400iseriesSample odbc.e connection to AS/400 (iSeries)  MC WongSep 25 2009WIN rds-hosted Database
 SampleOdbcCursorsConnectionToAs400iseriesSample odbc.e cursors connection to AS/400 (iSeries)  MC WongSep 26 2009WIN rds-hosted Database
 SamplerSampler  MicDec 7 2002WIN rds-hosted Sound
 SaveCompressedSequencesSave Compressed Sequences  Ralf NieuwenhuijsenAug 7 1998GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  350SaveEuphoriaObjectsInMemorySave Euphoria Objects in Memory  Jordah FergusonSep 20 2002GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 SaveViaFreeimageSave via FreeImage  Arthur CrumpSep 10 2010WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 SavingMasterYogaSaving Master Yoga  SpockyMar 17 2000WIN rds-hosted Games
 SchedulingDemoScheduling Demo  Greg HaberekJan 26 2003GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  100ScientificNotationParserScientific notation parser  Matt LewisAug 3 2007GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
  250ScintillaEditControlScintilla Edit Control  Mike DuffyMar 9 2008WIN rds-hosted
  300ScratchAFileScratch a File  Carlos ValdesAug 16 2003WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 ScreenCaptureScreen Capture  DajaroSep 1 1998WIN rds-hosted
 ScreenSaverExampleScreen Saver Example  S.R. WilliamsonMar 18 2000WIN rds-hosted
 ScriptingEngineScripting Engine  No SolutionMay 19 2000GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 ScriptsForTheXjedEditorScripts for the xJed Editor  Humberto YeverinoAug 31 2000LNX rds-hosted Editors
 ScriptslackerScriptSlacker  Steve AllenJun 29 2003WIN rds-hosted
 ScrollerScroller  Fred ManganJun 20 2011WIN rds-hosted Games
 Sdl2ConsoleWidgetsSDL2 console widgets  Jean-Marc DUROJan 15 2016GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces
 SdlCollisionDetectionLibrary-EusdlCollideSDL Collision Detection Library - EuSDL_Collide  Steven AllenJun 16 2007GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 SdlDatafilesSDL Datafiles  Steven AllenDec 12 2005WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 SdlDemosSDL Demos  Mark AkitaMar 19 2003WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 SdlForEuphoriaSDL for Euphoria  Mark AkitaFeb 5 2004WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 SdlGfxForEuphoriaSDL_gfx for Euphoria  Mark K. AkitaMar 23 2006WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 SdlImageLibrarySDL Image Library  Mark AkitaJun 22 2003WIN rds-hosted
 SdlLibraries-MixerAndImageSDL Libraries(Mixer & Image)  Andy P.Jul 1 2013GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
   50SdlMixerLibrarySDL Mixer Library  Mark AkitaOct 5 2006WIN rds-hosted Sound
 SdlSlideshowSDL Slideshow  ChrisBurch3Feb 3 2009GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 SdlTtfForEuphoriaSDL_ttf for Euphoria  Mark K. AkitaMar 23 2006WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 SdlWrapForLinuxSDL_Wrap for Linux  Mark AkitaApr 9 2003LNX rds-hosted
 SeaBattleGameSea Battle Game  Evan MarshallDec 12 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
  500SearchItemsearch_item  amir rezaJan 22 2004WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 SecurelyDeleteFilesSecurely Delete Files  llamedosoNov 25 2012WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 Sego-sdlEuphoriaGuiObjectsSego (SDL Euphoria GUI Objects)  Mark K. AkitaOct 25 2006WIN rds-hosted User Interfaces
 SendE-mailMessagesSend E-Mail Messages  Michael RaleyAug 19 2001WIN rds-hosted Internet
  300SendFilesToRecycleBinSend Files to Recycle Bin  Doug WeinertAug 14 2003WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  225SendkeysSendkeys  PatRatJul 5 2001WIN rds-hosted
  350SendMessageBetweenAppsSend Message Between Apps  Guillermo BonvehiJul 25 2001WIN rds-hosted
 SendMouseSend Mouse  Guillermo BonvehiDec 14 2001WIN rds-hosted
 SequenceOperationsSequence Operations  Emlyn MerlynMay 19 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  100SequenceOperationsTwoSequence Operations  Derek ParnellSep 17 2003GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  260SequenceParsingSyntaxSequence Parsing Syntax  Daryl BorderAug 26 2005GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
  220SequenceViewerSequence Viewer  Andras SzaboApr 20 2002WIN rds-hosted Database
