Latest version: 1.0.5
Release date: 1st June 2024
Source code: Incuded.
No other tools are required to modify and rebuild Phix.
Visit Counter: 22,464
(from just $1/month)
Choose the operating system you want to run Phix on:
Install Phix on Linux
Run the following commands in a terminal:
mkdir -p phix rm -r phix wget wget wget wget wget wget unzip -d phix unzip -d phix unzip -d phix unzip -d phix unzip -d phix mv p32 phix/p cd phix chmod 777 p ./p -test
Installing IUP (suggestions for improving/simplifying this welcome!):
You may have luck with apt-get or whatever, it may even be pre-installed.
Otherwise, goto sourceforge (opens in a new window) and download the cd, im, and iup binaries. Pick a version and then select "Linux Libaries". The (displayed) is clearly 4 years or so out of date, but you should get the idea, and also know more about your system than I do. I suspect the key thing to look for (after 32/64 bit, obvs) is the closest kernel version number. The steps below are taken from the versions shown, check the LINSTALL files just in case.
mkdir cd
cd cd
tar -xpvzf ../cd-5.13_Linux32_lib.tar.gz
sudo ./install
cd ..
mkdir im
cd im
tar -xpvzf ../im-3.14_Linux32_lib.tar.gz
sudo ./install
cd ..
mkdir iup
cd iup
tar -xpvzf ../iup-3.29_Linux32_lib.tar.gz
sudo ./install
cd ..
It has been reported that running the uninstall script and re-running install has helped, no idea why.
Test the installation of IUP using ".\\p pdemo".
Run the following commands in a terminal:
mkdir -p phix rm -r phix wget wget wget wget wget wget unzip -d phix unzip -d phix unzip -d phix unzip -d phix unzip -d phix mv p64 phix/p cd phix chmod 777 p ./p -test
Installing IUP (suggestions for improving/simplifying this welcome!):
You may have luck with apt-get or whatever, it may even be pre-installed.
Otherwise, goto sourceforge (opens in a new window) and download the cd, im, and iup binaries. Pick a version and then select "Linux Libaries". The (displayed) is clearly 4 years or so out of date, but you should get the idea, and also know more about your system than I do. I suspect the key thing to look for (after 32/64 bit, obvs) is the closest kernel version number. The steps below are taken from the versions shown, check the LINSTALL files just in case.
mkdir cd
cd cd
tar -xpvzf ../cd-5.13_Linux32_64_lib.tar.gz
sudo ./install
cd ..
mkdir im
cd im
tar -xpvzf ../im-3.13_Linux32_64_lib.tar.gz
sudo ./install
cd ..
mkdir iup
cd iup
tar -xpvzf ../iup-3.29_Linux32_64_lib.tar.gz
sudo ./install
cd ..
It has been reported that running the uninstall script and re-running install has helped, no idea why.
Test the installation of IUP using ".\\p pdemo".
Install Phix on Windows
phix.1.0.5.setup.exe (9.97MB)
Note this will auto-download and extract the .1 to .4 zip files listed under zip files (see
notes). (9.94MB, same content as phix.1.0.5.setup.exe) (9.79MB) (6.17MB) (6.87MB) (7.77MB)
Extract from the first file and run ppw.bat, see the installation notes for further details regarding automatic/manual handling of the other four files.
Note this will install a 32-bit compiler; should you want a 64-bit compiler,
install 32-bit, plant "format PE64" at the start of p.exw, run "p -cp", then
transfer C:\Program Files (x86)\Phix to C:\Program Files\Phix
- which can, with a bit of practice, all be completed in about a minute.
You may need to make C:\Program Files[ (x86)]\Phix\ writeable (bit naughty I know, but until someone steps up and actually helps me fix it, that’s just the way it is). For more info, see (eg) this.
Lastly on Windows (only), pdemo.exw is automatically run to allow registry settings and the like to be tweaked, with some fairly copious notes for that hidden behind the "Help" button (on the Settings tab of pdemo). However that probably hasn’t really worked properly since Windows 7, though you should be able to create and manually merge a demo\pGUI\pdemo\setup.reg file, and check that it worked by re-running pdemo and seeing that everything on the Settings Tab (esp path) is now green. You may also need to run System Settings or otherwise broadcast a system-wide WM_SETTINGCHANGE message (pdemo can do that via the actions dropdown) to force the updated path in the registry to be reloaded (or reboot). Otherwise you’ll have to set the path to the phix executable manually. Also, the prl.cmd ditty in the main phix directory will reload the path from the registry in an open console. [Likewise, should anyone fancy a bash at making that fully open source code work they are more than welcome.]
Summary: If running 'p' from any directory doesn’t say "not recognised", you’ve nailed it.
If you install to a non-standard directory please ensure it still ends in "\\Phix".
As with anything you download from the internet, it is your responsibility to check carefully for viruses and trojans.
Scan results
Virustotal result: 94 out of 95 engines gave phix.1.0.5.setup.exe a clean bill of health
(details) which I take as a "false positive".
You can also view the reports for (94/95 say clean) and (94/95 say clean) and (94/95 say clean) and (94/95 say clean). (94/95 say clean).
Jotti result: 14 out of 14 engines gave phix.1.0.5.setup.exe a clean bill of health
You can also view the reports for (14/14 say clean) and (13/14 say clean) and (14/14 say clean) and (14/14 say clean) and (14/14 say clean).
Metadefender result: 6 out of 6 engines gave phix.1.0.5.setup.exe a clean bill of health
You can also view the reports for (6/6 say clean) and (6/6 say clean) and (6/6 say clean) and (6/6 say clean) and (6/6 say clean).
It is worth noting that the few false positives all come from lesser-known engines, rather than the likes of avg, bitdefender, kaspersky,
mcafee, or symantec. During the 0.7.7 analysis I found that bench\cf\tcc.exe and docs\phix\hhc.exe were being flagged - you will probably
get along just fine if you simply delete those, unless you want to run bench\bench.exw or rebuild phix.chm.
Optional help file (in addition to phix.chm bundled with the above), if you use Edita and plan on using low-level Windows API calls:, 47.6MB.
Extract to Phix\demo\edita\help (after the above has been installed).
There is also a github repository, for
anyone wishing to grab the very latest sources. You will need the above to compile it, though (p -cp, 15 seconds).