Rating | Name | Description | Author | Date | Categories |
| Abcmsm | AbcMSM | William Heimbigner | Jun 30 2004 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Abcmyfavs | ABCmyFavs | William Heimbigner | Jun 26 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
150 | ABeginnersGuideToEuphoria-html | A Beginners Guide To Euphoria (HTML) | Jules Davy | May 16 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
| ABetterTextEditor | A Better Text Editor | llamedoso | Aug 17 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| AbgteTutorialAnnotatedForOpeneuphoria | ABGTE tutorial annotated for OpenEuphoria | Tom Ciplijauskas | Apr 18 2012 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
| AboutWin | about win | amir reza | Jul 5 2004 | WIN rds-hosted |
| AcropdfDemo | AcroPDF Demo | Greg Haberek | Aug 18 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| AdaptingTheRegistryToWorkBetterWithJudithsIde | Adapting the Registry to Work Better with Judith's IDE | Shawn Pringle | Jun 19 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Documentation |
| Add-onToTidy-print | add-on to tidy_print | Antonio Alessi | Sep 5 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| AddId3v2Tags | Add ID3v2 Tags | Andy Cranston | Oct 31 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
20 | AddressRouting | Address Routing | Victor Kaprilian | Apr 23 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
100 | AdvancedWildcardLibrary | Advanced wildcard library | Aron | Nov 11 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| AerodynamicCalculations | Aerodynamic Calculations | Erik van Kampen | Apr 21 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| AlarmClock | Alarm Clock | Bernie Somes | Jan 15 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| AlienAttack | Alien Attack | Gaz | Apr 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
150 | AllegroEuphoriaBitmapLibrary | Allegro Euphoria bitmap library | Mike Wever | Jan 8 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| AlphaBlending | Alpha Blending | Thomas Parslow (PatRat) | Dec 2 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Ambi | Ambi | David Pletts | Mar 27 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| Ambiplayer | AmbiPlayer | David Pletts | Apr 2 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| AmortizationTables | Amortization Tables | Kenneth Rhodes | Nov 16 2016 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Ampticker | AmpTicker | Cassidy Napoli | Oct 30 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| AnalysisOfLinearModels | Analysis of Linear Models | Alexei van Baaren | Jan 25 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| AndreaCinisEuwinguiReloaded | Andrea Cini's EUWinGUI reloaded | ChrisBurch3 | Nov 15 2010 | WIN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
| AnimationTest | Animation Test | Greg Harris | Feb 9 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
| AnIntroductionToEuphoriaProgramming | An introduction to Euphoria Programming | Charles Newbould | Mar 15 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
| AnotherApproachToObjectOrientation | Another approach to Object Orientation | Matthew Whitehead | Apr 12 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| ApplicationLauncher | Application Launcher | Alistair Murray | Sep 29 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ApplicationStarter | Application Starter | Andrea Cini | Dec 17 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| AppointmentCalendarDemo | Appointment Calendar Demo | Al Getz | Feb 26 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Aprompt | aprompt | James Cook | May 27 2017 | GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
| ArcfourEncryptionAlgorithm | Arcfour Encryption Algorithm | Davi Figueiredo | Oct 19 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| ArchiveDatabaseInRussian | Archive Database in Russian | Igor Kachan | Feb 5 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| ArchiveHtmlGenerator | Archive HTML generator | RDS | Jan 21 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS |
265 | ArchiveReader | Archive Reader | Tony Steward | Feb 17 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
115 | ArchiveSearch | Archive Search | Roland Stowasser | Feb 23 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
| ArLib | Ar Lib | Matt Arriola | Aug 2 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
520 | Arrays | Arrays | Juergen Luethje | Dec 7 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Ascex | ASC.EX | Brian Broker | Jul 31 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| ASetOfEuLogos | A set of EU logos | Igor Kachan | Oct 10 2009 | GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| AssemblerVersionOfMersenneTwisterRng | Assembler version of Mersenne Twister RNG | Juan Reina | Oct 19 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| AssemblyLanguageInterpreter | Assembly Language Interpreter | Jeffrey Fielding | Jul 26 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
1400 | AssemblyMini-debugger | Assembly Mini-Debugger | Alexander Toresson | Oct 10 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
| Associator | Associator | Jesse Adkins | Sep 9 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| AssortedMathRoutines | Assorted Math Routines | Laurence Draper | Nov 30 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
300 | AsynchronousHttp | Asynchronous HTTP | PatRat | Jun 6 2001 | WIN Internet rds-hosted |
| AtpInstaller | ATP Installer | Alexander Toresson | Apr 12 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Auto-generatePaste-inGuiCode | Auto-generate paste-in Gui code | Phil French | Jan 20 2014 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
1270 | Auto-scaledControls-V21 | Auto-scaled controls - v2.1 | MrTrick | Feb 14 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Avi2gif | AVI2GIF | mic | Oct 14 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| AviGenerator-generic | AVI Generator (Generic) | Mic | Oct 8 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
100 | AviGenerator-windows | AVI Generator (Windows) | Mic | Sep 30 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Axiom2 | Axiom2 | Greg Haberek | Dec 26 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| AxiomEditor | Axiom Editor | Greg Haberek | Dec 23 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| Babysums | BabySums | Fred Mangan | May 29 2012 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| BalanceSheet | Balance Sheet | Andy Drummond | Aug 30 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| BalloonTooltips | Balloon Tooltips | Logan Kodysz | Jun 4 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
| BarCodeMaker | Bar Code Maker | Andy Cranston | Apr 3 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Base10To62Converter | Base10 to 62 converter | Russell Sowers | Aug 16 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| Base64AndQuotedPrintable | Base64 and Quoted Printable | Pete Lomax | Jul 3 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| BaseConverter | Base Converter | Jim Roberts | Oct 17 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| BaseConverter-beta1 | Base Converter (beta1) | jxliv7 - jon | Dec 27 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| BasicElectronicsFunctions | Basic electronics functions | Michael J. Sabal | May 18 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| BasicWin32libApp | Basic Win32Lib App | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| BatchFilesMenu | Batch Files Menu | Shian Lee | Apr 12 2014 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| BatchJobScheduleAuditScriptXp | batch job schedule audit script XP | Michael Raley | Jun 17 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
| BatteryMonitor | Battery Monitor | Greg Haberek | Mar 15 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Bible-asv-AsEuphoriaDatabase | Bible (ASV) as Euphoria Database | C. K. Lester | Sep 26 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| Bible-kjv-AsEuphoriaDatabase | Bible (KJV) as Euphoria Database | C.K. Lester | Sep 26 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| Bible-web-AsEuphoriaDatabase | Bible (WEB) as Euphoria Database | C. K. Lester | Sep 26 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| BiblerForEuphoriaDatabaseBibles | Bibler.e for Euphoria Database Bibles | C. K. Lester | Sep 26 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| BigMath | Big Math | Matthew Lewis | Nov 12 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| BigNumberArithmetic | Big Number Arithmetic | Craig Gilbert | Jul 13 1997 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| BilingualToolkit | Bilingual Toolkit | Igor Kachan | Sep 13 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Fonts |
| Bin2hex | bin2hex | Jason Gade | Feb 8 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| BinaryData-typeFileIO | Binary Data-type File I/O | Gabriel Boehme | Dec 23 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
2075 | BinaryPrint-Get | Binary Print/Get | Gabriel Boehme | Mar 30 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Bitabouteu | BitAboutEu | Fred Mangan | Jun 9 2011 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
100 | BitmapConverter | Bitmap Converter | Mike Wever | Dec 29 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| BitmapManipulationTool | Bitmap Manipulation Tool | Mic | Mar 2 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
330 | BitOperations | Bit Operations | Juergen Luethje | May 3 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
380 | Bits | BITS | Mike Duffy | Jan 24 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
50 | BlackjackGame | BlackJack Game | Jon Snyder | Nov 23 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Blackjak | BlackJak | Louis Bryant | Jan 28 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Games |
100 | BlowfishForEuphoria | Blowfish for Euphoria | Alexander Toresson | Jan 28 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| BlurAddr | blur_addr | Hayden McKay | Mar 21 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
150 | Bmp-Xpm-Converter | BMP <--> XPM Converter | Roland Stowasser | Nov 15 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| BmpToXpmOrSequence | BMP to XPM or Sequence | Guillermo Bonvehi | Jul 6 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| BoggleGame | Boggle Game | Brett Pantalone | Jan 2 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| BolakbalikGame | Bolakbalik Game | Aku | Dec 9 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Bookreaderc2 | BookReaderC2 | Fred Mangan | Sep 19 2011 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| BootTimeLogger | Boot Time Logger | Kat | Sep 30 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
150 | BrainfckInterpreter | Brainf*ck Interpreter | D. Newhall | Feb 27 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
275 | Bresenham-BezierCurves | Bresenham/Bezier Curves | Barbarella | Sep 3 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| BrowseForADirectory | Browse for a Directory | Aku | Oct 14 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
20 | BumpmapEffectForExotica | Bumpmap Effect for Exotica | Mic | Mar 4 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| BundleOfWindowsGoodies | Bundle of Windows Goodies | Patrick Quist | Jan 22 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Bzip2DataCompressionLibrary | bzip2 data compression library | Aku | Oct 22 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
200 | Bzip2Library | BZip2 Library | Greg Haberek | Oct 14 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| CalculatePi | Calculate PI | James Powell | Mar 25 1997 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| CalculationsWithLongNumbers | Calculations with long numbers | David Money | Jan 25 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Calendar | Calendar | DaJaRo | Oct 11 1998 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Calendar2 | Calendar | Andrew | Apr 5 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| CalendarUpdate | Calendar Update | Fred Ransom | May 3 2012 | WIN rds-hosted |
| CallIt | Call It | Lorri Wolk-Laniewski | Apr 16 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| CamelGame | Camel Game | Louis Bryant | Jan 28 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Games |
| Captureew | capture.ew | jacques deschenes | Sep 23 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Cards32ewWithCardsentrationDemo | Cards32.ew with Cardsentration demo | Brian Broker | Oct 6 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| CarsDatabase | Cars Database | Greg Haberek | Feb 3 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| CasinoBlackjack | Casino BlackJack | James Huff | Feb 4 2000 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Cavelux-VlcActivexcomWrapper | Cavelux - VLC ActiveX (COM) wrapper | Gary Shingles | Jul 9 2008 | WIN rds-hosted |
| CdrMenu | CDR Menu | Tony Steward | Oct 26 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| CgiCalendar | CGI Calendar | H.W. Overman | Jun 18 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| CgiOn-linePhoneBook | CGI On-line Phone Book | Andy Cranston | Jun 25 2002 | LNX rds-hosted |
| CgiParser | CGI parser | Gregg Somes | Sep 6 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
300 | CgiSearchEngine | CGI Search Engine | Guillermo Bonvehi | Mar 24 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
250 | CgiSupportLibraries | CGI Support Libraries | Greg Haberek | Aug 20 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
350 | CgiSupportRoutines | CGI Support Routines | Aku | Apr 26 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| CgWrapper | Cg wrapper | mic | Jul 24 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| ChaosGrapher | Chaos Grapher | SR Williamson | Jul 21 2000 | WIN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| CharacterUppercase-LowercaseConversions | Character uppercase / lowercase conversions | Derek Parnell | Oct 26 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| ChatServerClient | Chat Server & Client | Norm Walcott | May 2 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| CheckersGame | Checkers Game | Mario Steele | Aug 27 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| CheckEuphoriaVersion | Check Euphoria version | Jean-Marc DURO | Oct 30 2016 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| CheckForFakedlls | Check for Fake .dll's | Aku | Dec 11 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| CheckingAccountManager | Checking Account Manager | Al Getz | Dec 3 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| CheckProcesses | Check processes | Jean-Marc DURO | Aug 25 2017 | GEN rds-hosted |
| CheckUserAndPassword | Check User and Password | Jean-Marc DURO | Sep 24 2012 | LNX rds-hosted |
600 | CheesySpaceGame | Cheesy Space Game | Steve Allen | Oct 5 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
175 | Chip8Emulator | Chip8 emulator | mic | Sep 29 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| CipherTools2 | Cipher Tools | C. J. Silver | Jan 3 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Cityscape | Cityscape | Guy Programmer | Nov 3 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Cjson | cjson | ras | May 16 2012 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Claro-CairoGuiWrapperWin-Nix-Mac | Claro / Cairo GUI wrapper win/*nix/mac | ne1uno | Apr 19 2007 | GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
| ClassFileExmple | class file exmple | James Cook | May 27 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| ClassSystemForEuphoria | Class System for Euphoria | Mike Nelson | Sep 1 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| Clock | clock.e | Hayden McKay | Apr 6 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
150 | ClockInARoundWindow | Clock in a Round Window | Roland Stowasser | Dec 23 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| CncControl | CNC Control | Nathan hill | Apr 26 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| CodeBeautifier | Code beautifier | Jean-Marc DURO | Dec 1 2015 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| CodeScrapsForMsExcelDocuments | Code scraps for MS Excel documents | Michael J. Sabal | Sep 8 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
80 | Color | color | Mike Duffy | Feb 1 2008 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ColoredCharacterForms | Colored Character forms | CChris | Nov 1 2004 | GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
| ColorPicker | Color Picker | Ben Logan | Apr 17 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ColorPicker2 | Color Picker | Robert Szalay | Mar 12 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
70 | Command-lineOptionsForYourProgram | Command-line options for your program | James Cook | May 27 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Command-lineProcessingShell | Command-line Processing Shell | James Cook | Apr 13 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
70 | CommandLineProcessor | Command Line Processor | Alex Chamberlain | Sep 15 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Comment-Un-commentMacrosForTextpad | Comment / un-comment macros for TextPad | Rubem Pechansky | Jun 4 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| CommentRemover | Comment remover | CChris | Mar 22 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| CommonLibrariesModifiedToAvoidNamespaceErrors | Common libraries modified to avoid namespace errors | Jean-Marc DURO | Oct 18 2014 | WIN rds-hosted |
| CompareFiles2 | Compare Files | Jean-Marc DURO | Oct 21 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| CompareFolders | Compare Folders | Jean-Marc DURO | Oct 21 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
180 | ComplexLuDecomposition | Complex LU decomposition | Don Cahela | Dec 22 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| ComplexNumberCalculator | Complex Number Calculator | Shawn Pringle | Dec 13 2015 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Compress-Decompress | Compress/Decompress | Daniel Berstein | Jun 20 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Compression | Compression | Justin Snyder | Aug 2 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| CompressionAlgorithm | Compression algorithm | Emlyn Merlyn | Jul 29 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| CompressionTestingDemo | Compression Testing Demo | Hayden McKay | Aug 11 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| CompressionTool | Compression tool | Guy Programmer | Oct 28 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
