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 AlienAttackAlien Attack  GazApr 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
 AnagramQuizProgramAnagram Quiz Program  Jerry StoryMar 7 2010WIN Games
 AnagramQuizProgram2Anagram Quiz Program  Jerry StoryMar 7 2010LNX Games
   50BlackjackGameBlackJack Game  Jon SnyderNov 23 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
 BlackjakBlackJak  Louis BryantJan 28 2005GEN rds-hosted Games
 BoggleGameBoggle Game  Brett PantaloneJan 2 2006WIN rds-hosted Games
 BolakbalikGameBolakbalik Game  AkuDec 9 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
 CamelGameCamel Game  Louis BryantJan 28 2005GEN rds-hosted Games
 Cards32ewWithCardsentrationDemoCards32.ew with Cardsentration demo  Brian BrokerOct 6 2004WIN rds-hosted Games
 CasinoBlackjackCasino BlackJack  James HuffFeb 4 2000WIN rds-hosted Games
 CheckersGameCheckers Game  Mario SteeleAug 27 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
  600CheesySpaceGameCheesy Space Game  Steve AllenOct 5 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
 CityscapeCityscape  Guy ProgrammerNov 3 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
 Connect4GameConnect 4 Game  David EltroApr 16 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
  100Conquest2GameConquest2 Game  Mark AkitaMar 12 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
  300ConquestDeluxConquest Delux  Jordan BellJun 28 2006WIN rds-hosted Games
   50ConquestGameConquest Game  Mark AkitaApr 14 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
 CrosswordAndHangmanSolverCrossword and Hangman Solver  AndrewOct 16 2001GEN rds-hosted Games
 CrossWordScannerCross Word Scanner  Evan MarshallNov 21 2002GEN rds-hosted Games
 CrosswordSolverCrossword Solver  llamedosoAug 2 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
 CrosticCrostic  ShawnApr 8 2005GEN rds-hosted Games
 CrosticsPuzzleMakerCrostics Puzzle Maker  John McAdamMay 5 2000GEN rds-hosted Games
 DeslizzzpDeslizzzp  Rodolfo ValeirasJul 30 2003WIN Games
 DieRollScriptingLanguageDie Roll scripting language  CChrisApr 23 2005GEN rds-hosted Games
 DirtMerchantDirt Merchant  Steven AllenMay 4 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
   50DragonBlastDragon Blast  Mark AkitaMay 2 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
 Easy4hangEasy4Hang  Andreas WagnerDec 8 2014WIN Games
 Easy4mystEasy4Myst  Andreas WagnerDec 8 2014WIN Games
 Euallegro5EuAllegro5  Andy P.Jun 19 2017GEN rds-hosted Games
  -10EuallegroRepackagedEuAllegro repackaged  Ray SmithDec 14 2007WIN phix Games
 EuChessEu Chess  your average JoeJan 6 2006WIN rds-hosted Games
 EuclaudeNaturalLanguageDemoEuClaude Natural Language Demo  Andy Serpa / George BrooksNov 21 2002GEN rds-hosted Games
 EupongEuPong  Chris BurchSep 5 2006WIN Games
 EuseteuSet  Rene ConijnMay 24 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
  300EusudokuEuSudoku  Erik-Jan van KampenMar 31 2006WIN rds-hosted Games
 ExoticaxDemosExoticaX Demos  Dan McGrathNov 9 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
 Extreme10GameExtreme10 Game  Insight Concepts Inc.Aug 7 2001WIN Games
  150FixForExotica-ExoticaxFix for Exotica/ExoticaX  Paul PlummerAug 28 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
 FloppyBirdFloppy Bird  Evan MarshallDec 5 2014WIN rds-hosted Games
  150FluffyBunniesFluffy Bunnies  Mark HonnorOct 23 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
  100FrostFrost  AndyJun 7 2009WIN rds-hosted Games
 FruitMachineGameFruit Machine Game  sotiris bellosNov 29 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
 GameCreatorGame creator  gazNov 25 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 GameMakerGame maker  gazFeb 19 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 GameOfLife2Game of Life  Carlos ValdesSep 9 2000GEN rds-hosted Games
 GhostMaze2Ghost Maze 2  gazMay 8 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 GlassworksGameGlassWorks Game  David CunyOct 23 1999WIN rds-hosted Games
 GravesGraves  GazJun 11 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
 GsudokuGSUDOKU  Ricardo M. FornoJun 21 2006GEN rds-hosted Games
 GuyArcadeGuy Arcade  Guy ProgrammerNov 3 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
 HangmanGameHangman Game  Ray SmithMar 20 1999WIN Games
  100HexyGameHexy Game  Mark AkitaAug 27 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
 InstallChessPiecesInstall Chess Pieces  Al GetzFeb 27 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
 JankenGameRockPaperScissorsJanken game (rock, paper, scissors)  micSep 20 2004WIN rds-hosted Games
 JirisSudokujiri's sudoku  jiri baborNov 28 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 KakuroAssistantKakuro Assistant  Jean-Marc DUROJun 24 2013WIN rds-hosted Games
 KakuroAssistantV2Kakuro Assistant v2  Jean-Marc DUROJul 19 2013WIN rds-hosted Games
 KakuroTrainerV18Kakuro Trainer v1.8  Jean-Marc DUROOct 18 2014WIN rds-hosted Games