 SetEuphoriaEnvironmentVariablesSet Euphoria Environment Variables  Al GetzJan 11 2005WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 SeteuversetEUver  Wolfgang FritzMar 14 2007WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
   50SetGetEnvironmentVariablesSet/Get Environment Variables  Robert SzalayOct 26 2002WIN rds-hosted [[!superceded]
 SetOfNewEuIconsSet of new EU icons  Igor KachanMar 16 2007GEN rds-hosted
  150SetsSets  Rod JacksonNov 19 2001GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 SetsLibrarySets Library  Shawn PringleJul 29 2007GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 SetUpRegistryForEuphoriaSet up Registry for Euphoria  Lionel WongApr 7 1999WIN rds-hosted
 ShellLinkShell Link  ShawnAug 14 2005WIN rds-hosted
 ShfileoperationWrapperSHFileOperation wrapper  Greg HaberekAug 15 2008WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 ShgetFileInfoShget File Info  AkuJun 2 2003WIN rds-hosted
 ShortcutShortcut  Mike DuffyMar 15 2007WIN rds-hosted
 ShortcutCreatorShortcut creator  Jeremy PetersonDec 13 2005WIN rds-hosted
 ShowWindowsDesktopCodeShow Windows Desktop code  Thomas BetterlyApr 5 2009WIN rds-hosted
  300ShutdownShutdown  Doug WeinertDec 30 2003WIN rds-hosted
 SimpleBackupProgramSimple Backup Program  Rob CraigAug 21 1999WIN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS
 SimpleDatabaseSimple Database  David MosleyJun 15 2001GEN rds-hosted Database
  100SimpleDirectMediaLayerSimple Direct Media Layer  Mark AkitaJul 11 2002WIN rds-hosted
 SimpleDirProgramSimple DIR Program  Mark NenadovApr 12 2000GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  100SimpleEdsEditorSimple EDS Editor  cklesterNov 15 2003GEN rds-hosted Database
 SimpleEncryptionProgramSimple Encryption Program  Marc HooverNov 15 2001WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 SimpleIniFileIncludesimple ini file include  Hayden McKayDec 15 2015WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 SimpleInstallerSimple Installer  Guillermo BonvehiFeb 4 2004WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  100SimpleObject-orientedEuphoriaSimple Object-Oriented Euphoria  No SolutionJul 12 2000GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 SimpleOopSimple OOP  Jean-Marc DUROJun 21 2011GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 SimpleOopTwoSimple OOP  Jean-Marc DUROMar 6 2013WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 SimpleProgramsSimple Programs  AbhayMay 17 2001GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 SimpleSmtpLibrarySimple SMTP Library  Peter BlueJan 17 2004LNX rds-hosted Internet
   50SimpleText-modeUserInterfaceSimple Text-Mode User Interface  Irv MullinsOct 28 2003LNX rds-hosted
 SimpleTextBrowserSimple Text Browser  Hugo RozasNov 5 2001GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 SimpleTextToPclConverterSimple text to PCL converter  Karoly KovacsJul 11 2009WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level
   15SimpleUserInputRoutineSimple User Input Routine  David CunyOct 10 1997GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces
  190SimplexAlgorithmSimplex Algorithm  Gerardo Valenzuela LozadaMay 12 2003GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 SimpleXorEncryptionSimple XOR Encryption  Ricardo FornoJan 1 2007GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  440SimpsonsRuleSimpson's Rule  Don CahelaMar 24 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 SimultaneousEquationsSimultaneous Equations  Laurence DraperApr 9 1999GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  100SimultaneousEquationsTwoSimultaneous Equations  Don CahelaMar 18 2013GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 SingleInstanceSingle instance  Douglas WeinertDec 28 2003WIN rds-hosted
  250SkinnedWindowLibraryAndExampleSkinned Window Library and Example  Dave ProbertJun 22 2005WIN rds-hosted
 SkipperSdlSkipper_SDL  Mark K. AkitaSep 27 2006WIN rds-hosted Games
 SlidersGameSliders Game  Roland StowasserAug 30 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
 SlipmasterSlipMaster  Normand BlaisJan 18 2000WIN rds-hosted Games
 SlotMachineSlot Machine  James GreenAug 21 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