12 | CompressoCompressionLibrary | Compresso Compression Library | Roderick Jackson | Jul 15 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| CompressStrings3 | Compress Strings 3:1 | Michael Raley | Aug 8 2001 | GEN rds-hosted |
| Connect4Game | Connect 4 Game | David Eltro | Apr 16 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| ConnectToAWebPage | Connect to a Web page | DaJaRo | Sep 21 1998 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
100 | Conquest2Game | Conquest2 Game | Mark Akita | Mar 12 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
300 | ConquestDelux | Conquest Delux | Jordan Bell | Jun 28 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
50 | ConquestGame | Conquest Game | Mark Akita | Apr 14 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| ConsoleClipboardRoutines | Console Clipboard Routines | Greg Haberek | Sep 10 2008 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ConsoleIOForWin32 | Console I/O for Win32 | Ken Roger | Apr 12 2011 | WIN rds-hosted |
300 | ConsoleIOLibrary | Console I/O Library | Ken Roger | May 10 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ConsoleIpSubnetCalculator | console ip subnet calculator | alban read | Mar 5 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| ConsoleWidgets | Console widgets | Jean-Marc DURO | Jul 8 2015 | WIN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
| ContactKeeper | Contact Keeper | Ryan Mann | Aug 23 2009 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| ContextEditorFiles | ConTEXT Editor files | James Cook | May 7 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| ControlCodeGenerator | Control Code Generator | Greg Haberek | Mar 7 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Conv-unzip | conv_unzip | Kenneth Rhodes | Jan 3 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
500 | ConversionOfExerr | Conversion of ex.err | Juergen Luethje | Dec 18 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| Convert24-bitBitmapsTo8-bit | Convert 24-bit bitmaps to 8-bit | Rod Jackson | Nov 19 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Convert3d2Tonff | Convert .3D2 to .NFF | Mark Akita | Jul 8 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| ConvertbmpToe | Convert .bmp to .e | Graeme Burke | Jun 5 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| ConvertDataToAeFile | Convert Data to a .e File | Jordah Ferguson | May 19 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| ConvertEuphoriaToHtml | Convert Euphoria To HTML | Martin Stachon | Jul 18 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| ConvertExcelDatetimeFormatToEuphoriaDateTimeFormat | Convert Excel datetime format to Euphoria date time format | Jean-Marc DURO | Nov 13 2015 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
50 | ConverthToe | Convert .h to .e | Daniel Kluss | Apr 23 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| ConvertLineTerminators | Convert Line Terminators | Robert Szalay | Jun 14 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| ConvertMsWordDialogsToEuphoria | Convert MS Word Dialogs to Euphoria | Michael J. Raley | Jan 9 1998 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ConvertToLargeBase | Convert to Large Base | C. K. Lester | Jan 19 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
400 | CopyIncludedFiles | Copy Included Files | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| CorrectedExoticaWrappers | Corrected Exotica wrappers | Davideltrosoft | Mar 21 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| CorrectionsOnEdex | Corrections on ed.ex | Marco Achury | Apr 6 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Editors |
| CpuFrequency | cpu frequency | jacques deschenes | Aug 15 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
| Cpuid | CPUID | Hayden McKay | Dec 3 2015 | WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
300 | Crc | CRC | Graeme Burke | Jan 5 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| CreateHotkeysForApps | Create Hotkeys for Apps | Guillermo Bonvehi | Dec 27 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| CreateMulti-dimensionalSequences | Create Multi-Dimensional Sequences | Kasey | Apr 18 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
1300 | CreateShortcut | Create Shortcut | Martin Stachon | Mar 17 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| CreditCardVerifier | Credit Card Verifier | Aku | Oct 15 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
80 | Cross-printingToConsoleAndAFileOrFiles | cross-printing to console and a file or files | J.Guy | Mar 23 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| CrossHairs | Cross hairs | don cole | Jul 16 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| CrosswordAndHangmanSolver | Crossword and Hangman Solver | Andrew | Oct 16 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Games |
| CrosswordsAssistant | Crosswords Assistant | Jean-Marc DURO | Aug 2 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| CrossWordScanner | Cross Word Scanner | Evan Marshall | Nov 21 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Games |
| CrosswordSolver | Crossword Solver | llamedoso | Aug 2 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Crostic | Crostic | Shawn | Apr 8 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Games |
| CrosticsPuzzleMaker | Crostics Puzzle Maker | John McAdam | May 5 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Games |
| Cshelp | CSHelp | Allen Ashby | Jun 28 2008 | WIN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
| CsvParseRoutine | CSV parse routine | Shawn David Pringle B.Sc. | Jun 1 2016 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| CuandoV03 | Cuando v0.3 | Guillermo Bonvehi | Jul 7 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| CustomAppointmentCalendar03 | Custom Appointment Calendar 03 | Al Getz | Sep 16 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| CustomEventsExperiment | Custom Events Experiment | Don Phillips | Dec 10 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| CustomizedWin32Dll | Customized WIN32 DLL | Francis Bussiere | Dec 12 1997 | WIN rds-hosted |
| CuteWindowsDemo | Cute Windows Demo | Jonas Temple | Jul 24 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| CutrexServer | Cutrex Server | Luis Campos | Oct 11 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
1200 | Cximage | CxImage | Mic | May 20 2010 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| DailyJournal | Daily Journal | Jonas Temple | Dec 14 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| DatabaseManipulator | Database Manipulator | Philip Deets | Jun 14 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
| DatabaseVisualControlLibrary | Database Visual Control Library | Jean-Marc DURO | Mar 24 2013 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
1700 | DateAndTimeFunctions | Date and Time Functions | Carl White | Jun 26 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| DateAndTimeSubroutines | Date and time subroutines | David Money | Sep 10 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| DateCalculations | Date calculations | Junko Miura | Sep 1 1996 | GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS |
| Datetimev110 | datetime.e (v1.10) | Shian Lee | Mar 11 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
210 | Dawg-BuildWrappersAutomatically | DAWG - Build wrappers automatically | Chris Bensler | Apr 1 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| DayOfTheYear | Day of the Year | E. Allen Soard | Jan 7 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
300 | DbfFile-dbase-AccessRoutines | .DBF file (dBase) access routines | Daniel Berstein | Nov 4 1996 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| DbgviewInterfaceToEuphoria | DbgView interface to Euphoria | Karoly Kovacs | Aug 4 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| DbMaker | DB Maker | Logan Kodysz | Nov 16 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Dbtsv | DBTSV | Andras Szabo | Apr 30 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| DcScalableRandomNumberGenerator | DC Scalable Random Number Generator | Dan McGrath | Aug 27 2005 | LNX rds-hosted Library Routines |
| DdeLibrary | DDE Library | Matthew Lewis | Jan 9 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| DebuggingAidForWin32lib | Debugging Aid for Win32Lib | S.R. Williamson | Feb 18 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Decimal-HexCalculator | Decimal/Hex Calculator | Jerome Nichols | Nov 28 1998 | WIN rds-hosted |
| DecodeBase58ToBinary | Decode base58 to binary | Shawn Pringle | Dec 26 2013 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| DefineWords | define words | jacques deschenes | Oct 31 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| DeleteToRecycleBin | Delete to recycle bin | Arthur Crump | Nov 1 2010 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| DeluxeSlideShow | Deluxe Slide Show | Don Cole | Jun 24 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
350 | DeluxeSlideShow32 | Deluxe Slide Show3 | Don Cole | Jul 3 2010 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| DemoRunnerForGtkLibrary | Demo Runner for GTK Library | Chris Burch | Nov 26 2002 | LNX rds-hosted |
70 | Demotester | DemoTester | Gary Shingles | Sep 25 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| DereksContest-FinalSubmissions | Derek's Contest - Final Submissions | Robert Craig | Apr 22 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS |
| DesignPatternsInEuphoria | Design Patterns in Euphoria | Steve Baxter | Apr 16 2015 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
| Devdsp | devdsp | Michael J. Sabal | Jun 25 2004 | LNX rds-hosted |
| DibDemo | DIB Demo | Mike | Feb 6 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Diccionario | Diccionario | Galileo | Feb 5 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| DictionaryWrapper | Dictionary Wrapper | Stewart MacKenzie-Leigh | Jan 3 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| DieRollScriptingLanguage | Die Roll scripting language | CChris | Apr 23 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Games |
| DifflistUtilityV32 | Difflist utility, V3.2 | Alan Oxley | Feb 15 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Digger | Digger | stagas | Jan 29 2011 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| DigitalClock | Digital Clock | Jesus Consuegra | Apr 9 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| DigitalElectronicSimulator | Digital electronic simulator | gaz | Jul 12 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
100 | DipnDaub | Dip 'n Daub | David Pletts | Oct 8 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| DipnDaubExpert | Dip 'n Daub Expert | David Pletts | Jun 7 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| DirDemo | dir() Demo | David Mosley | Jun 22 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
50 | Directe-DirectxForEuphoria | DirectE - DirectX for Euphoria | Mic | Jul 9 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| DirectorySize | Directory Size | Rolf Schroeder | Sep 5 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| DirectxDemo | DirectX Demo | Matthew Lewis | Jun 1 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| DirSize | Dir Size | Jean-Marc DURO | Dec 15 2012 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| DirtMerchant | Dirt Merchant | Steven Allen | May 4 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| DisplayLettersAndDigits | Display Letters and Digits | Joseph Semmel | Aug 2 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
1000 | DisplayServer | Display Server | Al Getz | May 25 2004 | WIN rds-hosted |
| DistanceCalculator | Distance Calculator | Michael S. Thompson | Sep 5 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Mathematics |
300 | DllLinkageRoutines | DLL Linkage Routines | Austin Cathey | Mar 26 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
| DllSetupTechnique | DLL Setup Technique | Colin Taylor | Mar 29 1998 | WIN rds-hosted |
| DnaSoftware | dna_software | James Cook | May 27 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| DollarWiper | Dollar wiper | CChris | Jan 9 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Domecalc | domecalc | Kenneth Rhodes | Mar 22 2012 | LNX rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Domecalc13a | domecalc1.3a | Kenneth Rhodes | Oct 23 2013 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| DonColesNifftyProgressBar | Don Coles Niffty Progress Bar | don cole | Nov 6 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
| DoomsdayPerpetualCalendar | Doomsday Perpetual Calendar | Irv Mullins | Oct 25 2003 | LNX rds-hosted |
| Dos-land | DOS_Land | DB James | May 13 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| DotNotationForEuphoria | Dot Notation for Euphoria | David Cuny | Jun 2 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| DotNotationForEuphoriav2 | Dot Notation for Euphoria (v2) | Jeremy Cowgar | Mar 24 2009 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| DownloadFilesUsingFtp | Download Files using FTP | Monty King | Feb 26 1998 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| Drag | Drag | Isaac Raway | Jan 23 2004 | WIN rds-hosted |
| DragAndDrop | Drag and Drop | Al Getz | Feb 6 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
50 | DragonBlast | Dragon Blast | Mark Akita | May 2 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Drawbust | DrawBust | Fred Mangan | Nov 20 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Ds1620-2 | Ds1620-2 | Wolfgang Fritz | Dec 9 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
| DuoBibleViewer | Duo Bible Viewer | Ferlin Scarborough | Apr 6 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
500 | DuplicateFileFinder | Duplicate File Finder | Doug Weinert | Nov 14 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs EU4.1? Phix |
300 | DynamicConditionalIncludeLibrary | Dynamic/Conditional Include Library | Vincent Howell | Nov 11 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| DynamicIncludeSystem | Dynamic Include System | Gabriel Boehme | Mar 29 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| DynamicText | Dynamic text | amir reza | Jul 4 2004 | WIN rds-hosted |
450 | E-mailClient | E-Mail Client | Jordah Ferguson | Apr 12 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
50 | EasterCalculation | Easter Calculation | Ken Roger | Jan 7 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Easy4capScreencapture | Easy4Cap ScreenCapture | Andreas Wagner | Dec 6 2014 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Easy4euMediaplayer | Easy4Eu Mediaplayer | Andreas Wagner | Dec 6 2014 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
150 | EasyDesignToolForWin32lib | Easy Design Tool for Win32Lib | Jacques Deschenes | Jan 26 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
120 | EasyWebServer | Easy Web Server | Louis Bryant | Dec 5 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| EbcdicV01a | Ebcdic v0.1a | Hayden McKay | Aug 18 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| EdbeditorPrebeta | edbEditor prebeta | Algorythm | Dec 30 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
| EdexMacroMod | ED.EX macro mod | James Cook | Jan 12 2018 | GEN rds-hosted Editors |
| EditEuphoriaFilesWithDevstudio | Edit Euphoria Files with DevStudio | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| EditorSyntaxFiles | Editor Syntax Files | Ken Rhodes | Feb 4 2001 | LNX rds-hosted |
500 | Eds-Net | EDS/Net | Jonas Temple | Aug 16 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
1130 | EdsGui | EDS GUI | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
| EdsToolbox | EDS Toolbox | Buddy Hyllberg | Apr 8 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| Edu-editor | edu editor (v1.00) for Euphoria 3.1.1 | Shian Lee | Dec 27 2017 | GEN rds-hosted |
| EduardosEventSystem | Eduardo's Event System | aceduardo | Jun 7 2016 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
350 | EeForLinux | EE for Linux | Irv Mullins | Oct 25 2003 | LNX rds-hosted |
500 | Effm | EFFM: Euphoria's Free File Manager | H.W. Overman | Jun 18 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| EgfViewer | EGF Viewer | DB James | Jul 30 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| EinsteinsRiddle | Einstein's Riddle | Juergen Luethje | Sep 27 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| ElfinEncryption | Elfin Encryption | Emlyn Merlyn | Sep 22 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
200 | Elink032b | Elink 0.3.2b | Graeme Burke | Oct 29 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| Eliza | Eliza | David Elsdon | Feb 6 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| Emacs-syntax | Euphoria 3.1.1 syntax highlighting for GNU Emacs | Shian Lee | Nov 20 2017 | LNX rds-hosted |
| EncryptFiles | Encrypt Files | Daryl van den Brink | Apr 13 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| EncryptionBenchmark | Encryption Benchmark | George Orr | Feb 26 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| EncryptionUtility | Encryption Utility | Hayden McKay | Jan 25 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| EnglishDictionaryAsEdsDatabase | English Dictionary as EDS database | Robert Craig | Oct 27 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| EnglishNumbers | English numbers | James Cook | May 27 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| EnhancedBucketSort | Enhanced Bucket Sort | Art Adamson | Jan 2 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| EnhancedDatabaseProgram | Enhanced database program | Art Adamson | Aug 16 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| EnhancedIde | Enhanced IDE | Charles Newbould | Apr 22 2014 | WIN rds-hosted |
925 | EnhancedInterfaceToEds | Enhanced Interface to EDS | A.C.Harper | Feb 26 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| EnhancedNexusEditor | Enhanced Nexus Editor | Mario Steele | Sep 7 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| EnhancedProcessList | Enhanced Process List | Jean-Marc DURO | Jul 20 2012 | WIN rds-hosted |
