The following interface elements are not visible, but control the positioning of visible elements:
All visible interface elements must ultimately belong to an IupDialog.
Several pre-defined dialogs are provided:
The following routines can be used for managing elements.
IupBackgroundBox | - | Creates a simple native container with no decorations. |
IupCbox | - | Creates a void container for positioning elements in absolute coordinates. It is a concrete layout container. |
IupHbox | - | Creates a void container for composing elements horizontally. |
IupFill | - | Creates void element, which dynamically occupies empty spaces always trying to expand itself. |
IupGridBox | - | Creates a void container for composing elements in a regular grid. |
IupMultiBox | - | Creates a void container for composing elements in a irregular grid. |
IupNormalizer | - | Sets the widths, heights, or both to the largest size in the specified list. |
IupRadio | - | Creates a void container for grouping mutually exclusive toggles. |
IupVbox | - | Creates a void container for composing elements vertically. |
IupZbox | - | Creates a void container for composing elements in hidden layers with only one layer visible. |
All visible interface elements must ultimately belong to an IupDialog.
IupDialog | - | Create a native standard window. This is the mandatory top-level container for any and all application-defined windows. |
- | Creates a detachable void container. |
- | Creates a void container that can interactively show or hide its child. |
Iup[Flat]Frame | - | Creates a native container, which draws a frame with a title around its child. |
IupSbox | - | Creates a void container that allows its child to be resized. |
IupScrollBox | - | Creates a native container that allows its child to be scrolled. |
IupSplit | - | Creates a void container that split its client area in two. |
IupTabs | - | Creates a tab control (like IupZbox, but interactively visibile) |
Several pre-defined dialogs are provided:
IupAlarm | - | Show a modal dialog containing a message and up to three buttons. |
IupMessage | - | Show a modal dialog containing a message with an OK button. |
IupFileDlg | - | Creates the File Dialog element. |
IupFontDlg | - | Creates a Font Dialog element, for selecting a font. |
IupGetColor | - | Shows a modal dialog which allows the user to select a color. |
IupGetParam | - | Shows a modal dialog for capturing parameter values using several types of controls. |
IupGetText | - | Shows a modal dialog to edit a multiline text. |
IupListDialog | - | Shows a modal dialog to select items from a simple or multiple selection list. |
IupProgressDlg | - | Creates a progress dialog for displaying the progress of an operation. |
IupLayoutDialog | - | Creates a Layout Dialog to visually edit the layout of another dialog in run time. |
IupGlobalsDialog | - | Creates an Globals Dialog to check and edit global attributes, functions (read-only) and names (read-only) in run time. |
IupElementPropertiesDialog | - | Creates an Element Properties Dialog to edit the properties of an element in run time. |
IupClassInfoDialog | - | Creates an Iup Class Information dialog to show all registered classes, class attributes and callbacks. |
The following routines can be used for managing elements.
IupAppend | - | Inserts an interface element at the end of the container, after the last element of the container. |
IupDetach | - | Detaches an interface element from its parent. |
IupInsert | - | Inserts an interface element before another child of the container. |
IupReparent | - | Moves an interface element from one position in the hierarchy tree to another. |
IupGetDialog | - | Returns the handle of the dialog that contains that interface element. |
IupGetBrother | - | Returns either brother of an element. |
IupGetChild | - | Returns a child of the control given its position. |
IupGetChildCount | - | Returns the number of children of the given control. |
IupGetChildPos | - | Returns the position of a child of the given control. |
IupGetNextChild | - | Returns the next child of the specified control given its brother. |
IupGetDialogChild | - | Returns the identifier of the child element with the specified name. |
IupGetParent | - | Returns the parent of a control. |