 SmartstringsSmartStrings  Jim PishloJan 20 2010GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Snmp-SimpleNetworkManagementProtocolSNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)  Doug WeinertDec 15 2007WIN rds-hosted Internet
 SnoopSnoop  Jean-Marc DUROMar 14 2015WIN rds-hosted Internet
 SntpTimeLibrarySNTP time library  Brett PantaloneMay 9 2006WIN rds-hosted Internet
 SocksFirewallCommunicationSOCKS Firewall Communication  Mario SteeleMay 9 2005WIN rds-hosted Internet
 SoftwareRequestFormSoftware Request Form  Alan OxleyJun 20 2001WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  200SokobanGameSokoban Game  Kenneth RiviereMay 7 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
 SortByN-thFieldSort by n-th field  CChrisMay 3 2006GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 SortingSorting  Emlyn MerlynSep 22 2004GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 SoundexCodingSoundex Coding  Matt SephtonJul 30 1997GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
   75SoundexLibrarySoundex Library  Jess HarpurOct 11 2000GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 SourceCodeBuilderSource Code Builder  Tapani TalvitieMar 10 2003GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  100SousedMouseGameSoused Mouse Game  Robert SwistonOct 9 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
  900SpaceBlasterwasCheesySpaceGameSpace Blaster (was Cheesy Space Game)  Steve AllenMar 13 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
 SpeechEditorspeech editor  Bob ThompsonFeb 8 2006WIN rds-hosted Sound
 SpeechLibrarySpeech Library  C BouzyJan 25 2006WIN rds-hosted Sound
 SpellCheckEnhancementSpell Check Enhancement  Art AdamsonDec 5 1997GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 SpellCheckerSpell Checker  Junko MiuraMar 5 2002GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS
  250SpiderSpider  Daniel KlussMar 1 2004WIN rds-hosted Internet
 SpinningParticlesSpinning Particles  MicMay 23 2000WIN rds-hosted
 SpiralogySpiralogy  Michael RaleyJul 9 2006WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
   50SplitterControlSplitter Control  Don PhillipsNov 22 2001WIN rds-hosted
  300Spritecoresprite_core.e  Hayden McKayApr 18 2005GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level
 SqlUtilitySQL Utility  Jonas TempleMar 12 2001WIN rds-hosted Database
  700SquidBlasterSquid Blaster  Liquid-NitrogenFeb 19 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
 StableSortRoutinesStable Sort routines  MikeNov 11 2014GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  150StackLibraryStack Library  Lucius L. Hilley IIIMay 22 2002GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 StandardEuphoriaTypesStandard Euphoria Types  Juergen LuethjeAug 29 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 StarcraftBetaStarcraft beta  gazAug 9 2009WIN rds-hosted Games
 Startup-dirstartup_dir  Greg HaberekMay 28 2005GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 StatesAndCapitalsStates & Capitals  Gene MannelNov 5 2000WIN rds-hosted
 StatisticsProgramStatistics Program  VonFreudenhowserAug 19 1999GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Steelsnakes-ExhaustPipesDesignSTEELSNAKES - Exhaust Pipes Design  Claudio EmiliozziJan 2 2004WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 StegoAlgorithmsTEGO ALGo(rithm)  William HeimbignerSep 7 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Step-by-stepGuideLibraryStep-by-step guide library  Alexander ToressonApr 9 2004WIN rds-hosted Documentation
 StonesGameStones Game  David CunyOct 22 1999WIN rds-hosted Games
 StratagemGameStratagem Game  Mark AkitaNov 15 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
  150StretchBitmapStretch Bitmap  Martin StachonFeb 5 2002WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 StringLibraryPrototypeString Library Prototype  Normand BlaisJan 7 1999GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 StringSortString Sort  Art AdamsonJul 25 1997GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 StringTokenizerString Tokenizer  Francis O. DowlingJun 20 2007GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 2630StringTokenRoutinesString Token Routines  KatDec 27 2002GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Stringv100String.e (v1.00)  Shian LeeJan 31 2017GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