| EnumerationTypesInEuphoria | Enumeration Types in Euphoria | Jeff Fielding | Jan 19 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Epaint2 | Epaint2 | Joe | May 4 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| Eslv001 | ESLv0.01 | Jeremy Peterson | Jan 20 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Eu2cStringEncrypter | Eu2c String Encrypter | Aku 2005 | May 13 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
100 | Eu2html | eu2html | Jules Davy | Feb 5 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| Eu3geany | Euphoria 3.1.1 Syntax highlighting for Geany editor | Shian Lee | Oct 20 2017 | GEN rds-hosted |
| Eu3nano | Euphoria 3.1.1 syntax highlighting for nano editor | Shian Lee | Oct 13 2017 | GEN rds-hosted |
| Eu3StandardLibrary | Eu3 Standard Library | Jean-Marc DURO | Jan 5 2018 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Eu4gl | Eu4GL | your average Joe | Jan 7 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| Eu4StandardLibrary | Eu4 Standard Library | Jean-Marc DURO | Jan 5 2018 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Euall5 | EuAll5 | Andy P. | Aug 4 2013 | GEN rds-hosted Games |
| Euallegro5 | EuAllegro5 | Andy P. | Jun 19 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Games |
50 | Euapp | euApp | Matt Arriola | Jul 19 2003 | LNX rds-hosted User Interfaces |
| EuAssistant | Eu Assistant | Jesse Adkins | Mar 9 2007 | LNX rds-hosted |
| Eubox2d | EuBox2D | Andy | Jun 6 2017 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| Eucairo | EuCairo | Andy | Aug 14 2016 | GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| EuChess | Eu Chess | your average Joe | Jan 6 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| EuclaudeNaturalLanguageDemo | EuClaude Natural Language Demo | Andy Serpa / George Brooks | Nov 21 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Games |
300 | Eudebug-ag-version100 | EuDebug_AG (Version 1.00) | Al Getz | Feb 14 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
550 | Eudoc-EuphoriaDocumentationGenerator | EuDoc - Euphoria Documentation Generator | D. Newhall | Oct 8 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
| EudocRevised | EuDoc revised | Andy Drummond | Sep 15 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
| EuexpatForLinuxVer012 | EuExpat for Linux ver. 0.1.2 | Damien "damo" Hodgkin | May 27 2005 | LNX rds-hosted Internet |
| EuexpatVer01 | EuExpat ver. 0.1 | Damien | Oct 31 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| Eufreeimage | EuFreeImage | Mike Duffy | Feb 13 2012 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
3200 | EugridGridControlV134 | EuGrid Grid Control v1.3.4 | Phil Russell | Mar 17 2008 | WIN rds-hosted |
| EugtkDemos | EuGTK Demos | irv mullins | Mar 10 2008 | LNX rds-hosted |
| Euhelp | EuHelp | Kenneth Rhodes | Feb 4 2013 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
| Euirr | EuIrr | Andy | Oct 31 2017 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| Euka | EuKa | Juergen Luethje | Oct 24 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
140 | Eunet | EuNet | Michael J. Sabal | Jul 8 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| EuODE | EuODE | Andy | Sep 12 2017 | GEN rds-hosted |
300 | Euphoria311-405SupportForVimEditor | Euphoria 3.1.1/4.0.5 support for Vim editor | Shian Lee | Apr 12 2014 | GEN rds-hosted Editors |
| EuphoriaArticle | Euphoria Article | Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen | May 6 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
300 | EuphoriaBook | Euphoria Book | Mike Sabal | Jan 15 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
| EuphoriaCalculator | Euphoria Calculator | Pierino Moro | Jun 28 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
100 | EuphoriaCgiSetup | Euphoria CGI Setup | Irv Mullins | Feb 12 2001 | LNX rds-hosted |
| EuphoriaClipbookForNotetabEditor | Euphoria Clipbook for NoteTab Editor | Jiri Babor | May 17 2000 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
1800 | EuphoriaDatabaseBrowser | Euphoria Database Browser | Matthew Lewis | Aug 25 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
| EuphoriaDataManipulation | Euphoria Data Manipulation | Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen | May 17 1997 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| EuphoriaDataSharingDemo | Euphoria Data Sharing Demo | Jordah Ferguson | Sep 5 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| EuphoriaDocumentationGenerator2 | Euphoria Documentation Generator | Robert Craig | Nov 3 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS |
| EuphoriaEditor | Euphoria Editor | David Ragazzi | May 20 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| EuphoriaEditorForWindows | Euphoria Editor for Windows | Eric Randall | Jun 4 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| EuphoriaHeapManager | Euphoria Heap Manager | Barbarella | Sep 3 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| EuphoriaHelpFileMaker | Euphoria Help File Maker | Virtual B / Roland Stowasser | Jan 23 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Documentation |
100 | EuphoriaHypertextHelp | Euphoria HyperText Help | Juergen Luethje | Feb 5 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
| EuphoriaIcons | Euphoria Icons | Carl White | Jun 16 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Editors |
500 | EuphoriaInstall-SetupUtility | Euphoria Install / Setup Utility | H.W. Overman & Al Getz | Jul 12 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
300 | EuphoriaJfwLibrary | Euphoria JFW Library | Louis Bryant | Mar 26 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| EuphoriaMediaPlayer-beta | Euphoria Media Player (Beta) | Logan Kodysz | Nov 19 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| EuphoriaMessagesInEnglishAndRussian | Euphoria Messages in English and Russian | Igor Kachan | Sep 26 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
100 | EuphoriaPreprocessor | Euphoria Preprocessor | David Cuny | Jun 2 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
300 | EuphoriaPreprocessor2 | Euphoria Preprocessor | Chris Bensler | Jul 23 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| EuphoriaSourceFileAnalyzer | Euphoria Source File Analyzer | Craig Gilbert | Aug 13 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| EuphoriaSupportFileForTheGeanyProgrammingEditor | Euphoria support file for the Geany Programming Editor | Kenneth Rhodes | Oct 27 2011 | LNX rds-hosted Editors |
| EuphoriaSvgIcons | Euphoria SVG Icons | Alexander Toresson | Mar 19 2005 | LNX rds-hosted |
| EuphoriaSyntaxFileForVim | Euphoria syntax file for Vim | Jason Gade | Nov 21 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Editors |
| EuphoriaSyntaxForGlimmerEditor | Euphoria Syntax for Glimmer Editor | Travis Beaty | May 5 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Editors |
| EuphoriaSyntaxForUltraEdit | Euphoria Syntax for Ultra Edit | Antonio Alessi | Dec 13 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Editors |
| EuphoriaVersionDetectionLibrary | Euphoria Version Detection Library | Vincent Howell | Aug 17 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| EuphoricMysteriesE-book | Euphoric Mysteries E-book | Bill Aitken | Jun 5 2009 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
| Euscanf | EuScanf | Fred Mangan | Feb 23 2010 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Eusdl-md2 | EuSDL_MD2 | Steven Allen | Sep 15 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| Eusdl2 | EuSDL2 | Andy P. | Oct 24 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| Eusdl2-gfx | EuSDL2_gfx | Jean-Marc DURO | Jan 18 2016 | GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| Eusdl2-ttf | EuSDL2_ttf | Jean-Marc DURO | Jan 8 2016 | GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| Eusdl2image | EuSDL2Image | Andy P. | Sep 29 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Eusdl2mixer | EuSDL2Mixer | Andy P. | Jun 2 2015 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| Euset | euSet | Rene Conijn | May 24 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Eusfml2 | EuSFML2 | Andy P. | Mar 5 2017 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| Eusp-beta | EuSP (beta) | Alex Chamberlain | Dec 19 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| Euspeech | Euspeech | Jeremy Peterson | Dec 23 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| EustudioEditor | EuStudio Editor | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted |
300 | Eusudoku | EuSudoku | Erik-Jan van Kampen | Mar 31 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| EuSyntaxColoringForFarNAndPsp | EU syntax coloring for FAR, N++ and PSP | Igor Kachan | Mar 12 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| Eutendo-ANesEmulator | Eutendo - A NES emulator | mic | Nov 9 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
| Euvide0220SetupProgram | EuVIDE 0.22.0 Setup Program | Andy Drummond | Jan 10 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
100 | Euvide100SetupProgram | EuVIDE 1.0.0 Setup Program | Andy Drummond | Jun 6 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| EuvideBoundInstallProgram | EuVIDE Bound install program | Andy Drummond | Aug 1 2009 | WIN rds-hosted |
150 | Euviewer3 | EuViewer3 | Al Getz | Jun 20 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
80 | EuWebClick-DownloadCounter | EU Web click/Download Counter | Pete Stoner | Nov 3 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| EuwikiBackup-2006-10-13 | EuWiki backup - 2006-10-13 | Aku | Oct 13 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
| EuwikiBackup-20060916 | EuWiki backup - 20060916 | Aku | Sep 15 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
200 | Euwinfun | EuWinFun | Roland Stowasser | May 22 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
9700 | EuwinguiLibraryAndIde | EuWinGUI Library and IDE | Andrea Cini | Oct 30 2006 | WIN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
| EuwinguiPrinting | EuWinGUI printing | Rod Damon | Nov 5 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
| EuwordsInItalian | EUwords in Italian | Antonio Alessi | May 21 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Editors |
| Euwpbar | EuwPBar | Fred Mangan | May 15 2008 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Euxosd | euXosd: Wrapper for the XOSD on-screen display library | Ira Hill | Jan 2 2012 | LNX rds-hosted |
| EvaluateMathExpressionsV110 | Evaluate math expressions v1.1.0 | Shian Lee | Dec 6 2014 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
380 | EvaluateSimpleExpressions | Evaluate Simple Expressions | Martin Stachon | Jul 30 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| EventCodeGenerator | Event Code Generator | Greg Haberek | Feb 5 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
280 | EventSystemForEuphoria | Event System for Euphoria | Jeffrey Fielding | Jul 21 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| EvolutionSimulator | Evolution simulator | Matt Arriola | Aug 8 2011 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| ExampleOfAnimation | Example of Animation | Hongyanto Setio | Aug 5 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| ExampleOfUsingTheIpcLibrary | Example of using the IPC library | Pete Stoner | May 13 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
640 | ExcelTools | Excel Tools | Roger Marin | Oct 30 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Execcommand | execCommand | Jean-Marc DURO | Sep 24 2012 | LNX rds-hosted |
| ExecutorOfEuphoriaFilesForScite-ru | Executor of euphoria files for SciTe-ru | Mike Manturov | Feb 10 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| ExoticaxDemos | ExoticaX Demos | Dan McGrath | Nov 9 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| ExpressionEvaluator | Expression Evaluator | Andy Montgomery | Jul 2 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| ExpressionEvaluator2 | Expression evaluator | Jean-Marc DURO | Oct 4 2016 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| ExpressionEvaluator22 | Expression Evaluator | David Cuny | Feb 3 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
200 | ExtendedPrecisionArithmetic | Extended Precision Arithmetic | Antoine Tammer | May 30 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
420 | ExtendedTaskingLibrary | Extended Tasking Library | Mike Nelson | Oct 30 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| ExtensionsToTopaz | Extensions to Topaz | Matt Arriola | Aug 26 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
3150 | ExtraControls | Extra Controls | Don Phillips | Sep 28 2004 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ExtraRoutines | Extra routines | Hayden McKay | Dec 21 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| ExtraRoutinesOfferedForWin32lib | Extra routines offered for win32lib | Arthur Crump | Oct 7 2010 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ExtraWin32Functions | Extra WIN32 Functions | Jonas Temple | Jan 30 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Ezip | Ezip | Paul Plummer | Jun 26 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| FactorialAndPrimes | Factorial and Primes | Abhay | Jan 25 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Fasm4e | fasm4e | Hayden McKay | Dec 3 2015 | WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
| FastAccess | fast access | llamedoso | May 9 2013 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| FastdllForValue | Fast .dll for value() | Aku | Oct 11 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| FasterPiCalculation | Faster PI Calculation | Michael Bolin | Mar 29 1997 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
50 | FasterPiCalculation2 | Faster PI Calculation | Laurence Draper | Sep 24 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| FasterRoutinesForMachinee | Faster Routines for machine.e | Aku | Sep 15 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| FasterWildcarde | Faster wildcard.e | Colin Taylor | Nov 25 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| FastScrolling | Fast Scrolling | H.W. Overman | Jun 18 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
120 | FastSortingForEuphoria | Fast Sorting for Euphoria | Leks van der Voort van der Kleij | Jan 13 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| FaxManager | Fax Manager | Chris Burch | Aug 25 2004 | LNX rds-hosted |
| FeEditor | FE Editor | Mike Duffy | Dec 14 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| FermatsTest | Fermat's test | Marco Achury | Aug 17 2011 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| File2eu | File2Eu | Davi Figueiredo | Mar 30 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| FileAndPipeLibraries | File and Pipe Libraries | Jeff Fielding | Feb 22 2000 | LNX rds-hosted |
| FileArchiveSearch | File Archive Search | Robert Szalay | Jan 20 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| FileCommands2 | File Commands | Ted Fines | Feb 16 2001 | LNX rds-hosted |
100 | FileCompare | File Compare | Ricardo Forno | Aug 16 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| FileDecompressor | File Decompressor | Chrissy | Feb 1 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
300 | FileIOScreenIOAndOtherMiscFunctions | File I/O, Screen I/O & Other Misc Functions | Bill Reed | Jul 17 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| FileNamesToLowerCase | file names to lower case | Carlos Valdes | Dec 28 2008 | LNX rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| FileNotes | File Notes | Doug Weinert | Nov 4 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| FileOperations | File Operations | Aku | May 18 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| FilePackUnpack | File Pack/Unpack | Jiri Babor | Jan 29 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
110 | FilesForContextEditor | Files for ConTEXT Editor | Jiri Babor | Sep 4 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Editors |
| FileSizeRoutines | file size routines | Thomas Betterly | Jul 10 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| FileSplitter | File Splitter | Carl White | Apr 18 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| FilesWithinAllZips | Files Within All .zip's | Robert Craig | Jan 30 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS |
| FileTransferProtocol-ftp | File Transfer Protocol (FTP) | Daniel Berstein | May 27 1998 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
100 | FinancialCalculator | Financial Calculator | Jaime Marcos | Oct 25 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| FindBiggestFiles | Find Biggest Files | Niels Lambertsen | Aug 7 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| FindDuplicateFiles | Find Duplicate Files | RDS / Ricardo Forno | Apr 15 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Finder | Finder | Frank Collins | Apr 24 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Findinfile-fif | FindInFile (FIF) | William Heimbigner | Jun 19 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| FindPicture | Find Picture | Theo Gottwald | Oct 26 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Fireball | Fireball | Evan Marshall | Nov 23 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| FixDiccionarioCodePage | 'Fix' Diccionario Code Page | Al Getz | Feb 8 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| FixedWidthFileParser | fixed width file parser | Jeremy Cowgar | Mar 19 2009 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
150 | FixForExotica-Exoticax | Fix for Exotica/ExoticaX | Paul Plummer | Aug 28 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| FlagsDemo | Flags Demo | Mic | May 23 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| FlashWindowExample | Flash Window Example | Logan Kodysz | May 29 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
200 | Flat-assembler-wrapper | Flat-Assembler (wrapper) | Hayden McKay | May 28 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
| FlatMathEvaluationLibrary | Flat math evaluation library | CChris | Aug 15 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| FloppyBird | Floppy Bird | Evan Marshall | Dec 5 2014 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
150 | FluffyBunnies | Fluffy Bunnies | Mark Honnor | Oct 23 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
200 | FmodSoundLibrary | FMOD Sound Library | Aku | Apr 22 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| Font-sdl | Font_SDL | Mark Akita | May 31 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Fonts |
50 | FontConverter | Font Converter | Juan Reina | Oct 31 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Fonts |
| FontEnumerator | Font Enumerator | Greg Haberek | Jun 20 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Fonts |