 LAndDFullscreenL and D Fullscreen  DB JamesMay 9 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 LetterGameLetter Game  Erik-Jan van KampenApr 1 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
 LewisartilleryLewisArtillery  Lewis TownsendApr 18 2001WIN Games
 LewyTsRpgGameLewy T's RPG Game  Lewis TownsendJun 15 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
  200MagicDesigner-toy-EmulationProgramMagic Designer (toy) emulation program  Andrew KatzJul 2 2009WIN rds-hosted Games
 MastermindGame22MasterMind Game  Roland StowasserDec 2 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
 MasterSystemEmulatorMaster System emulator  micApr 5 2004WIN rds-hosted Games
 MazeMakerMaze Maker  Evan MarshallJun 2 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
 MazeSolverMaze Solver  Jeremy PoppSep 9 2002GEN rds-hosted Games
 MemoryChallengeMemory Challenge  Ryan MannDec 5 2010GEN rds-hosted Games
 MemoryChallengesMemory Challenges  irv mullinsDec 17 2010LNX rds-hosted Games
  200MemoryV10Memory v1.0  Evan MarshallJan 2 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
 Micromicro  int-inputApr 19 2004GEN rds-hosted Games
 MinesweeperBeaterMinesweeper Beater  Daniel KlussSep 4 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
  150MinesweeperbeaterVer3MineSweeperBeater Ver3  Daniel KlussSep 10 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
 MineSweeperGameMine Sweeper Game  David CunyJun 1 1999WIN rds-hosted Games
 MinesweeperWithQuestionsMinesweeper With Questions  Daniel KlussSep 7 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
 ModifiedConquestGameModified Conquest Game  Shawn PringleDec 31 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
 Monblamonbla  practicing01Mar 8 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
 MonsterMinesMonster Mines  Liquid-NitrogenOct 23 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
  300MusubiMusubi  Mark K. AkitaSep 2 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
 ObjectDrop-LearningToTetrisobject drop - learning to tetris  tim d.Dec 16 2009GEN Games
   30OthelloGameOthello Game  Jerry NicholsDec 1 1998WIN rds-hosted Games
  150PearlHarborPearl Harbor  Robert SwistonMar 29 2003WIN Games
 PegConundrumPeg Conundrum  Michael RaleyMay 30 2005WIN Games
 PoolDemoPool Demo  GazApr 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
 Rotmg132GameClientRotmg 13.2 Game Client  gazMay 9 2013WIN rds-hosted Games
 RotmgEngineRotmg engine  gazDec 6 2014WIN rds-hosted Games
 SavingMasterYogaSaving Master Yoga  SpockyMar 17 2000WIN rds-hosted Games
 ScrollerScroller  Fred ManganJun 20 2011WIN rds-hosted Games
 SeaBattleGameSea Battle Game  Evan MarshallDec 12 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
 SkipperSdlSkipper_SDL  Mark K. AkitaSep 27 2006WIN rds-hosted Games
 SlidersGameSliders Game  Roland StowasserAug 30 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
 SlipmasterSlipMaster  Normand BlaisJan 18 2000WIN rds-hosted Games
 SlotMachineSlot Machine  James GreenAug 21 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
 SnakeGameSnake Game  Philip DeetsFeb 3 2004WIN Games
  200SokobanGameSokoban Game  Kenneth RiviereMay 7 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
  100SousedMouseGameSoused Mouse Game  Robert SwistonOct 9 2002WIN rds-hosted Games
  900SpaceBlasterwasCheesySpaceGameSpace Blaster (was Cheesy Space Game)  Steve AllenMar 13 2005WIN rds-hosted Games
  700SquidBlasterSquid Blaster  Liquid-NitrogenFeb 19 2008WIN rds-hosted Games
 StarcraftBetaStarcraft beta  gazAug 9 2009WIN rds-hosted Games
 StonesGameStones Game  David CunyOct 22 1999WIN rds-hosted Games
 StratagemGameStratagem Game  Mark AkitaNov 15 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
 SudokuSUDOKU  marco zambranoApr 20 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 SudokuTrainerSudoku Trainer  Jean-Marc DUROJul 13 2012WIN rds-hosted Games
 SudokuTwoSudoku  Eric RandallNov 23 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 SyllogismQuizzerSyllogism Quizzer  Jerry StoryMar 7 2010GEN Games
 TankGameTank Game  Mark AkitaSep 4 2001WIN rds-hosted Games
 TankhunterTankHunter  Ira HillDec 26 2011WIN rds-hosted Games
  150Tetrix3Tetrix3  MicOct 20 2003WIN Games
 TheEuphoriaSubCommanderProjectThe Euphoria Sub Commander project  ChrisBurch3Nov 23 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 WarehouserReplayUtilityWarehouser replay utility  Michael RaleyNov 29 2004WIN rds-hosted Games
 WareHouserTileMatchingGameWare Houser tile matching game  Michael RaleyMay 4 2007WIN rds-hosted Games
 WarGame-unfinishedProjectWar Game (unfinished project)  Einar MogenSep 25 2003WIN rds-hosted Games
  100WindowsPuzzleGameWindows Puzzle Game  Stanislav SitarAug 16 2000WIN rds-hosted Games
 XcomInterceptorEditorXcom Interceptor Editor  Pete KingApr 5 2000WIN Games
 Yagl4euYAGL4EU  Jeremy PetersonNov 19 2006WIN Games
 YahtzeeYahtzee  Some SlackerFeb 11 2006WIN Games
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Page last modified on October 26, 2017, at 01:27 PM