   80StrongTypedDatabaseV05Strong Typed Database v0.5  Jean-Marc DUROAug 1 2009GEN rds-hosted Database
 StructulatorStructulator  Ron TarrantOct 14 2002WIN rds-hosted
 StructureLibraryStructure Library  Chris Bensler / Jason MirwaldOct 5 2002GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 StructureLibraryupdateStructure Library [update]  Vincent / Chris / JasonJan 1 2006GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  300StructuresStructures  Derek ParnellJul 22 2002GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 StructuresManagementStructures Management  Jean-Marc DURONov 2 2016GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 SubdirectoryListSubdirectory List  Jeffrey FieldingJan 1 2002GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 SudokuSUDOKU  marco zambranoApr 20 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 SudokuTrainerSudoku Trainer  Jean-Marc DUROJul 13 2012WIN rds-hosted Games
 SudokuTwoSudoku  Eric RandallNov 23 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 SumWordsFunctionSum words function  Igor GalaninSep 20 2007GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 SuperscriptingWindowsCalculatorSuperscripting Windows Calculator  Shawn PringleJan 21 2016WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 SushiStomperSushi stomper  ChrisBurch3Oct 21 2007LNX rds-hosted Internet
   14SvgaGraphicsInLinuxSVGA Graphics in Linux  Pete EberleinAug 8 1999LNX rds-hosted
 SwfFileFormatSWF file format  Daniel KlussMay 10 2004WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 SwigEuphoriaSWIG/Euphoria  David CunyAug 19 2000WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
  625SyntaxColoringSyntax Coloring  Irv MullinsApr 24 2004LNX rds-hosted
  100SyntaxFilesForCrimsonEditorSyntax Files for Crimson Editor  Andrew HallJul 22 2004WIN rds-hosted Editors
  600SyntaxHighlightingEditorSyntax Highlighting Editor  Don PhillipsJun 2 2002WIN rds-hosted Editors
 SyntaxScriptForCodeGenieSyntax Script for Code Genie  Jonathan LegerDec 5 2002GEN rds-hosted Editors
 SynthSoundSynth Sound  MikeMay 7 2012WIN rds-hosted Sound
  400System-wideHotkeysSystem-Wide Hotkeys  Ting (Aku)Jun 17 2003WIN rds-hosted
  600SystemTrayIconsSystem Tray Icons  Thomas Parslow (PatRat)Apr 10 2003WIN rds-hosted
 TabControlSupportRoutinesTab Control Support Routines  Russell K. DavisFeb 18 2000WIN rds-hosted
  170TableDatabaseManagerTable Database Manager  KittenABAug 25 2006WIN rds-hosted Database
 Taglisttaglist  Harry ByersJun 16 2013LNX rds-hosted Sound
 TankGameTank Game  Mark AkitaSep 4 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
 TankhunterTankHunter  Ira HillDec 26 2011WIN rds-hosted Games
 TaskDialogsForWindowsVistaAndLaterTask Dialogs for Windows Vista and later  Arthur CrumpJun 28 2013WIN rds-hosted
   80TaskManagerTask Manager  Mike NelsonAug 27 2005GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 TcpDemosTCP Demos  Robert SzalayMar 31 2003WIN rds-hosted Internet
 TelnetClientTelnet Client  Jean-Marc DURONov 12 2015GEN rds-hosted Internet
  100TelnetProtocolTelnet Protocol  Michael RaleyOct 5 2000WIN rds-hosted Internet
 TemplateHandlerTemplate Handler  Dan MoyerOct 3 2001WIN rds-hosted
 TernaryTreesTernary Trees  Art AdamsonJul 1 1998GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  100TerragenToEuTerrainDemoTerragen to Eu Terrain Demo  your average JoeFeb 13 2006WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
  300TestToCompareEuphoriaAndCGraphicsTest to Compare Euphoria and C Graphics  Andrew KatzApr 28 2007WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
  380Text-modeFormsText-mode Forms  Andy CranstonMar 17 2003GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces
 TextBrowserText Browser  Paul PlummerNov 30 2001GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 TextEncoderText Encoder  Mike The SpikeMar 19 2001WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 TexterTexter  AndyJul 6 2005WIN rds-hosted Editors
 TextFileConverterText File Converter  Matt ArriolaJan 18 2001GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 TextFileReplaceText File Replace  Andras SzaboDec 16 2004WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 TextFileViewerText File Viewer  Greg HaberekDec 14 2002WIN rds-hosted Editors