| ForeignLanguageEditor | Foreign Language Editor | John McAdam | Aug 27 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Editors |
| ForMigratingToANewerWin32lib | For migrating to a newer Win32lib | Shawn | Aug 14 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
25 | FormulaCompiler | Formula Compiler | Al Getz | Mar 4 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
900 | ForthCompiler | Forth compiler | mic | Dec 4 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| ForwardReferenceParser | Forward Reference Parser | J. Brown | Jul 18 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| Fractal-Mandelbrot | Fractal - mandelbrot | Harald Reger | Feb 13 2011 | WIN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| FractalGeneratorForWindows | Fractal generator for Windows | Dan-Ake Engqvist | Nov 26 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
100 | FractalScreenSaver | Fractal Screen Saver | Nick Metcalfe | Aug 4 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| FreebudgetV13 | FreeBudget v1.3 | Jean-Marc DURO | Nov 18 2012 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| FreebudgetV132 | FreeBudget v1.3 | Jean-Marc DURO | Sep 5 2012 | LNX rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| Freeglut-TheFreeOpenglUtilityToolkit | freeglut - The Free OpenGL Utility Toolkit | Elliott Sales de Andrade | Mar 26 2004 | GEN rds-hosted |
| Freeimage | FreeImage | Greg Haberek | Dec 23 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| FreeworldScreensaver | FREEWORLD screensaver | Carlos Valdes | Aug 19 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| FrontEndForRunningEditingPrograms | Front End for Running/Editing Programs | WOLF InI Software | Apr 13 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
100 | Frost | Frost | Andy | Jun 7 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| FruitMachineGame | Fruit Machine Game | sotiris bellos | Nov 29 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| FtpLibrary | FTP Library | Jean-Marc DURO | Sep 10 2012 | LNX rds-hosted Internet |
| FtpServer | FTP Server | Jean-Marc DURO | Sep 24 2012 | LNX rds-hosted Internet |
| FtpStub | FTP stub | Michael J. Sabal | Aug 20 2009 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| FullScreenClockForTheHolidays | Full Screen Clock For The Holidays | llamedoso | Jun 24 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| FullScreenDemo | Full Screen Demo | Greg Haberek | Oct 30 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
600 | Gallerymaker | GalleryMaker | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| GameCreator | Game creator | gaz | Nov 25 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| GameMaker | Game maker | gaz | Feb 19 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| GameOfLife2 | Game of Life | Carlos Valdes | Sep 9 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Games |
100 | Gather | Gather | Ricardo M. Forno | Mar 13 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
300 | Gdiplus | GdiPlus | Mike Duffy | Jan 16 2012 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
600 | GdiplusGraphicsLibrary | GdiPlus Graphics Library | Al Getz | Mar 30 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| GeditSyntaxForEuphoria40 | GEdit Syntax for Euphoria 4.0 | Mario Steele | Jan 16 2009 | LNX rds-hosted Editors |
2750 | GeneralFunctions | General Functions | Ricardo Forno | Dec 31 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| GeneralizedRunge-kuttaNumericalIntegrationForStiffOdes | Generalized Runge-Kutta Numerical Integration for Stiff ODEs | Don Cahela | Mar 8 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Generalscaling | GeneralScaling | Fred Mangan | Oct 18 2010 | GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| GenerateUniqueNumbers | Generate Unique Numbers | Derek Parnell | Jul 26 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
100 | GenericGameboyIde | Generic Gameboy IDE | Russell K. Davis | Feb 15 2000 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| GetadaptersaddressesWrapper | GetAdaptersAddresses wrapper | Pete Stoner | Mar 4 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| GetadaptersinfoWrapper | getAdaptersInfo wrapper | Brian Broker | Nov 19 2004 | WIN rds-hosted |
20 | GetCpuParameters | Get CPU Parameters | Pete Eberlein | Sep 17 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
| GetDriveInfo | Get Drive Info | Al Getz | Aug 30 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
| GetFixed | Get Fixed | Daniel Kluss | May 6 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| GetForegroundControl | Get Foreground Control | Aku | Mar 6 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| GetReturned64BitIntegers | Get returned 64 bit integers | CChris | Jan 11 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| Getstartupdirectory | GetStartupDirectory | Al Getz | Sep 4 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| GettimeRoutinePatch | GetTime routine patch | Shawn Pringle | Oct 24 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Getvolumeinformation | getVolumeInformation | William Heimbigner | Jul 6 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| GhostMaze2 | Ghost Maze 2 | gaz | May 8 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| GlassworksGame | GlassWorks Game | David Cuny | Oct 23 1999 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
130 | GlobalsExtractorForEditorSyntaxFiles | globals extractor for editor syntax files | Michael Nelson | May 21 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
450 | Glue-glutWrapper | Glue (GLUT Wrapper) | Mic | Feb 11 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| GlutWrappers | GLUT wrappers | Daniel Kluss | Dec 23 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| Goo | Goo | Karl Bochert | Feb 27 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
50 | GoogleSearchTool | Google Search Tool | Robert Szalay | Oct 15 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| GpgpuWithAtiFix | GPGPU with ATI Fix | Daniel Kluss | Nov 12 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
| Grabber | Grabber | MrTrick | Nov 1 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| GradientFill | Gradient Fill | Martin Stachon | Feb 17 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| GraphControlV002 | Graph Control v0.0.2 | Greg Haberek | Jun 30 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
170 | Graphex | graphex.ew | Gary Shingles | Jul 24 2008 | WIN rds-hosted |
| GraphicFileConverter | Graphic File Converter | Normand Blais | Jan 21 2000 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| GraphicScaling | Graphic Scaling | Fred Mangan | Jan 31 2008 | WIN rds-hosted |
| GraphicseForLinux | graphics.e for Linux | Mike Sabal | Sep 9 2000 | LNX rds-hosted |
500 | GraphicsEngineForLinux | Graphics Engine for Linux | Bernie Ryan | Dec 20 2000 | LNX rds-hosted |
| Graphpeu | GraphPeu | Jean-Marc DURO | Dec 5 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| Graves | Graves | Gaz | Jun 11 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
550 | GreatComputerLanguageShootout | Great Computer Language Shootout! | Jason Gade | Feb 5 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| Gridcalc | Gridcalc | Michael J. Sabal | Mar 11 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
200 | GridControl | Grid Control | Jonas Temple | Jun 20 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
100 | GrprintVersion2 | GrPrint version 2 | Andy Drummond | Sep 15 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Gsl2014 | GSL2014 | Fred Mangan | Feb 16 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| Gsudoku | GSUDOKU | Ricardo M. Forno | Jun 21 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Games |
185 | GtkLibrary | GTK Library | David Cuny | Sep 7 1999 | LNX rds-hosted |
| GtkOpenglExtension | GTK OpenGL extension | Michael J. Sabal | Jan 11 2005 | LNX rds-hosted Library Routines |
| GtkWrapperDeclarations | GTK Wrapper Declarations | David Cuny | Sep 7 1999 | LNX rds-hosted |
300 | GuideToObjectOrientedProgramming | Guide to Object Oriented Programming | Alex Caracatsanis | Sep 11 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
| GuiForTranslator | GUI for Translator | Roland Stowasser | Dec 28 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| GuyArcade | Guy Arcade | Guy Programmer | Nov 3 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
100 | Gw-to-e | GW_to_E | Daniel Kluss | Nov 18 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
325 | GzipDecompressor | GZIP Decompressor | Davi Figueiredo | Oct 10 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| HaikuGenerator | Haiku Generator | Mark Akita | Nov 22 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| Hamsterspeak | HamsterSpeak | James Paige | Mar 4 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
70 | HandlingUndefinedValues | Handling Undefined Values | Juergen Luethje | Sep 27 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| HardBitConversion | Hard bit conversion | Emlyn Merlyn | Sep 7 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
200 | HardwareDepEnabledEuphoria | Hardware DEP enabled Euphoria | Shawn Pringle | Dec 29 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| HelpDeskUtilities | Help Desk Utilities | Michael Raley | Jul 2 1998 | WIN rds-hosted |
1050 | HelpFile | Help File | H.W. Overman | Jun 18 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Documentation |
| HelpFileMaker | Help File Maker | Greg Haberek | Mar 19 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Documentation |
100 | HewForEuallegro | hew for euallegro | Chris Burch | Jul 12 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| HexFileViewer | Hex File Viewer | Jacques Deschenes | Jan 5 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
100 | Hexmath | HexMath | Michael J. Sabal | Sep 29 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| HexViewer | Hex Viewer | Maurizio Moroni | Apr 2 1998 | WIN rds-hosted |
100 | HexyGame | Hexy Game | Mark Akita | Aug 27 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| HiddenMessages | Hidden messages | Emlyn Merlyn | Sep 22 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| HiddenWindows | Hidden Windows | Francesc Ortiz | Sep 12 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
400 | HighResolutionTimingRoutine | High Resolution Timing routine | Verne Tice | Jan 23 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| HighScoresLibrary | High Scores Library | MrTrick | Feb 12 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Histpie | HistPie | OtterDad | Feb 1 2010 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Histpie2 | HistPie | Fred Mangan | Jun 5 2008 | WIN rds-hosted |
| HolisticEncryption | Holistic Encryption | Peter Blue | Mar 9 2004 | LNX rds-hosted |
| Horde3dForEuphoria | Horde3D for Euphoria | Mark Brown | Sep 18 2011 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| HowToProgramComputers | How To Program Computers | Steve Baxter | Feb 16 2012 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
| Hq9Interpreter | HQ9+ Interpreter | D. Newhall | Feb 26 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| HtmlBuilder | HTML builder | Tapani Talvitie | Mar 10 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| Htmlib | HTMLib | Nahuel Carballo | Oct 4 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| HtmlMaker | HTML Maker | Ryan Mann | Feb 13 2010 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| HtmlParser | HTML Parser | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| HtmlParser2 | HTML Parser | Jean-Marc DURO | Sep 30 2012 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
120 | HtmlProgrammingLibrary | HTML Programming Library | back_analys | Jan 20 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| HtmlTableMaker | HTML Table Maker | Aidan Bindoff | May 20 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| HuffmanCompression | Huffman Compression | Junko Miura | Mar 18 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS |
100 | HyperbolicAndListRoutines | Hyperbolic and List Routines | Brad Olson | Feb 4 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Icons | Icons | Mike Duffy | Feb 28 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| IDE104 | IDE 104 for win32lib 0.70.4 and eu 4.xx | ChrisBurch3 | Dec 22 2016 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Idealator | Idealator | Ron Tarrant | Oct 14 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| IdeLanguageFile | IDE language file | Fernando Jose Velo Perez | Feb 26 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
260 | IdleTaskLibrary | idle task library | Ryan W. Johnson | Jul 14 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| ImageEditor | Image Editor | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| ImageEditor2 | Image Editor | Gaz | Apr 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
120 | ImageEvolver | Image Evolver | Alexander Toresson | May 28 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| IncludeFileDependencies | Include File Dependencies | Matt Arriola | Mar 1 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| IncludeUtility | INCLUDE Utility | Fred Mangan | Oct 26 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| IndexSort | Index Sort | Pete King | Feb 4 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
80 | Infobox | infoBox | Andy Drummond | Jul 27 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| IniFileEditor | Ini File Editor | Matt Arriola | Aug 19 2000 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
150 | InplaceScientificCalculatorAndServer | InPlace Scientific Calculator and Server | Al Getz | Apr 8 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Inputbox | input_box() | Greg Haberek | Dec 2 2004 | WIN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
100 | InsertBitmaps | Insert Bitmaps | Elliott Sales de Andrade | Oct 31 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| InsertCommas | Insert Commas | Robert Pilkington | Jul 3 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| InsertPeriods | Insert Periods | Raúl Campos | Mar 27 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| InstallationWizard | Installation wizard | Emlyn Merlyn | Oct 26 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| InstallChessPieces | Install Chess Pieces | Al Getz | Feb 27 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| InternationalFonts | International fonts | Igor Kachan | May 1 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Fonts |
| InternetLibrary2 | Internet Library | Jean-Marc DURO | Aug 8 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
150 | InternetServer | Internet Server | Hawke' | Dec 26 1998 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| InverseMathFunctions | Inverse Math Functions | J.F. Soucaille | Jan 16 1997 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| InvertAMatrix | Invert a matrix | Art Adamson | Jan 23 1997 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| IOPorts | I/O Ports | Jesus Consuegra | Dec 10 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
500 | IrregularWindows | Irregular Windows | PatRat | Jan 16 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| IsoToUtf-8Conversion | Iso to UTF-8 conversion | Jean-Marc DURO | Sep 16 2012 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| JankenGameRockPaperScissors | Janken game (rock, paper, scissors) | mic | Sep 20 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| JapaneseTextConverter | Japanese Text Converter | Aku | Dec 11 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| JapaneseTutor | Japanese Tutor | Mic | Aug 8 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| JapaneseVerbConjugator | Japanese Verb Conjugator | Matt Arriola | May 17 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| JapiForLinuxTestedAndReadySamples | japi for linux tested and ready samples | Carlos Valdes | Jan 30 2009 | LNX rds-hosted |
| JapiForWindowsTestedAndReady | japi for windows tested and ready | Carlos Valdes | Jan 30 2009 | WIN rds-hosted |
| JapiGuiLibraryCompiledForIntelOsx | JAPI GUI Library compiled for INTEL OSX | alban read | Nov 19 2006 | GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
| JensFileEditorForEuphoria3x | Jens' File Editor for Euphoria 3.x | Alex Antypenko | Nov 28 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| Jetvetsql | JetvetSQL | Chris Burch | Feb 11 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| JimsTimer | Jims Timer | llamedoso | Aug 2 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| JirisSudoku | jiri's sudoku | jiri babor | Nov 28 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Joed | JoEd | Jonathan Santos | Feb 9 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| JudithsIdeAsExe | Judith's IDE as a .exe | Greg Haberek | Jan 12 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
100 | JudithsIdeCompiled | Judith's IDE compiled | Aku | Nov 21 2004 | WIN rds-hosted |
| JunkosDaybydateReviewed | Junko's DayByDate reviewed | Jean-Marc DURO | Sep 30 2010 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| KakuroAssistant | Kakuro Assistant | Jean-Marc DURO | Jun 24 2013 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| KakuroAssistantV2 | Kakuro Assistant v2 | Jean-Marc DURO | Jul 19 2013 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| KakuroTrainerV18 | Kakuro Trainer v1.8 | Jean-Marc DURO | Oct 18 2014 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Kcreg | KCreg | keldepulo | Dec 13 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| KernighanInterpreterBenchmarks | Kernighan Interpreter Benchmarks | RDS | Jan 28 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS |
| Keyboard | Keyboard | Fred Ransom | Nov 30 2012 | WIN rds-hosted |
| KeyboardStatus | Keyboard Status | Aku | Jul 3 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| KjvApocrypha | KJV Apocrypha | William Heimbigner | Jul 25 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| Knapsack | Knapsack: simple and fast | Ricardo Forno | Sep 2 2007 | GEN rds-hosted |
| KnapsackProblem | Knapsack Problem | Art Adamson | Nov 11 1997 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Kv-KeyValueSequences | KV - Key/Value Sequences | Kenneth Riviere | Jul 28 2010 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| LaborScheduling | Labor Scheduling | Logan Kodysz | Dec 19 2004 | WIN rds-hosted |
| LAndD | L and D | DB James | Aug 12 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| LAndDFullscreen | L and D Fullscreen | DB James | May 9 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
