While Statement
A while statement tests a condition to see whether it is true (non-zero), and iterates while so. e.g.
The <Ctrl [> and <Ctrl ]> feature of Edita currently completely ignores do/until, which is not considered to be a significant problem since it ignores both ends equally.
Note that it would be fair to say that the "until clause" above should really be compiled to "if not(x<=0) then goto loopTop end if" and there should be no unconditional "jmp loopTop" being generated, but as things stand it isn’t, and one is. The performance overhead of that admittedly rather lazy implementation approach is expected to be quite neglible and possibly not even measurable (these days branch prediction affects performance more than you or I ever could anyway), and I only mention it because the whole point of do until is less typing and clearer code, rather than more speed.
One other small implementation detail is that in a normal while loop (and other similar constructs) any inner scope (ie as introduced by the declaration of block-level variables) is dropped before the "end while", whereas it is retained a smidge longer in a do until statement, just long enough for the final expression to still reference variables that were introduced within the inner scope.
Since JavaScript does not have an until loop, or more accurately its do while would/might probably just serve to confuse things, p2js likewise maps the do..until construct to a while true do statement, and in fact deliberately generates identical parse trees for both halves of the last example (apart from a few line and column numbers).
As with for loops, an unconditional exit means that the loop will never iterate, so it deserves to be removed or replaced with an if construct. Occasionally it may be annoying when the compiler forces that on you but in the long run your code will thank you for it. In truth the compiler tries to "optimise away" the "end while", since it has become unreachable code, with disastrous consequences when it later tries to backpatch the zero iterations jump.
while x>0 do a *= 2 x -= 1 end whileA do until statement (introduced in 1.0.2, not Euphoria compatible) is similar:
do a *= 2 x -= 1 until x<=0 -- wholly equivalent to, and in fact implemented as: while true do a *= 2 x -= 1 if x<=0 then exit end if end whileObviously a while loop may iterate zero times, whereas a do until loop always iterates at least once (excepting of course explicit exits).
The <Ctrl [> and <Ctrl ]> feature of Edita currently completely ignores do/until, which is not considered to be a significant problem since it ignores both ends equally.
Note that it would be fair to say that the "until clause" above should really be compiled to "if not(x<=0) then goto loopTop end if" and there should be no unconditional "jmp loopTop" being generated, but as things stand it isn’t, and one is. The performance overhead of that admittedly rather lazy implementation approach is expected to be quite neglible and possibly not even measurable (these days branch prediction affects performance more than you or I ever could anyway), and I only mention it because the whole point of do until is less typing and clearer code, rather than more speed.
One other small implementation detail is that in a normal while loop (and other similar constructs) any inner scope (ie as introduced by the declaration of block-level variables) is dropped before the "end while", whereas it is retained a smidge longer in a do until statement, just long enough for the final expression to still reference variables that were introduced within the inner scope.
Since JavaScript does not have an until loop, or more accurately its do while would/might probably just serve to confuse things, p2js likewise maps the do..until construct to a while true do statement, and in fact deliberately generates identical parse trees for both halves of the last example (apart from a few line and column numbers).
As with for loops, an unconditional exit means that the loop will never iterate, so it deserves to be removed or replaced with an if construct. Occasionally it may be annoying when the compiler forces that on you but in the long run your code will thank you for it. In truth the compiler tries to "optimise away" the "end while", since it has become unreachable code, with disastrous consequences when it later tries to backpatch the zero iterations jump.