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Editor related contributions

 ABetterTextEditorA Better Text Editor  llamedosoAug 17 2016WIN rds-hosted Editors
 Axiom2Axiom2  Greg HaberekDec 26 2004WIN rds-hosted Editors
 AxiomEditorAxiom Editor  Greg HaberekDec 23 2002WIN rds-hosted Editors
 BilingualEu25SyntaxFileForTheAkelpadEditorBilingual EU 2.5 syntax file for the AkelPad editor  Igor KachanNov 27 2008WIN Editors
 BilingualEu25SyntaxFileForTheHippoeditBilingual EU 2.5 Syntax file for the HippoEDIT  Igor KachanNov 29 2008WIN Editors
 CheckpointCheckpoint  Pete LomaxJan 16 2007WIN Editors
 Comment-Un-commentMacrosForTextpadComment / un-comment macros for TextPad  Rubem PechanskyJun 4 2004WIN rds-hosted Editors
 ContextEditorFilesConTEXT Editor files  James CookMay 7 2008WIN rds-hosted Editors
 CorrectionsOnEdexCorrections on ed.ex  Marco AchuryApr 6 2008GEN rds-hosted Editors
 EdexMacroModED.EX macro mod  James CookJan 12 2018GEN rds-hosted Editors
 EditEuphoriaFilesWithDevstudioEdit Euphoria Files with DevStudio  Tone SkodaMar 4 2008WIN rds-hosted Editors
 EnhancedNexusEditorEnhanced Nexus Editor  Mario SteeleSep 7 2003WIN rds-hosted Editors
  300Euphoria311-405SupportForVimEditorEuphoria 3.1.1/4.0.5 support for Vim editor  Shian LeeApr 12 2014GEN rds-hosted Editors
 EuphoriaClipbookForNotetabEditorEuphoria Clipbook for NoteTab Editor  Jiri BaborMay 17 2000WIN rds-hosted Editors
 EuphoriaEditorEuphoria Editor  David RagazziMay 20 2005WIN rds-hosted Editors
 EuphoriaEditorForWindowsEuphoria Editor for Windows  Eric RandallJun 4 2002WIN rds-hosted Editors
 EuphoriaIconsEuphoria Icons  Carl WhiteJun 16 2000GEN rds-hosted Editors
 EuphoriaSupportFileForTheGeanyProgrammingEditorEuphoria support file for the Geany Programming Editor  Kenneth RhodesOct 27 2011LNX rds-hosted Editors
  400EuphoriaSyntax-fileForTextpadEuphoria Syntax-File for TextPad  Tommy CarlierNov 24 2004GEN Editors
 EuphoriaSyntaxFileForVimEuphoria syntax file for Vim  Jason GadeNov 21 2007GEN rds-hosted Editors
 EuphoriaSyntaxForGlimmerEditorEuphoria Syntax for Glimmer Editor  Travis BeatyMay 5 2003GEN rds-hosted Editors
 EuphoriaSyntaxForUltraEditEuphoria Syntax for Ultra Edit  Antonio AlessiDec 13 2003GEN rds-hosted Editors
 EuSyntaxColoringForFarNAndPspEU syntax coloring for FAR, N++ and PSP  Igor KachanMar 12 2007WIN rds-hosted Editors
 EuwordsInItalianEUwords in Italian  Antonio AlessiMay 21 2005GEN rds-hosted Editors
 ExecutorOfEuphoriaFilesForScite-ruExecutor of euphoria files for SciTe-ru  Mike ManturovFeb 10 2009WIN rds-hosted Editors
 FeEditorFE Editor  Mike DuffyDec 14 2002WIN rds-hosted Editors
  110FilesForContextEditorFiles for ConTEXT Editor  Jiri BaborSep 4 2001GEN rds-hosted Editors
 ForeignLanguageEditorForeign Language Editor  John McAdamAug 27 2001GEN rds-hosted Editors
 Gedit-gtksourceview-EuphoriaLanguageFileGedit (gtksourceview) Euphoria language file  Dirk LorenzenJul 11 2013GEN Editors