150 | LaunchPadv403 | Launch Pad (v4.03) | Al Getz | May 26 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Lazgui | LazGUI | Jean-Marc DURO | Feb 24 2016 | GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
| LdapSearch | LDAP Search | Jean-Marc DURO | May 31 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| LearnToType | Learn to type v1.50 - for Euphoria 3.1.1 | Shian Lee | Jan 11 2018 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| LetterGame | Letter Game | Erik-Jan van Kampen | Apr 1 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| LevenshteinStringDistance | Levenshtein string distance | Jeremy Cowgar | Aug 20 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| LewyTsRpgGame | Lewy T's RPG Game | Lewis Townsend | Jun 15 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Lib2 | lib2 v1.00 for Euphoria 3.1.1 | Shian Lee | Jan 16 2018 | GEN rds-hosted |
| Libcurl | libcurl | Jean-Marc DURO | Nov 10 2016 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| LibraryForComplexNumbers | Library for Complex Numbers | Spocky | Feb 16 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
100 | LibraryOfStatisticalFunctions | Library of Statistical Functions | Charles Newbould | Apr 9 2010 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| LibxlswriterForEu3 | libxlswriter for eu3 | Jean-Marc DURO | Oct 9 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Limits | limits.e | Jason Gade | Jun 12 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| LinearLeastSquares | Linear Least Squares | Rolf Schroeder | Feb 28 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Linebreak-Lb-FixTheLineBreaksInTextFiles | linebreak - lb - fix the line breaks in text files | Shawn Pringle | Dec 8 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| LineNumbers | Line Numbers | llamedoso | Aug 17 2016 | WIN rds-hosted |
| LinkedList | Linked List | James Cook | Jun 23 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| LinuxConsoleUtilities | Linux console utilities | Chris Burch | Feb 4 2004 | LNX rds-hosted |
| Listroutines2 | ListRoutines | DB James | Jul 16 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| ListviewTreeviewDemo | Listview/TreeView Demo | Wayne Overman | Jul 24 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
50 | Llama | Llama | David Cuny | Jun 29 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
| LlamaDemos | Llama Demos | Kenneth Roger | Jun 13 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
| LoadFileFromEuphoriaData | Load File from Euphoria Data | Andrea Cini | Dec 20 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| LoadgifWithWin32lib | Load .GIF with Win32Lib | Martin Stachon | Jul 9 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| LoadOrMergeFilesIntoEds | Load/Merge Files into EDS | Larry Gregg | May 24 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| LongestCommonSubstringProblem | Longest Common Substring Problem | James Cook | Jun 2 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| LosslessImageCodec | Lossless Image Codec | Mic | Dec 9 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Low-levelWindowsWrapper | Low-level Windows wrapper | Jean-Marc DURO | Jan 10 2016 | WIN rds-hosted |
| LowLevelMemoryRoutines | Low Level Memory Routines | Jordah Ferguson | Aug 9 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
150 | Lplanner | LPlanner | Michael J. Sabal | Mar 2 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| LsdV03 | LSD v0.3 | Jean-Marc DURO | Apr 18 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
| Ltsc | Laptop Spy Camera | llamedoso | May 17 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
120 | LuaV502WrappersForEuphoria | Lua v502 wrappers for Euphoria | Jeremy Peterson | Dec 20 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
200 | LzCompression | LZ Compression | Mic | May 28 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| LzjbCompressionLibrary | LZJB compression library | Aku 2006 | May 14 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Machine-languageExecutor | Machine-Language Executor | Brecht Pynoo | Mar 29 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| Machine2v101 | Machine2 (v1.01) | Shian Lee | Mar 17 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
| Machine2v106 | Machine2 (v1.06) | Shian Lee | Dec 23 2017 | GEN rds-hosted |
200 | MagicDesigner-toy-EmulationProgram | Magic Designer (toy) emulation program | Andrew Katz | Jul 2 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| MagicPacketUtility | Magic Packet Utility | Andrew Hall | May 31 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| Makedoc | MakeDoc | Derek Parnell | Dec 18 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Documentation |
| MakeIcon | Make Icon | Alexander Toresson | Oct 10 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
200 | MakeProjectFile | Make Project File | Martin Stachon | Apr 5 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ManageExcelFiles | Manage Excel files | Jean-Marc DURO | Nov 16 2015 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| ManifestMaker | Manifest Maker | Mike Duffy | Mar 24 2010 | WIN rds-hosted |
| MapEditor | Map Editor | Blair Howarth | Jun 20 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
150 | Mapruler | MapRuler | jacques deschenes | Sep 9 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
150 | MarkovianTextGenerator | Markovian Text Generator | Ricardo M. Forno | Jan 27 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| MastermindGame22 | MasterMind Game | Roland Stowasser | Dec 2 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| MasterSystemEmulator | Master System emulator | mic | Apr 5 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
720 | Matheval | Matheval | Matthew Lewis | Apr 20 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| MathLibrary | Math Library | Al Getz | Feb 12 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
100 | MathLibrary2 | Math Library | Don Cahela | Jun 2 2009 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| MathProblemGenerator | Math Problem Generator | Jon Sas | Jun 24 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| MathRoutines | Math Routines | Andy Montgomery | Feb 5 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Mathv100 | Math (v1.00) | Shian Lee | Feb 18 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| MatrixOperations | Matrix Operations | J.F. Soucaille | Jan 30 1997 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| MazeMaker | Maze Maker | Evan Marshall | Jun 2 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| MazeSolver | Maze Solver | Jeremy Popp | Sep 9 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Games |
| Mcatalog | MCatalog | Fred Mangan | Nov 5 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
| Mcsyntax | Euphoria 3.1.1 syntax highlighting for Midnight Commander | Shian Lee | Nov 17 2017 | LNX rds-hosted |
| Md5MessageDigestAlgorithm | MD5 Message Digest Algorithm | Davi Figueiredo | Nov 12 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| MdiDemo | MDI Demo | Francis Dowling | Jun 12 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| MdxEuphoriaConsoleEditor | mdx.ex Euphoria console editor | Kenneth Rhodes | May 2 2014 | GEN rds-hosted Editors |
| MeasurementConversionTool | Measurement Conversion Tool | Jim Roberts | Oct 5 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Memo | Memo | Thomas Jansen | Apr 14 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
100 | Memory | memory.e | Hayden McKay | May 2 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
| MemoryChallenge | Memory Challenge | Ryan Mann | Dec 5 2010 | GEN rds-hosted Games |
| MemoryChallenges | Memory Challenges | irv mullins | Dec 17 2010 | LNX rds-hosted Games |
| MemoryDump | Memory Dump | Jess Harpur | Feb 16 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
240 | MemoryMonitor | Memory Monitor | H. W. Overman | Dec 26 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
200 | MemoryV10 | Memory v1.0 | Evan Marshall | Jan 2 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| MergeSort | Merge Sort | Don Cahela | Sep 19 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
100 | MersenneTwister | Mersenne Twister | Brendon Sly | Jul 20 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| MessageBoxesForUnicode | message boxes for Unicode | Arthur Crump | Oct 14 2009 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Meta-tagGenerator | Meta-tag Generator | Robert Szalay | Jun 12 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
5700 | MethodEuphoria | Method Euphoria | Mike Nelson | Oct 9 2010 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| Micro | micro | int-input | Apr 19 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Games |
| MicrosoftOutlookBar | Microsoft Outlook Bar | David Cuny | Dec 9 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
325 | MidiFileGenerator | Midi File Generator | Mark Akita | Mar 31 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| MidnightCommanderSyntaxHighlighting | Midnight Commander syntax highlighting | prickle | Jul 31 2009 | LNX rds-hosted Editors |
100 | Mimoc | mimoc.e | ags | Feb 9 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| MinesweeperBeater | Minesweeper Beater | Daniel Kluss | Sep 4 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
150 | MinesweeperbeaterVer3 | MineSweeperBeater Ver3 | Daniel Kluss | Sep 10 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| MineSweeperGame | Mine Sweeper Game | David Cuny | Jun 1 1999 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| MinesweeperWithQuestions | Minesweeper With Questions | Daniel Kluss | Sep 7 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Ming-swfOutput-Wrapper-alpha04 | Ming (swf output) wrapper (alpha04) | Gary Shingles | Jul 24 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| MiscGraphicsPrograms | misc graphics programs | practicing01 | Dec 28 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| MixedFractions | Mixed Fractions | Fred Ransom | Apr 15 2012 | WIN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| ModernOpenglTutorials | Modern OpenGL Tutorials | Steve Allen | Jan 2 2013 | WIN rds-hosted Documentation |
| ModifiedConquestGame | Modified Conquest Game | Shawn Pringle | Dec 31 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| ModifiedEdex | Modified ed.ex | T-Duke | Apr 21 2015 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| ModifiedIncludeSystem | Modified include system | Vincent Howell | Feb 9 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
100 | ModifiedInterpreter | Modified Interpreter | Matthew Lewis | Jul 14 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| ModifiedLibraryDocumentation | Modified Library Documentation | Rod Hicks | Aug 1 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
600 | ModifiedPrintRoutine | Modified Print Routine | Gabriel Boehme | Mar 29 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Monbla | monbla | practicing01 | Mar 8 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| MonitorAllWindows | Monitor All Windows | Greg Haberek | Apr 7 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| MonsterMines | Monster Mines | Liquid-Nitrogen | Oct 23 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| MoreDates | More Dates | don cole | Aug 17 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| MoreIcons | More Icons | jxliv7 - jon | Jun 21 2005 | GEN rds-hosted |
850 | MorfitReloaded | Morfit reloaded | Mark Brown and Todd Riggins | Nov 30 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
420 | MouseViaKeyboard | Mouse via keyboard | Thomas Betterly | Jul 20 2007 | WIN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
| MoveOrResizeBorderlessWindows | Move/Resize Borderless Windows | Daduko | Dec 31 2009 | WIN rds-hosted |
100 | MoveOrResizeBorderlessWindows2 | Move/Resize Borderless Windows | PatRat | Mar 25 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Moving3-dObjects | Moving 3-D Objects | Jason Mirwald | Jun 28 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
100 | Mp3Evaluator | MP3 Evaluator | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
150 | MpegGopCutter | MPEG GOP Cutter | Doug Weinert | Nov 17 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Mr | Mr | Eric Randall | Apr 27 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| Multi-playerWordGameUsingSockets | Multi-player Word Game Using Sockets | Irv Mullins | Feb 15 2000 | LNX rds-hosted |
| MultiplatformEvalScript | Multiplatform Eval Script | Alex Chamberlain | Dec 15 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| MultiplicationQuizFor3rdGrade | Multiplication Quiz for 3rd Grade | Hecnor | Jan 9 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Multisearch | MultiSearch | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| MunafaAccountingPackage | Munafa Accounting Package | Anando Banerjee | Jul 9 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| MusicDatabase | Music Database | Larry Mears | Oct 1 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
300 | Musubi | Musubi | Mark K. Akita | Sep 2 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| MutateDollarSigns-mds | Mutate Dollar Signs (MDS) | Al Getz | Jan 4 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Mybox | MyBox | Allen Ashby | Nov 20 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| Mydiary | MyDiary | Fred Mangan | Nov 26 2015 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Myeditor | MyEditor | Allen Ashby | Jan 21 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| Myinputoutput | MyInputOutput | egg | Mar 21 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| MyLinks | My Links | irv mullins | Mar 16 2010 | LNX rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| Mysql50ForEuphoriaFromFabioRamirez | MySQL 5.0 for Euphoria from Fabio Ramirez | MC Wong | Sep 26 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
150 | MysqlForEuphoria | MySQL for Euphoria | Fabio Ramirez | Jul 20 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
| Mystack | Mystack | James Cook | May 27 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
130 | Mywindows | MyWindows | KittenAB | Aug 25 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
| NamespaceDemo | Namespace Demo | Aku | Jun 22 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| NamespaceParser | Namespace Parser | J. Brown | Jul 18 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| NaturalLanguageTranslator | Natural Language Translator | George Brooks / Rob Craig | Feb 5 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
100 | NaturalSort | Natural Sort | Andy Serpa | Jan 13 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
100 | NcursesForEuphoria | ncurses for Euphoria | Chris Burch | Jan 26 2006 | LNX rds-hosted |
| Netscan | Netscan | irv mullins | Mar 19 2010 | LNX rds-hosted |
305 | NetworkGameEngine | Network Game Engine | Andrew | Dec 19 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| NeuralNetworkBugSimulator | Neural Network Bug Simulator | John McAdam | Mar 12 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| NewtonianTelescopeSpotDiagrams | Newtonian Telescope Spot Diagrams | Kenneth Roger | May 16 1998 | WIN rds-hosted |
450 | Nexus24Pre-beta | Nexus 2.4 pre-beta | Don Phillips | Feb 11 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
700 | NexusCodeEditor | Nexus Code Editor | Don Phillips | Nov 9 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
300 | Non-englishLanguageSupport | Non-English Language Support | Jiri Nemec | Dec 18 1998 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Non-linearLeastSquares | Non-Linear Least Squares | Rolf Schroeder | Feb 28 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
70 | NormalDistribution | Normal Distribution | Erik van Kampen | Apr 10 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Notes | Notes | Greg Haberek | Aug 25 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| NotetabFile | NoteTab File | Alvin Koffman | Mar 31 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
300 | NumberConversions | Number conversions | David Money | Dec 31 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| NumberEWithThousandsOfDigits | Number e with thousands of digits | Jaime Marcos | Oct 20 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Object-orientedProgramming | Object-Oriented Programming | Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen | Jun 2 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| Object-orientedProgrammingExample | Object-Oriented Programming Example | Francis Bussiere | May 25 1997 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| ObjectOrientedProgrammingInEuphoria | Object Oriented Programming in Euphoria | Jurgen Janes | Jul 11 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
1400 | OdbcDatabaseConnectivity | ODBC Database Connectivity | Matthew Lewis | Mar 10 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
300 | OdbcLibrary | ODBC Library | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
| OddBehaviourInMletext | Odd behaviour in MleText | Phil French | Jan 22 2015 | WIN rds-hosted Fonts |
| OnxxxToSethandlerIdeProjectConvert | onXXX to setHandler IDE Project Convert | Andy Drummond | Mar 1 2004 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Openal3dSound | OpenAL 3D Sound | Daniel Kluss | Nov 8 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| Opencv10 | OpenCV1.0 | ras | Jan 11 2012 | GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| OpenEuLogoSamples | Open Eu Logo Samples | Alex Caracatsanis | Sep 6 2009 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| OpenglDemo | OpenGL demo | Steve Allen | Jan 12 2013 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
100 | OpenglDemo-TrueGl | OpenGL Demo - True GL | Daniel Kluss | Nov 21 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| OpenglDemosForSdl | OpenGL Demos for SDL | Mark Akita | Feb 6 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| OpenglExamples | Opengl Examples | Daniel Kluss | May 31 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
1275 | OpenglGraphicsForEuphoria | OpenGL Graphics for Euphoria | Mic | Mar 23 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
