

Definition: object res = trim(object source, object what=" \t\r\n", bool return_index=false)
or ...
object res = trim_head(object source, object what=" \t\r\n", bool return_index=false)
-- or --
object res = trim_tail(object source, object what=" \t\r\n", bool return_index=false)
Description: Trim whitespace from strings.

source: object (string) to be trimmed.
what: elements (characters) to be removed.
return_index: when true return {startpos,endpos} (trim), startpos (trim_head), or endpos (trim_tail) respectively.
pwa/p2js: Supported.
Comments: Can theoretically be used for other purposes besides trimming whitespace, perhaps to trim unused entries from a table.

When return_index is true, the result is {startpos,endpos} (trim), startpos (trim_head), or endpos (trim_tail).

To simplify processing, if source is not a sequence/string, but instead something like EOF (ie -1), it is returned unaltered.
Note however that feature is certainly not intended for use when working with indexes (return_index=true), since treating the -1 (or whatever!) result as an index would probably be quite wrong! Instead it is usually easier to avoid the call when source is not a sequence, rather than struggle to interpret the result correctly.
In other words, integer {s,e} = trim(5,x,true) will fail trying to extract {s,e} from 5, and likewise(-ish) integer e = trim_head/tail(5,x,true) will succeed however some subsequent [5] usage will almost certainly fail.
In both cases it is simply easier to avoid the call rather than test/ignore the bogus results.
?trim(" abc ")          -- prints "abc"
?trim(`"abc"`)          -- prints `"abc"`
?trim(`"abc"`,'\"')     -- prints "abc" (not ""abc"" nor `"abc"`)
?trim(table,{{}})       -- removes s[i]={} entries from start and end (note the extra {})
?trim(table,{{},0})     -- removes s[i]={} or 0 ""
?trim(gets(fn))         -- trim returns eof (-1) unaltered.
Implementation: See builtins\ptrim.e (an autoinclude) for details of the actual implementation.