   25TextFormatterText Formatter  Mike NelsonFeb 4 2001GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 TextmodeDialogsTextmode Dialogs  cklesterMay 4 2004GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces
  100TextToPdfConverterText to PDF converter  Maurizio MoroniJun 5 2001GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 TextUtilitiesText Utilities  Ricardo FornoAug 30 2001GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 TgsFlatAssemblerTG's Flat Assembler  Hayden McKayMay 28 2016WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 TheCase-xxFunctionThe case_xx() function  Igor KachanMar 18 2007GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 TheEuphoriaSubCommanderProjectThe Euphoria Sub Commander project  ChrisBurch3Nov 23 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 TheLibxlsxwriterLibraryThe libxlsxwriter library  Greg HaberekSep 11 2015GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 TheVoiceOfEuphoriathe voice of Euphoria  Michael RaleyFeb 8 2005WIN rds-hosted Sound
 ThinkEuphoriaThink Euphoria  Tom CiplijauskasFeb 21 2009GEN rds-hosted Documentation
 ThreadManager01Thread Manager 01  Al GetzAug 10 2005WIN rds-hosted
 Tidytidy  jiri baborDec 16 2003GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 Tidy-backupForWee043Tidy-Backup for WEE 0.43  Kenneth RhodesJan 4 2016LNX rds-hosted Language Tools
 Tidy12tidy 1.2  Kenneth RhodesApr 7 2013GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 TidyPrintTidy print  Andy DrummondSep 2 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
  200TileModelTile Model  MikeJul 2 2007WIN rds-hosted
 TimedmsgTimedMsg  Fred ManganMar 2 2010WIN rds-hosted
  300TimeitV02TimeIt v0.2  Guillermo BonvehiApr 23 2004WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 TimerTimer  Brett PantaloneApr 4 1999WIN rds-hosted
  600TimesheetProgramTimesheet Program  Jonas TempleNov 2 2004WIN rds-hosted
 TimeStatusBarTime Status Bar  OtterDadNov 24 2008WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 TimeTestTime Test  Andy CranstonMar 22 2002WIN rds-hosted
 TinyptcForEuphoriaTinyPTC for Euphoria  Adam DanielssonFeb 14 2003WIN rds-hosted
 TokenParserV21Token Parser v2.1  Stewart MacKenzie-LeighJan 3 2004GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 TonysEugridsortTony's EUGridSort  Tony StewardFeb 21 2005WIN rds-hosted
 ToolKitRoutinesTool Kit Routines  Derek ParnellMay 4 2004GEN rds-hosted
 TopazEditorTopaz Editor  AndrewMay 30 2002WIN rds-hosted Editors
 TopazScriptingEngineTopaz Scripting Engine  Roderick JacksonMar 24 2002GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  100TowersOfHanoiTowers of Hanoi  Martin StachonAug 16 2002WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 TraceRouteTrace route  alban readFeb 18 2006WIN rds-hosted Internet
 TraceUtilityTrace utility  Phil FrenchDec 25 2014WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 TranslationHelperForEnhancedIdeTranslation Helper for Enhanced IDE  Roland StowasserDec 15 2007WIN rds-hosted
 TranslatorSupportForMingwAndPellesCTranslator Support for MinGW and Pelles C  Konstantinos TampourisNov 5 2006WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 TravellingSalesmanTwoTravelling Salesman  MicApr 28 2002WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
   50TriangleFillersTriangle Fillers  MicOct 31 2000GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 TriangleLibraryTriangle library  CChrisFeb 26 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 2900TruetypeFontConverterTrueType Font Converter  Colin TaylorAug 23 2003GEN rds-hosted Fonts
 TruliteTruLite  Liquid-NitrogenMar 1 2005WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 1250TsunamiRecordManagerWrappersTsunami Record Manager wrappers  H.W. OvermanJun 18 2005WIN rds-hosted Database
 TurbopowerAsyncProTerminalTurboPower Async Pro Terminal  Jean-Marc DUROOct 1 2014WIN rds-hosted
 Tutor2Tutor2  Fred ManganFeb 26 2016WIN rds-hosted Documentation
 TutorialTutorial  Don PhillipsDec 31 2001WIN rds-hosted Documentation
 TwoProgrammingLanguagesTwo Programming Languages  Tom EklöfApr 6 2000GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 TypeCheckingForStructuresType Checking for Structures  Adam WeedenMar 24 2000GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 TypingSpeedTesterTyping Speed Tester  AndrewMar 9 2001GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 UcalcWrapperAndCalculatorUCalc Wrapper and Calculator  Alex ChamberlainOct 28 2005WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