200 | OpenptcGraphics | OpenPTC Graphics | Russell K. Davis | Jun 7 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| OptimalScaling | Optimal Scaling | Alexei van Baaren | Nov 1 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| OptimizedImage | Optimized image.e | Paul Plummer | Apr 5 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Orbits | Orbits | Erik-Jan van Kampen | Feb 15 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| OsxintelBuildOfDavidCunysEeEditor | OSX (Intel) build of David Cuny's EE editor. | alban read | Nov 8 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Editors |
| OsxintelSpeechSynthesizerLibrary | OSX (Intel) speech synthesizer library | alban read | Nov 13 2006 | GEN rds-hosted |
30 | OthelloGame | Othello Game | Jerry Nichols | Dec 1 1998 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| OxParserGenerator | Ox Parser Generator | David Cuny | Nov 4 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| PaletteFileReadingAndWritingRoutinesversion10 | Palette file reading/writing routines (Version 1.0) | cumesoftware | Jan 21 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Papou32 | Papou32 | Neo | Oct 18 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
| ParRarEliminator | Par/Rar Eliminator | don cole | Jul 29 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| ParseWithKeep | Parse with keep | Michael Raley | Oct 9 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| PasswordKeeper | Password Keeper | V.J. Demsky | Mar 16 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Patcher | Patcher | Alexander Toresson | Mar 16 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
400 | PatternMatching | Pattern Matching | Karl Bochert | Apr 23 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
400 | PatternMatchingForTextStrings | Pattern Matching for Text Strings | David Cuny | Feb 4 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| PbookPhonebookUtility | pbook phonebook utility | Greg Haberek | Mar 10 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
50 | PcSpeakerSounds | PC Speaker Sounds | Ting (Aku) | Jul 9 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| PebblesGamesForDosAndLinux | Pebbles Games for DOS and Linux | Benjamin Fitch | Jan 10 2001 | LNX rds-hosted |
| PentiumBugCheck | Pentium Bug Check | Nahuel Carballo | Aug 3 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
| PeriodicTableOfTheElements | Periodic Table of the Elements | Guillermo Friant V. | May 17 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
| PeriodicTableProgram | Periodic Table program | Jeremy Peterson | Dec 23 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
100 | PerlinNoiseLibrary | Perlin Noise Library | Dan McGrath | Sep 3 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Sound |
| Permutations | Permutations | Fred Ransom | Apr 10 2013 | WIN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| PermutationsAndCombinationsOfUpTo13Things | Permutations and Combinations of up to 13 things | Ralph Gillott | Nov 6 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| PhoneList | Phone List | Guillermo Bonvehi / Gustavo Bottegoni | Nov 21 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| PhoneMaster | Phone Master | Doug Weinert | Mar 25 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| PictureViewer | Picture Viewer | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| Pikquik3 | PikQuik 3 | David Pletts | Jun 21 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
100 | PikquikBits | PikQuik Bits | David Pletts | Jun 23 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| PingAndTrace-route | Ping and Trace-Route | Alexander Karpeev | Apr 17 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| PipeIO | Pipe I/O | J. Brown | Apr 1 2002 | LNX rds-hosted |
| PlistFileForTextwranglerForMacOsX | plist file for TextWrangler for Mac OS X | MacUser | Jan 1 2010 | GEN rds-hosted Editors |
| PoolDemo | Pool Demo | Gaz | Apr 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Popt | popt | Jeff Nycz | Dec 21 2003 | LNX rds-hosted Library Routines |
300 | PopupEliminator | Popup Eliminator | Robert Swiston | Mar 28 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
600 | PopupsForEuwingui | Popups for EuWinGui | Colin Taylor | Nov 21 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| PortAccess | Port Access | Monty King | Jul 2 1998 | WIN rds-hosted |
| PortfolioOptimizer | Portfolio Optimizer | Robert Craig | Nov 9 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| PortForwarder | Port Forwarder | Mario Steele | Jul 14 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| PortOfTheWin32libToSupportOldVersionsOfWindows | Port of the Win32lib to support old versions of Windows | Shawn Pringle B.Sc. | Oct 21 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Postgresql81WrapperForEuphoria | PostgreSQL8.1 wrapper for Euphoria | Jeremy Peterson | Dec 23 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
250 | PreciseTimerDosAndWindows | Precise Timer DOS and Windows | Daniel Kluss | Aug 6 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| PreprocessorForOop | Preprocessor for OOP | Karl Bochert | Sep 20 2000 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| Pretender | PRETENDer | Some Slacker | Dec 18 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| Pretty-sequence | Pretty_Sequence | Al Getz | Jun 30 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
100 | PrintInColumns | Print in Columns | Tony Steward | Aug 17 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| PrintUtility | Print Utility | Barend Maaskant | Jul 29 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
| PrioritizedColumnSort | Prioritized Column Sort | Al Getz | Jun 22 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
80 | ProcessViewer | Process Viewer | Pete Stoner | Jun 16 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ProfileLibrary | Profile Library | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
100 | Profiler | Profiler | Alexander Toresson | Nov 15 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| ProgramLauncher | Program Launcher | Brian Jackson | Feb 26 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ProgramLauncher2 | Program Launcher | Norman Walcott | May 17 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ProgrammersFonts | Programmer's Fonts | Karl Bochert | Mar 4 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Fonts |
| ProgramWithFlowCharts | Program with Flow Charts | Claudio Emiliozzi | Aug 6 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| ProgramWriter | program writer | don cole | May 15 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ProjectFileExamples | Project File Examples | Martin Stachon | Dec 14 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| PropertySheet | Property Sheet | Martin Stachon | Sep 24 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
1000 | Proviewer | ProViewer | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| PsionE-mailHandler | Psion E-mail Handler | David Aldred | Jun 2 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| PtcDemos | PTC Demos | Mark Akita | Apr 28 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| PurgeFiles | Purge Files | Greg Haberek | Jul 20 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| Qalarmclock | Q_AlarmClock | DB James | Sep 16 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Qhtm | QHTM | Aku 2005 | Feb 26 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| QtToEuphoriaGtk | Qt to Euphoria Gtk | ninoid | Apr 21 2010 | LNX rds-hosted |
| QuadraticEquation | Quadratic Equation | Rubens Monteiro Luciano | May 19 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Mathematics |
100 | Quartz | Quartz: OOP in Euphoria | Roderick Jackson | Dec 14 1999 | GEN rds-hosted |
| QuartzProfessional | Quartz Professional: OOP in Euphoria | Roderick Jackson | Dec 14 1999 | GEN rds-hosted |
| Quick-alarm | Quick-Alarm | Marc Poulin | Dec 20 2004 | WIN rds-hosted |
| QuickImgTagGenerator | Quick IMG tag generator | Marco Achury | May 12 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| QuickPick | Quick Pick | Logan Kodysz | Apr 9 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| QuickProgramLauncher | Quick Program Launcher | Liu Junfeng | Mar 27 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| QuickSortAlgorithm | Quick Sort Algorithm | Greg Haberek | Nov 14 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| RandomLevelsForPlatformGames | Random levels for platform games | Emlyn Merlyn | Oct 26 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
10 | RandomNumbers | Random Numbers | Kasey | Apr 30 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| RandomPhraseGenerator | Random Phrase Generator | James Begley | Aug 13 1998 | WIN rds-hosted |
| RandomPlaylistGenerator | Random Playlist Generator | Greg Haberek | Dec 27 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| Randomv100 | random.e (v1.00) | Shian Lee | Mar 23 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| RandomwavPlayer | Random .WAV Player | Chris Burch | Oct 26 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
300 | RarFileExtractionLibrary | RAR File Extraction Library | Elliott Sales de Andrade | Nov 24 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| RaySmithsEutcp4uWithLongSequences | Ray Smith's EuTcp4U with long sequences | Jean-Marc DURO | Sep 30 2010 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| RayTracingInOpenglWithTgas | Ray Tracing in OpenGL with TGAs | Daniel Kluss | Nov 22 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| ReadAndWriteCsv-unicode | Read + Write CSV (unicode) | Aku 2004 | Dec 22 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
300 | ReadAndWritewavFiles | Read/Write .WAV Files | Daryl Van den Brink | May 14 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Sound |
| ReadKeys | Read Keys | Ken Roger | Jun 8 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
300 | ReadOrWriteFileDateAndTime | Read or Write File Date and Time | Rolf Schroeder | Sep 20 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| RecipientEditorPlugin | Recipient Editor plugin | Michael Raley | May 31 2004 | WIN rds-hosted |
| RecodeRussianText | Recode Russian Text | Igor Kachan | Mar 16 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
300 | RecordSorting | Record Sorting | Derek Parnell | Oct 10 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Reference | Reference | Pierino Moro | Jul 10 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| Regew | reg.ew | Shawn Pringle | Jan 19 2016 | WIN rds-hosted |
| RegistryFunctions | Registry Functions | Jok3r | Mar 14 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| RegistryModificationsForEuphoria | Registry Modifications for Euphoria | Mathew Hounsell | Apr 4 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
| RegistryRoutinesForWindowsNtxpvista78910And2000 | Registry Routines for Windows NT,XP,Vista,7,8,9,10 and 2000 | Shawn Pringle | Jan 23 2016 | WIN rds-hosted |
100 | RegressionAnalysis | Regression Analysis | Marcelo Molina | Apr 20 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| RegularExpressionMatcher | Regular Expression Matcher | David Cuny | Sep 24 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Reminder | Reminder | Mike Wever | Sep 22 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
25 | Reminder2 | Reminder | Jordah Ferguson | Feb 20 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| RemoteAccessService | remote access service | amir reza | Mar 10 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| RemoteDesktopSystem | Remote Desktop System | Mario Steele | Mar 26 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| ReplacementPrintStatement | Replacement print statement | Derek Parnell | Jun 3 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Resizer | Resizer | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted |
175 | ResourceBinder | Resource Binder | David Cuny | Nov 13 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
550 | ResourceUtilityForWin32lib | Resource Utility for WIN32LIB | Bernie Ryan | Jan 23 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
| RestApiFunctions | REST API functions | Jean-Marc DURO | May 20 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| ReverseFindAndOtherVariations | Reverse find() and Other Variations | Lucius L. Hilley III | May 13 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| RgbColorSelector | RGB Color Selector | Alan Oxley | Dec 29 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Rgbview | RGBview | don cole | Jul 30 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
300 | RichEditor | Rich Editor | Jason Mirwald | Oct 5 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| Rolodex | Rolodex | Chris | Aug 26 2003 | LNX rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| RomanNumbers | Roman Numbers | James Cook | Jun 21 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| RootFinder | Root Finder | Art Adamson | Feb 6 1997 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Rot-13EncoderAndDecoder | Rot-13 Encoder/Decoder | Zak Greant | Jun 20 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Rotmg132GameClient | Rotmg 13.2 Game Client | gaz | May 9 2013 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| RotmgEngine | Rotmg engine | gaz | Dec 6 2014 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| RoundClock | Round Clock | H.W. Overman | Jun 18 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| RoundingFunction | Rounding function | Jean-Marc DURO | Mar 25 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| RoundRobbin | Round Robbin | Fred Ransom | May 28 2010 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| RoundToNDecimalPlaces | Round to N Decimal Places | Mike Nelson | Jun 10 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| RoutinesForAccessingdllFiles | Routines for Accessing .DLL Files | Drazen Mravinac | Aug 11 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
| RoutinesForSvgalib | Routines for SVGALib | Marcos Donnantuoni | Feb 6 2000 | LNX rds-hosted |
400 | RoutinesForWin32Programming | Routines for WIN32 Programming | Bernie Ryan | Sep 24 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Rssget | rssget | Juergen Luethje | Feb 6 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
250 | Runge-kuttaNumericalIntegration | Runge-Kutta Numerical Integration | Don Cahela | Mar 8 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| RunProgramsPeriodically | Run Programs Periodically | Travis May | Oct 31 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
300 | RussianEuSdl | Russian EU SDL | Igor Kachan | May 18 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| SafeEdsWrapperLibrary | Safe EDS Wrapper Library | Jordah Ferguson | May 22 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| SampleOdbcConnectionToAs400iseries | Sample odbc.e connection to AS/400 (iSeries) | MC Wong | Sep 25 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
| SampleOdbcCursorsConnectionToAs400iseries | Sample odbc.e cursors connection to AS/400 (iSeries) | MC Wong | Sep 26 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
| Sampler | Sampler | Mic | Dec 7 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| SaveCompressedSequences | Save Compressed Sequences | Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen | Aug 7 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
350 | SaveEuphoriaObjectsInMemory | Save Euphoria Objects in Memory | Jordah Ferguson | Sep 20 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| SaveViaFreeimage | Save via FreeImage | Arthur Crump | Sep 10 2010 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| SavingMasterYoga | Saving Master Yoga | Spocky | Mar 17 2000 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| SchedulingDemo | Scheduling Demo | Greg Haberek | Jan 26 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
100 | ScientificNotationParser | Scientific notation parser | Matt Lewis | Aug 3 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
250 | ScintillaEditControl | Scintilla Edit Control | Mike Duffy | Mar 9 2008 | WIN rds-hosted |
300 | ScratchAFile | Scratch a File | Carlos Valdes | Aug 16 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| ScreenCapture | Screen Capture | Dajaro | Sep 1 1998 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ScreenSaverExample | Screen Saver Example | S.R. Williamson | Mar 18 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ScriptingEngine | Scripting Engine | No Solution | May 19 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| ScriptsForTheXjedEditor | Scripts for the xJed Editor | Humberto Yeverino | Aug 31 2000 | LNX rds-hosted Editors |
| Scriptslacker | ScriptSlacker | Steve Allen | Jun 29 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Scroller | Scroller | Fred Mangan | Jun 20 2011 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Sdl2ConsoleWidgets | SDL2 console widgets | Jean-Marc DURO | Jan 15 2016 | GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
| SdlCollisionDetectionLibrary-EusdlCollide | SDL Collision Detection Library - EuSDL_Collide | Steven Allen | Jun 16 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| SdlDatafiles | SDL Datafiles | Steven Allen | Dec 12 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| SdlDemos | SDL Demos | Mark Akita | Mar 19 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| SdlForEuphoria | SDL for Euphoria | Mark Akita | Feb 5 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| SdlGfxForEuphoria | SDL_gfx for Euphoria | Mark K. Akita | Mar 23 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| SdlImageLibrary | SDL Image Library | Mark Akita | Jun 22 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| SdlLibraries-MixerAndImage | SDL Libraries(Mixer & Image) | Andy P. | Jul 1 2013 | GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
50 | SdlMixerLibrary | SDL Mixer Library | Mark Akita | Oct 5 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| SdlSlideshow | SDL Slideshow | ChrisBurch3 | Feb 3 2009 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| SdlTtfForEuphoria | SDL_ttf for Euphoria | Mark K. Akita | Mar 23 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| SdlWrapForLinux | SDL_Wrap for Linux | Mark Akita | Apr 9 2003 | LNX rds-hosted |
| SeaBattleGame | Sea Battle Game | Evan Marshall | Dec 12 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
500 | SearchItem | search_item | amir reza | Jan 22 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| SecurelyDeleteFiles | Securely Delete Files | llamedoso | Nov 25 2012 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Sego-sdlEuphoriaGuiObjects | Sego (SDL Euphoria GUI Objects) | Mark K. Akita | Oct 25 2006 | WIN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
