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 2stroke2STROKE  Mike DuffyFeb 3 2014GEN Mathematics
 9-digit-problem9-digit-problem  Fred RansomApr 4 2011WIN Mathematics
 AerodynamicCalculationsAerodynamic Calculations  Erik van KampenApr 21 2001GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  300AiTrainerAI Trainer  Wes HermansonMay 3 2006WIN Mathematics
 AmortizationTablesAmortization Tables  Kenneth RhodesNov 16 2016GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 AnalysisOfLinearModelsAnalysis of Linear Models  Alexei van BaarenJan 25 2001GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 AssortedMathRoutinesAssorted Math Routines  Laurence DraperNov 30 1999GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 BaseConverter-beta1Base Converter (beta1)  jxliv7 - jonDec 27 2005GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 BigFixedMathBig Fixed Math  Lucius L. Hilley IIIJun 2 2008GEN Mathematics
 BigMathBig Math  Matthew LewisNov 12 2002GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 BigNumberArithmeticBig Number Arithmetic  Craig GilbertJul 13 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  275Bresenham-BezierCurvesBresenham/Bezier Curves  BarbarellaSep 3 2002GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 CalculatePiCalculate PI  James PowellMar 25 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 CalculationsWithLongNumbersCalculations with long numbers  David MoneyJan 25 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 ChaosGrapherChaos Grapher  SR WilliamsonJul 21 2000WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 CipherTools2Cipher Tools  C. J. SilverJan 3 2003GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  180ComplexLuDecompositionComplex LU decomposition  Don CahelaDec 22 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 ComplexNumberCalculatorComplex Number Calculator  Shawn PringleDec 13 2015GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 ConvertToLargeBaseConvert to Large Base  C. K. LesterJan 19 2000GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 DecodeBase58ToBinaryDecode base58 to binary  Shawn PringleDec 26 2013GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 DistanceCalculatorDistance Calculator  Michael S. ThompsonSep 5 2003WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Domecalc13adomecalc1.3a  Kenneth RhodesOct 23 2013GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 EinsteinsRiddleEinstein's Riddle  Juergen LuethjeSep 27 2007GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 EnglishNumbersEnglish numbers  James CookMay 27 2017GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Eu-numbereu_number  James CookMay 14 2017GEN Mathematics
 EvaluateMathExpressionsV110Evaluate math expressions v1.1.0  Shian LeeDec 6 2014GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 ExpressionEvaluator2Expression evaluator  Jean-Marc DUROOct 4 2016GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  200ExtendedPrecisionArithmeticExtended Precision Arithmetic  Antoine TammerMay 30 2002GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 FactorialAndPrimesFactorial and Primes  AbhayJan 25 2000GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 FasterPiCalculationFaster PI Calculation  Michael BolinMar 29 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
   50FasterPiCalculation2Faster PI Calculation  Laurence DraperSep 24 1998GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 FermatsTestFermat's test  Marco AchuryAug 17 2011GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  100FinancialCalculatorFinancial Calculator  Jaime MarcosOct 25 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 FlatMathEvaluationLibraryFlat math evaluation library  CChrisAug 15 2007GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Fractal-MandelbrotFractal - mandelbrot  Harald RegerFeb 13 2011WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 GeneralizedRunge-kuttaNumericalIntegrationForStiffOdesGeneralized Runge-Kutta Numerical Integration for Stiff ODEs  Don CahelaMar 8 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 GnuplotInterfaceForEuphoriagnuplot interface for euphoria  Greg HaberekJan 17 2012LNX Mathematics
 GridcalcGridcalc  Michael J. SabalMar 11 2005GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
   70HandlingUndefinedValuesHandling Undefined Values  Juergen LuethjeSep 27 2007GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  100HexmathHexMath  Michael J. SabalSep 29 2008GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  100HypatiaCommandLineCalculatorHypatia Console RPN Calculator  Robert Schaechter2007-2022GEN Mathematics
  100HyperbolicAndListRoutinesHyperbolic and List Routines  Brad OlsonFeb 4 2003GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  120ImageEvolverImage Evolver  Alexander ToressonMay 28 2003WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