  100UdpUDP  GazApr 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 UnicodeChartMakerunicode chart maker  Shawn PringleJul 19 2011GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 UnicodeConsoleUtilitiesUnicode Console Utilities  Jean-Marc DUROSep 5 2012LNX rds-hosted Utility Programs
 UnicodeConversionLibraryUnicode Conversion Library  Greg HaberekJul 14 2005WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 UniqueFileNameGeneratorUnique File Name generator  jxliv7Mar 31 2007GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 UniqueFileNamesUnique file names  CChrisMar 20 2007GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 UnitsUnits  Mike DuffyMar 1 2006WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 UnlimitedAlphabetAndRussianDiagnosticsUnlimited Alphabet and Russian Diagnostics  Igor KachanOct 5 2002GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 UnzipUtilityUnzip Utility  Ken RhodesNov 20 2000LNX rds-hosted
 1030UpdatedAssemblerUpdated Assembler  MicMar 31 2008GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level
  350UrlMonikerWrapperURL moniker wrapper  MicSep 8 2003WIN rds-hosted Internet
 2130Use32-bitIntegersInTranslatedDllsUse 32-bit Integers In Translated DLLs  Matthew LewisSep 8 2006GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 User32AndGdi32WrappersUser32 & GDI32 Wrappers  Andy P.Jul 18 2012WIN rds-hosted
 UseResourcesFromAdllUse Resources from a .DLL  Francis DowlingFeb 23 2003WIN rds-hosted
  160UseResourcesFromdllFilesUse Resources from .dll files  David MillsOct 10 2003WIN rds-hosted
 UseStdinAndStdoutOnLinuxUse STDIN and STDOUT on Linux  Matt LewisFeb 8 2006LNX rds-hosted
 UseWindowsdllsOnOtherSystemsUse Windows .DLLs on Other Systems  MicJul 26 2008GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 UsingAPrinterWithWin32libUsing A Printer With Win32Lib  Irv MullinsDec 28 2001WIN rds-hosted
 Utf-8ConversionUTF-8 conversion  Jean-Marc DUROSep 4 2012GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Utf-8ToAsciiSequenceConverterUTF-8 to ASCII sequence converter  Jean-Marc DUROSep 30 2010GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Utf8DialogsUTF8 Dialogs  Jean-Marc DUROJan 29 2015LNX rds-hosted User Interfaces
 Utf8v201utf8 (v2.01)  Shian LeeDec 23 2017GEN rds-hosted
 1050UtilityLibraryC-functionsUtility Library C-functions  Bernie RyanJan 25 2006GEN rds-hosted
  300UuidWin32ApiFunctionsWrappersUUID (GUID) win32 api functions wrappers  jacques deschenesJul 21 2006WIN rds-hosted Database
 VectorCollisionDetectionLibraryVector/Collision Detection Library  MrTrickFeb 12 2004GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 VerifyCreditCardNumbersVerify Credit Card Numbers  Lijo JosephOct 13 2000GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 VersionControlProgramVersion Control program  Andy DrummondApr 24 2006WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 VerySimplePrintingWithWin32libVery Simple Printing with Win32lib  Fred RansomMay 27 2011WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 VerySimpleWebcamExampleVery Simple Webcam Example  Dave ProbertApr 22 2005WIN rds-hosted
 ViewIconsInexeOrdllView Icons in .exe or .dll  Greg HaberekMar 11 2003WIN rds-hosted
 VimSyntaxHilightingAndIndentationVim syntax hilighting and indentation  Jeremy CowgarFeb 3 2005GEN rds-hosted Editors
  970VincentsEnhancedEuphoriaV25Vincent's Enhanced Euphoria v2.5  Vincent HowellMay 3 2005GEN rds-hosted Language Tools
 VirtualPrintervirtual printer  Michael RaleyApr 8 2007WIN rds-hosted
 VisualEuphoriaCodeEditorVisual Euphoria Code Editor  Daniel BersteinNov 9 1998WIN rds-hosted Editors
 VisualEuphoriaPrototypeVisual Euphoria Prototype  Tom JanesDec 7 2001WIN rds-hosted
 VlcVLC  rasOct 11 2012GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 VowelPlayVowel Play  Russell K. DavisMar 9 2001LNX rds-hosted
 W32engine2w32Engine2  VinobaMay 7 2011WIN rds-hosted
 W32graphicscalingW32GraphicScaling  Fred ManganMar 24 2012WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 WackozeEuphoriaEditorWackoze Euphoria Editor  Jean-Marc DURONov 27 2014WIN rds-hosted Editors