| SendE-mailMessages | Send E-Mail Messages | Michael Raley | Aug 19 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
300 | SendFilesToRecycleBin | Send Files to Recycle Bin | Doug Weinert | Aug 14 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
225 | Sendkeys | Sendkeys | PatRat | Jul 5 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
350 | SendMessageBetweenApps | Send Message Between Apps | Guillermo Bonvehi | Jul 25 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| SendMouse | Send Mouse | Guillermo Bonvehi | Dec 14 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| SequenceOperations | Sequence Operations | Emlyn Merlyn | May 19 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
100 | SequenceOperationsTwo | Sequence Operations | Derek Parnell | Sep 17 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
260 | SequenceParsingSyntax | Sequence Parsing Syntax | Daryl Border | Aug 26 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
220 | SequenceViewer | Sequence Viewer | Andras Szabo | Apr 20 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
| SetEuphoriaEnvironmentVariables | Set Euphoria Environment Variables | Al Getz | Jan 11 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Seteuver | setEUver | Wolfgang Fritz | Mar 14 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
50 | SetGetEnvironmentVariables | Set/Get Environment Variables | Robert Szalay | Oct 26 2002 | WIN rds-hosted [[!superceded] |
| SetOfNewEuIcons | Set of new EU icons | Igor Kachan | Mar 16 2007 | GEN rds-hosted |
150 | Sets | Sets | Rod Jackson | Nov 19 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| SetsLibrary | Sets Library | Shawn Pringle | Jul 29 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| SetUpRegistryForEuphoria | Set up Registry for Euphoria | Lionel Wong | Apr 7 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ShellLink | Shell Link | Shawn | Aug 14 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ShfileoperationWrapper | SHFileOperation wrapper | Greg Haberek | Aug 15 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| ShgetFileInfo | Shget File Info | Aku | Jun 2 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Shortcut | Shortcut | Mike Duffy | Mar 15 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ShortcutCreator | Shortcut creator | Jeremy Peterson | Dec 13 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ShowWindowsDesktopCode | Show Windows Desktop code | Thomas Betterly | Apr 5 2009 | WIN rds-hosted |
300 | Shutdown | Shutdown | Doug Weinert | Dec 30 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| SimpleBackupProgram | Simple Backup Program | Rob Craig | Aug 21 1999 | WIN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS |
| SimpleDatabase | Simple Database | David Mosley | Jun 15 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
100 | SimpleDirectMediaLayer | Simple Direct Media Layer | Mark Akita | Jul 11 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| SimpleDirProgram | Simple DIR Program | Mark Nenadov | Apr 12 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
100 | SimpleEdsEditor | Simple EDS Editor | cklester | Nov 15 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| SimpleEncryptionProgram | Simple Encryption Program | Marc Hoover | Nov 15 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| SimpleIniFileInclude | simple ini file include | Hayden McKay | Dec 15 2015 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| SimpleInstaller | Simple Installer | Guillermo Bonvehi | Feb 4 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
100 | SimpleObject-orientedEuphoria | Simple Object-Oriented Euphoria | No Solution | Jul 12 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| SimpleOop | Simple OOP | Jean-Marc DURO | Jun 21 2011 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| SimpleOopTwo | Simple OOP | Jean-Marc DURO | Mar 6 2013 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| SimplePrograms | Simple Programs | Abhay | May 17 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| SimpleSmtpLibrary | Simple SMTP Library | Peter Blue | Jan 17 2004 | LNX rds-hosted Internet |
50 | SimpleText-modeUserInterface | Simple Text-Mode User Interface | Irv Mullins | Oct 28 2003 | LNX rds-hosted |
| SimpleTextBrowser | Simple Text Browser | Hugo Rozas | Nov 5 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| SimpleTextToPclConverter | Simple text to PCL converter | Karoly Kovacs | Jul 11 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
15 | SimpleUserInputRoutine | Simple User Input Routine | David Cuny | Oct 10 1997 | GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
190 | SimplexAlgorithm | Simplex Algorithm | Gerardo Valenzuela Lozada | May 12 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| SimpleXorEncryption | Simple XOR Encryption | Ricardo Forno | Jan 1 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
440 | SimpsonsRule | Simpson's Rule | Don Cahela | Mar 24 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| SimultaneousEquations | Simultaneous Equations | Laurence Draper | Apr 9 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
100 | SimultaneousEquationsTwo | Simultaneous Equations | Don Cahela | Mar 18 2013 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| SingleInstance | Single instance | Douglas Weinert | Dec 28 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
250 | SkinnedWindowLibraryAndExample | Skinned Window Library and Example | Dave Probert | Jun 22 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| SkipperSdl | Skipper_SDL | Mark K. Akita | Sep 27 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| SlidersGame | Sliders Game | Roland Stowasser | Aug 30 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Slipmaster | SlipMaster | Normand Blais | Jan 18 2000 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| SlotMachine | Slot Machine | James Green | Aug 21 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Smartstrings | SmartStrings | Jim Pishlo | Jan 20 2010 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Snmp-SimpleNetworkManagementProtocol | SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) | Doug Weinert | Dec 15 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| Snoop | Snoop | Jean-Marc DURO | Mar 14 2015 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| SntpTimeLibrary | SNTP time library | Brett Pantalone | May 9 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| SocksFirewallCommunication | SOCKS Firewall Communication | Mario Steele | May 9 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| SoftwareRequestForm | Software Request Form | Alan Oxley | Jun 20 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
200 | SokobanGame | Sokoban Game | Kenneth Riviere | May 7 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| SortByN-thField | Sort by n-th field | CChris | May 3 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Sorting | Sorting | Emlyn Merlyn | Sep 22 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| SoundexCoding | Soundex Coding | Matt Sephton | Jul 30 1997 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
75 | SoundexLibrary | Soundex Library | Jess Harpur | Oct 11 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| SourceCodeBuilder | Source Code Builder | Tapani Talvitie | Mar 10 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
100 | SousedMouseGame | Soused Mouse Game | Robert Swiston | Oct 9 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
900 | SpaceBlasterwasCheesySpaceGame | Space Blaster (was Cheesy Space Game) | Steve Allen | Mar 13 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| SpeechEditor | speech editor | Bob Thompson | Feb 8 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| SpeechLibrary | Speech Library | C Bouzy | Jan 25 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| SpellCheckEnhancement | Spell Check Enhancement | Art Adamson | Dec 5 1997 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| SpellChecker | Spell Checker | Junko Miura | Mar 5 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Extra Stuff from RDS |
250 | Spider | Spider | Daniel Kluss | Mar 1 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| SpinningParticles | Spinning Particles | Mic | May 23 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Spiralogy | Spiralogy | Michael Raley | Jul 9 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
50 | SplitterControl | Splitter Control | Don Phillips | Nov 22 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
300 | Spritecore | sprite_core.e | Hayden McKay | Apr 18 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
| SqlUtility | SQL Utility | Jonas Temple | Mar 12 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
700 | SquidBlaster | Squid Blaster | Liquid-Nitrogen | Feb 19 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| StableSortRoutines | Stable Sort routines | Mike | Nov 11 2014 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
150 | StackLibrary | Stack Library | Lucius L. Hilley III | May 22 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| StandardEuphoriaTypes | Standard Euphoria Types | Juergen Luethje | Aug 29 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| StarcraftBeta | Starcraft beta | gaz | Aug 9 2009 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Startup-dir | startup_dir | Greg Haberek | May 28 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| StatesAndCapitals | States & Capitals | Gene Mannel | Nov 5 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| StatisticsProgram | Statistics Program | VonFreudenhowser | Aug 19 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| Steelsnakes-ExhaustPipesDesign | STEELSNAKES - Exhaust Pipes Design | Claudio Emiliozzi | Jan 2 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| StegoAlgorithm | sTEGO ALGo(rithm) | William Heimbigner | Sep 7 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Step-by-stepGuideLibrary | Step-by-step guide library | Alexander Toresson | Apr 9 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Documentation |
| StonesGame | Stones Game | David Cuny | Oct 22 1999 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| StratagemGame | Stratagem Game | Mark Akita | Nov 15 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
150 | StretchBitmap | Stretch Bitmap | Martin Stachon | Feb 5 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| StringLibraryPrototype | String Library Prototype | Normand Blais | Jan 7 1999 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| StringSort | String Sort | Art Adamson | Jul 25 1997 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| StringTokenizer | String Tokenizer | Francis O. Dowling | Jun 20 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
2630 | StringTokenRoutines | String Token Routines | Kat | Dec 27 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Stringv100 | String.e (v1.00) | Shian Lee | Jan 31 2017 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
80 | StrongTypedDatabaseV05 | Strong Typed Database v0.5 | Jean-Marc DURO | Aug 1 2009 | GEN rds-hosted Database |
| Structulator | Structulator | Ron Tarrant | Oct 14 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| StructureLibrary | Structure Library | Chris Bensler / Jason Mirwald | Oct 5 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| StructureLibraryupdate | Structure Library [update] | Vincent / Chris / Jason | Jan 1 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
300 | Structures | Structures | Derek Parnell | Jul 22 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| StructuresManagement | Structures Management | Jean-Marc DURO | Nov 2 2016 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| SubdirectoryList | Subdirectory List | Jeffrey Fielding | Jan 1 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Sudoku | SUDOKU | marco zambrano | Apr 20 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| SudokuTrainer | Sudoku Trainer | Jean-Marc DURO | Jul 13 2012 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| SudokuTwo | Sudoku | Eric Randall | Nov 23 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| SumWordsFunction | Sum words function | Igor Galanin | Sep 20 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
| SuperscriptingWindowsCalculator | Superscripting Windows Calculator | Shawn Pringle | Jan 21 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| SushiStomper | Sushi stomper | ChrisBurch3 | Oct 21 2007 | LNX rds-hosted Internet |
14 | SvgaGraphicsInLinux | SVGA Graphics in Linux | Pete Eberlein | Aug 8 1999 | LNX rds-hosted |
| SwfFileFormat | SWF file format | Daniel Kluss | May 10 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| SwigEuphoria | SWIG/Euphoria | David Cuny | Aug 19 2000 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
625 | SyntaxColoring | Syntax Coloring | Irv Mullins | Apr 24 2004 | LNX rds-hosted |
100 | SyntaxFilesForCrimsonEditor | Syntax Files for Crimson Editor | Andrew Hall | Jul 22 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
600 | SyntaxHighlightingEditor | Syntax Highlighting Editor | Don Phillips | Jun 2 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| SyntaxScriptForCodeGenie | Syntax Script for Code Genie | Jonathan Leger | Dec 5 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Editors |
| SynthSound | Synth Sound | Mike | May 7 2012 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
400 | System-wideHotkeys | System-Wide Hotkeys | Ting (Aku) | Jun 17 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
600 | SystemTrayIcons | System Tray Icons | Thomas Parslow (PatRat) | Apr 10 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| TabControlSupportRoutines | Tab Control Support Routines | Russell K. Davis | Feb 18 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
170 | TableDatabaseManager | Table Database Manager | KittenAB | Aug 25 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
| Taglist | taglist | Harry Byers | Jun 16 2013 | LNX rds-hosted Sound |
| TankGame | Tank Game | Mark Akita | Sep 4 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| Tankhunter | TankHunter | Ira Hill | Dec 26 2011 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| TaskDialogsForWindowsVistaAndLater | Task Dialogs for Windows Vista and later | Arthur Crump | Jun 28 2013 | WIN rds-hosted |
80 | TaskManager | Task Manager | Mike Nelson | Aug 27 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| TcpDemos | TCP Demos | Robert Szalay | Mar 31 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| TelnetClient | Telnet Client | Jean-Marc DURO | Nov 12 2015 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
100 | TelnetProtocol | Telnet Protocol | Michael Raley | Oct 5 2000 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| TemplateHandler | Template Handler | Dan Moyer | Oct 3 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| TernaryTrees | Ternary Trees | Art Adamson | Jul 1 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
100 | TerragenToEuTerrainDemo | Terragen to Eu Terrain Demo | your average Joe | Feb 13 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
300 | TestToCompareEuphoriaAndCGraphics | Test to Compare Euphoria and C Graphics | Andrew Katz | Apr 28 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
380 | Text-modeForms | Text-mode Forms | Andy Cranston | Mar 17 2003 | GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
| TextBrowser | Text Browser | Paul Plummer | Nov 30 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| TextEncoder | Text Encoder | Mike The Spike | Mar 19 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| Texter | Texter | Andy | Jul 6 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| TextFileConverter | Text File Converter | Matt Arriola | Jan 18 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| TextFileReplace | Text File Replace | Andras Szabo | Dec 16 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| TextFileViewer | Text File Viewer | Greg Haberek | Dec 14 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
25 | TextFormatter | Text Formatter | Mike Nelson | Feb 4 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| TextmodeDialogs | Textmode Dialogs | cklester | May 4 2004 | GEN rds-hosted User Interfaces |
100 | TextToPdfConverter | Text to PDF converter | Maurizio Moroni | Jun 5 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| TextUtilities | Text Utilities | Ricardo Forno | Aug 30 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| TgsFlatAssembler | TG's Flat Assembler | Hayden McKay | May 28 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| TheCase-xxFunction | The case_xx() function | Igor Kachan | Mar 18 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| TheEuphoriaSubCommanderProject | The Euphoria Sub Commander project | ChrisBurch3 | Nov 23 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| TheLibxlsxwriterLibrary | The libxlsxwriter library | Greg Haberek | Sep 11 2015 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| TheVoiceOfEuphoria | the voice of Euphoria | Michael Raley | Feb 8 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| ThinkEuphoria | Think Euphoria | Tom Ciplijauskas | Feb 21 2009 | GEN rds-hosted Documentation |
| ThreadManager01 | Thread Manager 01 | Al Getz | Aug 10 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Tidy | tidy | jiri babor | Dec 16 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Tidy-backupForWee043 | Tidy-Backup for WEE 0.43 | Kenneth Rhodes | Jan 4 2016 | LNX rds-hosted Language Tools |
| Tidy12 | tidy 1.2 | Kenneth Rhodes | Apr 7 2013 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| TidyPrint | Tidy print | Andy Drummond | Sep 2 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
200 | TileModel | Tile Model | Mike | Jul 2 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Timedmsg | TimedMsg | Fred Mangan | Mar 2 2010 | WIN rds-hosted |
300 | TimeitV02 | TimeIt v0.2 | Guillermo Bonvehi | Apr 23 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Timer | Timer | Brett Pantalone | Apr 4 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
600 | TimesheetProgram | Timesheet Program | Jonas Temple | Nov 2 2004 | WIN rds-hosted |