  150InplaceScientificCalculatorAndServerInPlace Scientific Calculator and Server  Al GetzApr 8 2005WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 InverseMathFunctionsInverse Math Functions  J.F. SoucailleJan 16 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 InvertAMatrixInvert a matrix  Art AdamsonJan 23 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 KnapsackProblemKnapsack Problem  Art AdamsonNov 11 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  100LibraryOfStatisticalFunctionsLibrary of Statistical Functions  Charles NewbouldApr 9 2010GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 LinearLeastSquaresLinear Least Squares  Rolf SchroederFeb 28 2001GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  720MathevalMatheval  Matthew LewisApr 20 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 MathLibraryMath Library  Al GetzFeb 12 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  100MathLibrary2Math Library  Don CahelaJun 2 2009GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 MathProblemGeneratorMath Problem Generator  Jon SasJun 24 2003WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 MathRoutinesMath Routines  Andy MontgomeryFeb 5 1999GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Mathv100Math (v1.00)  Shian LeeFeb 18 2017GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 MatrixOperationsMatrix Operations  J.F. SoucailleJan 30 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 MixedFractionsMixed Fractions  Fred RansomApr 15 2012WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Myquadmathmyquadmath  James CookJan 28 2017WIN Mathematics
 Myquadmath2myquadmath  James CookFeb 2 2017GEN Mathematics
 NeuralNetworkBugSimulatorNeural Network Bug Simulator  John McAdamMar 12 2001GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Non-linearLeastSquaresNon-Linear Least Squares  Rolf SchroederFeb 28 2001GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
   70NormalDistributionNormal Distribution  Erik van KampenApr 10 2001GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  300NumberConversionsNumber conversions  David MoneyDec 31 2005GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 NumberEWithThousandsOfDigitsNumber e with thousands of digits  Jaime MarcosOct 20 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 OptimalScalingOptimal Scaling  Alexei van BaarenNov 1 2001GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 ParticledrawParticleDraw (drawing progam / particle simulator)  John RinglandFeb 27 2006WIN Mathematics
 PermutationsPermutations  Fred RansomApr 10 2013WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 PermutationsAndCombinationsOfUpTo13ThingsPermutations and Combinations of up to 13 things  Ralph GillottNov 6 2003GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 PortfolioOptimizerPortfolio Optimizer  Robert CraigNov 9 2007GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 QuadraticEquationQuadratic Equation  Rubens Monteiro LucianoMay 19 2002WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
  100RegressionAnalysisRegression Analysis  Marcelo MolinaApr 20 2002WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 RomanNumbersRoman Numbers  James CookJun 21 2017GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 RootFinderRoot Finder  Art AdamsonFeb 6 1997GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 RoundingFunctionRounding function  Jean-Marc DUROMar 25 2007GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  250Runge-kuttaNumericalIntegrationRunge-Kutta Numerical Integration  Don CahelaMar 8 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  190SimplexAlgorithmSimplex Algorithm  Gerardo Valenzuela LozadaMay 12 2003GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  440SimpsonsRuleSimpson's Rule  Don CahelaMar 24 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 SimultaneousEquationsSimultaneous Equations  Laurence DraperApr 9 1999GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
  100SimultaneousEquationsTwoSimultaneous Equations  Don CahelaMar 18 2013GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 StatisticsProgramStatistics Program  VonFreudenhowserAug 19 1999GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 Steelsnakes-ExhaustPipesDesignSTEELSNAKES - Exhaust Pipes Design  Claudio EmiliozziJan 2 2004WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 SumWordsFunctionSum words function  Igor GalaninSep 20 2007GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 TernaryTreesTernary Trees  Art AdamsonJul 1 1998GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 TravellingSalesmanTwoTravelling Salesman  MicApr 28 2002WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
 TriangleLibraryTriangle library  CChrisFeb 26 2006GEN rds-hosted Mathematics
 UcalcWrapperAndCalculatorUCalc Wrapper and Calculator  Alex ChamberlainOct 28 2005WIN rds-hosted Mathematics
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Page last modified on October 26, 2017, at 01:28 PM