 WarehouserReplayUtilityWarehouser replay utility  Michael RaleyNov 29 2004WIN rds-hosted Games
 WareHouserTileMatchingGameWare Houser tile matching game  Michael RaleyMay 4 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 WarGame-unfinishedProjectWar Game (unfinished project)  Einar MogenSep 25 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
  300WatchServerwatch server  jacques deschenesJan 28 2005WIN rds-hosted
 WaveditWAVEdit  MicDec 5 2002GEN rds-hosted Sound
  200WavEditor.WAV Editor  Daryl van den BrinkMay 15 2003WIN rds-hosted Sound
 WavInfoWAV Info  Craig GilbertOct 8 2002GEN rds-hosted Sound
 Wdemoswdemos  Fred ManganFeb 26 2016WIN rds-hosted Documentation
  100WebBrowserWeb Browser  AndrewMar 22 2002WIN rds-hosted Internet
   25WebPageConstructionToolWeb Page Construction Tool  Trevor DixonMay 4 2001WIN rds-hosted Internet
  100WebShepherdWeb Shepherd  Mark SmithJan 19 1999WIN rds-hosted
 WebSiteGeneratorWeb Site Generator  David CunySep 15 2000GEN rds-hosted Internet
 Wee048mWEE 0.48m  Kenneth RhodesFeb 16 2017LNX rds-hosted Editors
 WeeEditorV047ModifiedWEE Editor v0.47 modified  Kenneth RhodesMar 12 2016LNX rds-hosted Editors
 Win32ApiDocumentationWIN32 API Documentation  MicrosoftJan 1 1995WIN rds-hosted Documentation
 Win32ApiWrappersWIN32 API Wrappers  Jason MirwaldNov 17 2002WIN rds-hosted
  200Win32ApiWrappersTwoWIN32 API Wrappers  Jacques DeschenesJun 1 1998WIN rds-hosted
   75Win32CommonDialogsAndMenusWIN32 Common Dialogs and Menus  Jacques DeschenesDec 4 1997WIN rds-hosted
 Win32EditorPrototypeWin32 Editor Prototype  David CunyJul 17 1999WIN rds-hosted Editors
 5500Win32EngineWin32 Engine  Bernie RyanMay 31 2011WIN rds-hosted
  200Win32EngineRWin32 Engine_R  Igor KachanSep 14 2004WIN rds-hosted
 Win32ErrorCodesWin32 Error Codes  Jean-Marc DUROAug 18 2016WIN rds-hosted Documentation
 Win32FileUtilitiesWIN32 File Utilities  Jeff FieldingDec 28 2000WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 Win32HeaderFilesWIN32 Header Files  Hendrik MundtAug 29 1999WIN rds-hosted Documentation
 Win32IdeWIN32 IDE  Al GetzAug 25 2000WIN rds-hosted
  300Win32libCustomGuiWin32lib Custom GUI  H.W. OvermanJun 18 2005WIN rds-hosted
   70Win32libDllExampleWin32Lib Dll Example  Logan KodyszMay 23 2006WIN rds-hosted
  325Win32libexWin32LibEx  Matthew LewisAug 21 2000WIN rds-hosted
  300Win32libKeywordLookupWin32Lib Keyword Lookup  Andrew HallAug 7 2004WIN rds-hosted Documentation
 Win32libRestructuredWin32Lib Restructured  Jean-Marc DURONov 2 2014WIN rds-hosted
 Win32libWizardCollectionWin32Lib Wizard Collection  SpockyMar 17 2000WIN rds-hosted
  100Win32ProfileLibraryWin32 Profile library  CChrisAug 6 2007WIN rds-hosted
 Win32ScreenSaverWIN32 Screen Saver  Jacques DeschenesMar 1 1998WIN rds-hosted
 Win32UtilitiesWIN32 Utilities  Matt ArriolaSep 9 2000WIN rds-hosted
   50Win3dWin3D  SpockyMay 17 2000WIN rds-hosted
  500WinampWrapperWinAmp Wrapper  MicAug 23 2001WIN rds-hosted
 2430WinclassCPlusPlusStyleLibraryWinClass C++ Style Library  Al GetzApr 30 2006WIN rds-hosted
  200Windirwin_dir()  Greg HaberekDec 17 2005WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 WindllWinDLL  Matt LewisDec 18 2003WIN rds-hosted
 WindosForRussianLettersWinDOS for Russian letters  eggMar 21 2006WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  200WindowAnimationWindow Animation  Logan KodyszMay 29 2006WIN rds-hosted
  400WindowFindingFunctionsWindow Finding Functions  PatRatJun 25 2001WIN rds-hosted
 Windows98SourceCodePortedToEuphoria-jokeWindows 98 Source Code ported to Euphoria (JOKE)  scancodeJan 5 2005GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 WindowsAndXIconsForTheOpenEuFilesWindows and X icons for the Open EU files  Igor KachanSep 10 2009GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 WindowsDebuggingToolWindows Debugging Tool  Al GetzNov 13 2000WIN rds-hosted
 WindowsEditor-JDWindows Editor  Jacques DeschenesMay 3 2000WIN rds-hosted Editors
   75WindowsEditor-PEWindows Editor  Pete EberleinDec 4 2014WIN rds-hosted Editors
 WindowsEditor-RBWindows Editor  Robert BrambilaJan 21 2000WIN rds-hosted Editors
 WindowsExplorewindows explore  amir rezaJul 18 2004WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 WindowsHookDemoWindows Hook Demo  Andreas WagnerApr 30 2011WIN rds-hosted