| TimeStatusBar | Time Status Bar | OtterDad | Nov 24 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| TimeTest | Time Test | Andy Cranston | Mar 22 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| TinyptcForEuphoria | TinyPTC for Euphoria | Adam Danielsson | Feb 14 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| TokenParserV21 | Token Parser v2.1 | Stewart MacKenzie-Leigh | Jan 3 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| TonysEugridsort | Tony's EUGridSort | Tony Steward | Feb 21 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ToolKitRoutines | Tool Kit Routines | Derek Parnell | May 4 2004 | GEN rds-hosted |
| TopazEditor | Topaz Editor | Andrew | May 30 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| TopazScriptingEngine | Topaz Scripting Engine | Roderick Jackson | Mar 24 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
100 | TowersOfHanoi | Towers of Hanoi | Martin Stachon | Aug 16 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| TraceRoute | Trace route | alban read | Feb 18 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| TraceUtility | Trace utility | Phil French | Dec 25 2014 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| TranslationHelperForEnhancedIde | Translation Helper for Enhanced IDE | Roland Stowasser | Dec 15 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| TranslatorSupportForMingwAndPellesC | Translator Support for MinGW and Pelles C | Konstantinos Tampouris | Nov 5 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| TravellingSalesmanTwo | Travelling Salesman | Mic | Apr 28 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Mathematics |
50 | TriangleFillers | Triangle Fillers | Mic | Oct 31 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| TriangleLibrary | Triangle library | CChris | Feb 26 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Mathematics |
2900 | TruetypeFontConverter | TrueType Font Converter | Colin Taylor | Aug 23 2003 | GEN rds-hosted Fonts |
| Trulite | TruLite | Liquid-Nitrogen | Mar 1 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
1250 | TsunamiRecordManagerWrappers | Tsunami Record Manager wrappers | H.W. Overman | Jun 18 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
| TurbopowerAsyncProTerminal | TurboPower Async Pro Terminal | Jean-Marc DURO | Oct 1 2014 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Tutor2 | Tutor2 | Fred Mangan | Feb 26 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Documentation |
| Tutorial | Tutorial | Don Phillips | Dec 31 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Documentation |
| TwoProgrammingLanguages | Two Programming Languages | Tom Eklöf | Apr 6 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| TypeCheckingForStructures | Type Checking for Structures | Adam Weeden | Mar 24 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| TypingSpeedTester | Typing Speed Tester | Andrew | Mar 9 2001 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| UcalcWrapperAndCalculator | UCalc Wrapper and Calculator | Alex Chamberlain | Oct 28 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Mathematics |
100 | Udp | UDP | Gaz | Apr 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| UnicodeChartMaker | unicode chart maker | Shawn Pringle | Jul 19 2011 | GEN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| UnicodeConsoleUtilities | Unicode Console Utilities | Jean-Marc DURO | Sep 5 2012 | LNX rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| UnicodeConversionLibrary | Unicode Conversion Library | Greg Haberek | Jul 14 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| UniqueFileNameGenerator | Unique File Name generator | jxliv7 | Mar 31 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| UniqueFileNames | Unique file names | CChris | Mar 20 2007 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Units | Units | Mike Duffy | Mar 1 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| UnlimitedAlphabetAndRussianDiagnostics | Unlimited Alphabet and Russian Diagnostics | Igor Kachan | Oct 5 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| UnzipUtility | Unzip Utility | Ken Rhodes | Nov 20 2000 | LNX rds-hosted |
1030 | UpdatedAssembler | Updated Assembler | Mic | Mar 31 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Machine-Level |
350 | UrlMonikerWrapper | URL moniker wrapper | Mic | Sep 8 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
2130 | Use32-bitIntegersInTranslatedDlls | Use 32-bit Integers In Translated DLLs | Matthew Lewis | Sep 8 2006 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| User32AndGdi32Wrappers | User32 & GDI32 Wrappers | Andy P. | Jul 18 2012 | WIN rds-hosted |
| UseResourcesFromAdll | Use Resources from a .DLL | Francis Dowling | Feb 23 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
160 | UseResourcesFromdllFiles | Use Resources from .dll files | David Mills | Oct 10 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| UseStdinAndStdoutOnLinux | Use STDIN and STDOUT on Linux | Matt Lewis | Feb 8 2006 | LNX rds-hosted |
| UseWindowsdllsOnOtherSystems | Use Windows .DLLs on Other Systems | Mic | Jul 26 2008 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| UsingAPrinterWithWin32lib | Using A Printer With Win32Lib | Irv Mullins | Dec 28 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Utf-8Conversion | UTF-8 conversion | Jean-Marc DURO | Sep 4 2012 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Utf-8ToAsciiSequenceConverter | UTF-8 to ASCII sequence converter | Jean-Marc DURO | Sep 30 2010 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Utf8Dialogs | UTF8 Dialogs | Jean-Marc DURO | Jan 29 2015 | LNX rds-hosted User Interfaces |
| Utf8v201 | utf8 (v2.01) | Shian Lee | Dec 23 2017 | GEN rds-hosted |
1050 | UtilityLibraryC-functions | Utility Library C-functions | Bernie Ryan | Jan 25 2006 | GEN rds-hosted |
300 | UuidWin32ApiFunctionsWrappers | UUID (GUID) win32 api functions wrappers | jacques deschenes | Jul 21 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Database |
| VectorCollisionDetectionLibrary | Vector/Collision Detection Library | MrTrick | Feb 12 2004 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| VerifyCreditCardNumbers | Verify Credit Card Numbers | Lijo Joseph | Oct 13 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| VersionControlProgram | Version Control program | Andy Drummond | Apr 24 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| VerySimplePrintingWithWin32lib | Very Simple Printing with Win32lib | Fred Ransom | May 27 2011 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| VerySimpleWebcamExample | Very Simple Webcam Example | Dave Probert | Apr 22 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| ViewIconsInexeOrdll | View Icons in .exe or .dll | Greg Haberek | Mar 11 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| VimSyntaxHilightingAndIndentation | Vim syntax hilighting and indentation | Jeremy Cowgar | Feb 3 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Editors |
970 | VincentsEnhancedEuphoriaV25 | Vincent's Enhanced Euphoria v2.5 | Vincent Howell | May 3 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| VirtualPrinter | virtual printer | Michael Raley | Apr 8 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| VisualEuphoriaCodeEditor | Visual Euphoria Code Editor | Daniel Berstein | Nov 9 1998 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| VisualEuphoriaPrototype | Visual Euphoria Prototype | Tom Janes | Dec 7 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Vlc | VLC | ras | Oct 11 2012 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| VowelPlay | Vowel Play | Russell K. Davis | Mar 9 2001 | LNX rds-hosted |
| W32engine2 | w32Engine2 | Vinoba | May 7 2011 | WIN rds-hosted |
| W32graphicscaling | W32GraphicScaling | Fred Mangan | Mar 24 2012 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| WackozeEuphoriaEditor | Wackoze Euphoria Editor | Jean-Marc DURO | Nov 27 2014 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| WarehouserReplayUtility | Warehouser replay utility | Michael Raley | Nov 29 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| WareHouserTileMatchingGame | Ware Houser tile matching game | Michael Raley | May 4 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
| WarGame-unfinishedProject | War Game (unfinished project) | Einar Mogen | Sep 25 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
300 | WatchServer | watch server | jacques deschenes | Jan 28 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Wavedit | WAVEdit | Mic | Dec 5 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Sound |
200 | WavEditor | .WAV Editor | Daryl van den Brink | May 15 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Sound |
| WavInfo | WAV Info | Craig Gilbert | Oct 8 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Sound |
| Wdemos | wdemos | Fred Mangan | Feb 26 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Documentation |
100 | WebBrowser | Web Browser | Andrew | Mar 22 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
25 | WebPageConstructionTool | Web Page Construction Tool | Trevor Dixon | May 4 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
100 | WebShepherd | Web Shepherd | Mark Smith | Jan 19 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
| WebSiteGenerator | Web Site Generator | David Cuny | Sep 15 2000 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| Wee048m | WEE 0.48m | Kenneth Rhodes | Feb 16 2017 | LNX rds-hosted Editors |
| WeeEditorV047Modified | WEE Editor v0.47 modified | Kenneth Rhodes | Mar 12 2016 | LNX rds-hosted Editors |
| Win32ApiDocumentation | WIN32 API Documentation | Microsoft | Jan 1 1995 | WIN rds-hosted Documentation |
| Win32ApiWrappers | WIN32 API Wrappers | Jason Mirwald | Nov 17 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
200 | Win32ApiWrappersTwo | WIN32 API Wrappers | Jacques Deschenes | Jun 1 1998 | WIN rds-hosted |
75 | Win32CommonDialogsAndMenus | WIN32 Common Dialogs and Menus | Jacques Deschenes | Dec 4 1997 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Win32EditorPrototype | Win32 Editor Prototype | David Cuny | Jul 17 1999 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
5500 | Win32Engine | Win32 Engine | Bernie Ryan | May 31 2011 | WIN rds-hosted |
200 | Win32EngineR | Win32 Engine_R | Igor Kachan | Sep 14 2004 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Win32ErrorCodes | Win32 Error Codes | Jean-Marc DURO | Aug 18 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Documentation |
| Win32FileUtilities | WIN32 File Utilities | Jeff Fielding | Dec 28 2000 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Win32HeaderFiles | WIN32 Header Files | Hendrik Mundt | Aug 29 1999 | WIN rds-hosted Documentation |
| Win32Ide | WIN32 IDE | Al Getz | Aug 25 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
300 | Win32libCustomGui | Win32lib Custom GUI | H.W. Overman | Jun 18 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
70 | Win32libDllExample | Win32Lib Dll Example | Logan Kodysz | May 23 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
325 | Win32libex | Win32LibEx | Matthew Lewis | Aug 21 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
300 | Win32libKeywordLookup | Win32Lib Keyword Lookup | Andrew Hall | Aug 7 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Documentation |
| Win32libRestructured | Win32Lib Restructured | Jean-Marc DURO | Nov 2 2014 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Win32libWizardCollection | Win32Lib Wizard Collection | Spocky | Mar 17 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
100 | Win32ProfileLibrary | Win32 Profile library | CChris | Aug 6 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Win32ScreenSaver | WIN32 Screen Saver | Jacques Deschenes | Mar 1 1998 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Win32Utilities | WIN32 Utilities | Matt Arriola | Sep 9 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
50 | Win3d | Win3D | Spocky | May 17 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
500 | WinampWrapper | WinAmp Wrapper | Mic | Aug 23 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
2430 | WinclassCPlusPlusStyleLibrary | WinClass C++ Style Library | Al Getz | Apr 30 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
200 | Windir | win_dir() | Greg Haberek | Dec 17 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Windll | WinDLL | Matt Lewis | Dec 18 2003 | WIN rds-hosted |
| WindosForRussianLetters | WinDOS for Russian letters | egg | Mar 21 2006 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
200 | WindowAnimation | Window Animation | Logan Kodysz | May 29 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
400 | WindowFindingFunctions | Window Finding Functions | PatRat | Jun 25 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Windows98SourceCodePortedToEuphoria-joke | Windows 98 Source Code ported to Euphoria (JOKE) | scancode | Jan 5 2005 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| WindowsAndXIconsForTheOpenEuFiles | Windows and X icons for the Open EU files | Igor Kachan | Sep 10 2009 | GEN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| WindowsDebuggingTool | Windows Debugging Tool | Al Getz | Nov 13 2000 | WIN rds-hosted |
| WindowsEditor-JD | Windows Editor | Jacques Deschenes | May 3 2000 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
75 | WindowsEditor-PE | Windows Editor | Pete Eberlein | Dec 4 2014 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| WindowsEditor-RB | Windows Editor | Robert Brambila | Jan 21 2000 | WIN rds-hosted Editors |
| WindowsExplore | windows explore | amir reza | Jul 18 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| WindowsHookDemo | Windows Hook Demo | Andreas Wagner | Apr 30 2011 | WIN rds-hosted |
| WindowsIdeEnhancement | Windows IDE enhancement | Shawn | Aug 14 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
| WindowsLibrary | Windows Library | Logan | Dec 6 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
| WindowsMidiRoutines | Windows MIDI Routines | Brent Hugh | Aug 7 1999 | WIN rds-hosted |
| WindowsMixedCommandProgram | Windows Mixed Command Program | Alex Blanchette | Nov 23 2004 | WIN rds-hosted |
| WindowsMonitor | Windows Monitor | Jean-Marc DURO | Jul 20 2012 | WIN rds-hosted |
| WindowsProgrammingLibrary | Windows Programming Library | Eric Randall | Jun 4 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
100 | WindowsPuzzleGame | Windows Puzzle Game | Stanislav Sitar | Aug 16 2000 | WIN rds-hosted Games |
560 | WindowsRegistryReadAndWrite | Windows Registry Read/Write | Davi Figueiredo | Nov 30 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
150 | WindowsRuler | Windows Ruler | Travis Beaty | Jan 18 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
80 | WindowsServicesLibrary | Windows Services library | Michael J. Sabal | Jun 8 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| WindowsTaskingDemo01 | Windows Tasking Demo 01 | Al Getz | Sep 23 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
| WindowsTelnetClient | Windows Telnet Client | Jean-Marc DURO | May 15 2016 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| WindowStylesExplorer | Window Styles Explorer | Don Phillips | Dec 7 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Winlibsimple | winlibSimple | Jean-Marc DURO | May 26 2015 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| Winlingua | WinLingua | Galileo | Feb 5 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| WinmaniaWindowsLibrary | WinMania Windows Library | Tone Skoda | Mar 4 2008 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Winmxnap | WinMXnap | Chris Bensler | Dec 2 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| Winner-Contest1 | Winner - Contest #1 | Aku | Apr 2 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| Winner-Contest2 | Winner - Contest #2 | Jason Mirwald | Apr 3 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| Winner-Contest3 | Winner - Contest #3 | C.K. Lester | Apr 5 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
100 | Winprint | WinPrint | Rod Damon | Jan 11 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
| Wipe | Wipe | Rob Steel | Oct 23 2008 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| WipForSdlDatafiles | WIP for SDL datafiles | Steven Allen | Jul 13 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Graphics Demos |
| Wkhtml | wkhtml | kapex01 | Jul 13 2013 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| Wml | WML | Alex Chamberlain | Oct 30 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
| Wmotor | WMOTOR | Bernie Ryan | Feb 16 2006 | WIN rds-hosted |
| WordwebInterface | WordWeb Interface | Ross Boyd | Jan 9 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| WrappedFunctionsForWin32 | Wrapped Functions for WIN32 | Chris Bensler | Mar 5 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
450 | WrapperForBlatSmtpE-mailSending | wrapper for Blat SMTP e-mail sending | Michael Raley | Mar 14 2005 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
550 | WrapperForHawknl | Wrapper for HawkNL | Elliott Sales de Andrade | Sep 3 2002 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| WrapperForIcmp | Wrapper for ICMP | Fabio Ramirez | Apr 16 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| WrapperForOpenGl | Wrapper for Open GL | Mike The Spike | Jan 3 2001 | WIN rds-hosted |
| WrapperForSkincrafterActivex | Wrapper for SkinCrafter ActiveX | Matthew Lewis | May 27 2005 | WIN rds-hosted |
200 | WrapperForTheEu2cWindowsTranslator | Wrapper for the Eu2C Windows translator | Juergen Luethje | Sep 26 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Language Tools |
400 | WrapperForWininetdll | Wrapper for WinInet.dll | Fabio Ramirez | Apr 16 2001 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
300 | XchatPluginInterface | XChat Plugin Interface | Elliott Sales de Andrade | Sep 20 2003 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| Xdir | XDIR | Larry Miller | Apr 19 2004 | WIN rds-hosted Utility Programs |
300 | XmlParser | XML Parser | Thomas Parslow (PatRat) | Nov 4 2002 | GEN rds-hosted Internet |
| XmlToSequence | XML to Sequence | Jean-Marc DURO | Aug 31 2013 | WIN rds-hosted Internet |
| XmlToSequenceTwo | XML to Sequence | Jean-Marc DURO | Mar 16 2014 | GEN rds-hosted Library Routines |
| XmlWindowDesigning | XML window designing | pajaro | Sep 19 2004 | WIN rds-hosted broken |
| Xmotor | XMOTOR | Bernie Ryan | Feb 16 2006 | LNX rds-hosted |
100 | XpmIconLibrary | XPM Icon Library | Jonas Temple | Dec 19 2002 | WIN rds-hosted |
1700 | XpmmerXpmIconGenerator | XPMmer XPM Icon Generator | Andy Drummond | Jul 27 2007 | WIN rds-hosted |
| XprolLanguage | XProl Language | Tom Eklöf | Jul 18 1998 | GEN rds-hosted Simple Demos |
| XsConverter | XS Converter | Frank Dowling | Apr 4 2007 | WIN rds-hosted Simple Demos |