 GeditSyntaxForEuphoria40GEdit Syntax for Euphoria 4.0  Mario SteeleJan 16 2009LNX rds-hosted Editors
  100GenericGameboyIdeGeneric Gameboy IDE  Russell K. DavisFeb 15 2000WIN rds-hosted Editors
 GwdEuphoriaEditorGWD Euphoria Editor  Vedran GacoApr 28 2000WIN Editors
 JensFileEditorForEuphoria3xJens' File Editor for Euphoria 3.x  Alex AntypenkoNov 28 2008WIN rds-hosted Editors
 MdxEuphoriaConsoleEditormdx.ex Euphoria console editor  Kenneth RhodesMay 2 2014GEN rds-hosted Editors
 MidnightCommanderSyntaxHighlightingMidnight Commander syntax highlighting  prickleJul 31 2009LNX rds-hosted Editors
 ModifiedEdexModified ed.ex  T-DukeApr 21 2015WIN rds-hosted Editors
 MrMr  Eric RandallApr 27 2016WIN rds-hosted Editors
 MyeditorMyEditor  Allen AshbyJan 21 2007WIN rds-hosted Editors
  450Nexus24Pre-betaNexus 2.4 pre-beta  Don PhillipsFeb 11 2004WIN rds-hosted Editors
 OsxintelBuildOfDavidCunysEeEditorOSX (Intel) build of David Cuny's EE editor.  alban readNov 8 2006GEN rds-hosted Editors
 PlistFileForTextwranglerForMacOsXplist file for TextWrangler for Mac OS X  MacUserJan 1 2010GEN rds-hosted Editors
  300RichEditorRich Editor  Jason MirwaldOct 5 2002WIN rds-hosted Editors
 SciteEditorSciTe Editor  Karl BochertDec 6 2002WIN Editors
 ScriptsForTheXjedEditorScripts for the xJed Editor  Humberto YeverinoAug 31 2000LNX rds-hosted Editors
  100SyntaxFilesForCrimsonEditorSyntax Files for Crimson Editor  Andrew HallJul 22 2004WIN rds-hosted Editors
  600SyntaxHighlightingEditorSyntax Highlighting Editor  Don PhillipsJun 2 2002WIN rds-hosted Editors
 SyntaxScriptForCodeGenieSyntax Script for Code Genie  Jonathan LegerDec 5 2002GEN rds-hosted Editors
 TexterTexter  AndyJul 6 2005WIN rds-hosted Editors
 TextFileViewerText File Viewer  Greg HaberekDec 14 2002WIN rds-hosted Editors
 TheScite-ruEditorForBilingualEu25The SciTE-RU Editor for Bilingual EU 2.5  Igor KachanNov 12 2008WIN Editors
 TopazEditorTopaz Editor  AndrewMay 30 2002WIN rds-hosted Editors
 VimSyntaxHilightingAndIndentationVim syntax hilighting and indentation  Jeremy CowgarFeb 3 2005GEN rds-hosted Editors
 VisualEuphoriaCodeEditorVisual Euphoria Code Editor  Daniel BersteinNov 9 1998WIN rds-hosted Editors
 WackozeEuphoriaEditorWackoze Euphoria Editor  Jean-Marc DURONov 27 2014WIN rds-hosted Editors
 Wee048mWEE 0.48m  Kenneth RhodesFeb 16 2017LNX rds-hosted Editors
 Win32EditorPrototypeWin32 Editor Prototype  David CunyJul 17 1999WIN rds-hosted Editors
 1375WindowsEditor-32-bitWindows Editor (32-bit)  Mike CarrollApr 24 1999WIN Editors
 WindowsEditor-JDWindows Editor  Jacques DeschenesMay 3 2000WIN rds-hosted Editors
   75WindowsEditor-PEWindows Editor  Pete EberleinDec 4 2014WIN rds-hosted Editors
 WindowsEditor-RBWindows Editor  Robert BrambilaJan 21 2000WIN rds-hosted Editors
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Page last modified on October 26, 2017, at 01:27 PM