 WindowsIdeEnhancementWindows IDE enhancement  ShawnAug 14 2005WIN rds-hosted
 WindowsLibraryWindows Library  LoganDec 6 2002WIN rds-hosted
 WindowsMidiRoutinesWindows MIDI Routines  Brent HughAug 7 1999WIN rds-hosted
 WindowsMixedCommandProgramWindows Mixed Command Program  Alex BlanchetteNov 23 2004WIN rds-hosted
 WindowsMonitorWindows Monitor  Jean-Marc DUROJul 20 2012WIN rds-hosted
 WindowsProgrammingLibraryWindows Programming Library  Eric RandallJun 4 2002WIN rds-hosted
  100WindowsPuzzleGameWindows Puzzle Game  Stanislav SitarAug 16 2000WIN rds-hosted Games
  560WindowsRegistryReadAndWriteWindows Registry Read/Write  Davi FigueiredoNov 30 2002WIN rds-hosted
  150WindowsRulerWindows Ruler  Travis BeatyJan 18 2001WIN rds-hosted
   80WindowsServicesLibraryWindows Services library  Michael J. SabalJun 8 2007WIN rds-hosted
 WindowsTaskingDemo01Windows Tasking Demo 01  Al GetzSep 23 2005WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
 WindowsTelnetClientWindows Telnet Client  Jean-Marc DUROMay 15 2016WIN rds-hosted Internet
 WindowStylesExplorerWindow Styles Explorer  Don PhillipsDec 7 2001WIN rds-hosted
 WinlibsimplewinlibSimple  Jean-Marc DUROMay 26 2015WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 WinlinguaWinLingua  GalileoFeb 5 2005WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 WinmaniaWindowsLibraryWinMania Windows Library  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008WIN rds-hosted
 WinmxnapWinMXnap  Chris BenslerDec 2 2001WIN rds-hosted Internet
 Winner-Contest1Winner - Contest #1  AkuApr 2 2002GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 Winner-Contest2Winner - Contest #2  Jason MirwaldApr 3 2002GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 Winner-Contest3Winner - Contest #3  C.K. LesterApr 5 2002GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
  100WinprintWinPrint  Rod DamonJan 11 2006WIN rds-hosted
 WipeWipe  Rob SteelOct 23 2008WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 WipForSdlDatafilesWIP for SDL datafiles  Steven AllenJul 13 2005WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos
 Wkhtmlwkhtml  kapex01Jul 13 2013GEN rds-hosted Internet
 WmlWML  Alex ChamberlainOct 30 2004WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
 WmotorWMOTOR  Bernie RyanFeb 16 2006WIN rds-hosted
 WordwebInterfaceWordWeb Interface  Ross BoydJan 9 2002WIN rds-hosted Library Routines
 WrappedFunctionsForWin32Wrapped Functions for WIN32  Chris BenslerMar 5 2002WIN rds-hosted
  450WrapperForBlatSmtpE-mailSendingwrapper for Blat SMTP e-mail sending  Michael RaleyMar 14 2005WIN rds-hosted Internet
  550WrapperForHawknlWrapper for HawkNL  Elliott Sales de AndradeSep 3 2002WIN rds-hosted Internet
 WrapperForIcmpWrapper for ICMP  Fabio RamirezApr 16 2001WIN rds-hosted Internet
 WrapperForOpenGlWrapper for Open GL  Mike The SpikeJan 3 2001WIN rds-hosted
 WrapperForSkincrafterActivexWrapper for SkinCrafter ActiveX  Matthew LewisMay 27 2005WIN rds-hosted
  200WrapperForTheEu2cWindowsTranslatorWrapper for the Eu2C Windows translator  Juergen LuethjeSep 26 2007WIN rds-hosted Language Tools
  400WrapperForWininetdllWrapper for WinInet.dll  Fabio RamirezApr 16 2001WIN rds-hosted Internet
  300XchatPluginInterfaceXChat Plugin Interface  Elliott Sales de AndradeSep 20 2003WIN rds-hosted Internet
 XdirXDIR  Larry MillerApr 19 2004WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs
  300XmlParserXML Parser  Thomas Parslow (PatRat)Nov 4 2002GEN rds-hosted Internet
 XmlToSequenceXML to Sequence  Jean-Marc DUROAug 31 2013WIN rds-hosted Internet
 XmlToSequenceTwoXML to Sequence  Jean-Marc DUROMar 16 2014GEN rds-hosted Library Routines
 XmlWindowDesigningXML window designing  pajaroSep 19 2004WIN rds-hosted broken
 XmotorXMOTOR  Bernie RyanFeb 16 2006LNX rds-hosted
  100XpmIconLibraryXPM Icon Library  Jonas TempleDec 19 2002WIN rds-hosted
 1700XpmmerXpmIconGeneratorXPMmer XPM Icon Generator  Andy DrummondJul 27 2007WIN rds-hosted
 XprolLanguageXProl Language  Tom EklöfJul 18 1998GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos
 XsConverterXS Converter  Frank DowlingApr 4 2007WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos
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Page last modified on October 26, 2017, at 01:32 PM