

Definition: include pGUI.e

imImage im = imFileImageLoadBitmap(string filename, integer index=0, atom pError=NULL)
Description: Loads an image from file, but forces the image to be a bitmap. Opens, loads and closes the file.

filename: Name of the file to be loaded.
index: specifies the image number between 0 and image_count-1.
pError: pointer to allocated memory which recieves an error code.

Returns NULL on failure. Attributes from the file will be stored with the image. See also imErrorCodes.
pwa/p2js: Not supported
Notes: This wraps the C function imFileImageLoadBitmap, which IupLoadImage invokes internally (when appropriate). Use IupLoadImage to obtain an Ihandle which can be used on a control; imFileImageLoadBitmap returns an imImage, which is more suitable for image manipulation. See simple_paint.exw for an example of use.
Auxillary Functions The following routines can be used with imImage handles (see simple_paint.exw for examples of use):

integer width = im_width(imImage image)   -- (ie im_width(image) is equilvalent to image->width in C)

integer height = im_height(imImage image)   -- (ie im_height(image) is equilvalent to image->height in C)

integer depth = im_depth(imImage image)   -- (ie im_depth(image) is equilvalent to image->depth in C)

integer color_space = im_color_space(imImage image)   -- (ie im_color_space(image) is equilvalent to image->color_space in C)

atom dataptr = im_data(imImage image)   -- (ie im_data(image) is equilvalent to image->data in C)

integer {r,g,b} = im_pixel(imImage image, integer x, y)

imImageSetAttribString(imImage image, string attrib, nullable_string v)

string res = imImageGetAttribString(imImage image, string attrib) Returns "" if not found.

integer error = imFileImageSave(string filename, string fmt, imImage image)

imProcessRenderFloodFill(imImage image, integer start_x, start_y, sequence replace_color, atom tolerance)

imProcessRenderConstant(imImage image, sequence v)

imImage image = imImageDestroy(imImage image) -- (returns/sets image to NULL)

imConvertPacking(atom pSrcData, pDstData, integer width, height, src_depth, dst_depth, data_type, src_is_packed)

imImageRemoveAlpha(imImage image)

imImage res = imImageCreateBased(imImage image, integer width=-1, height=-1, color_space=-1, data_type=-1)

imConvertColorSpace(imImage src_image, imImage dst_image)

imImage image = imImageCreate(integer width, height, color_space, data_type)

imProcessResize(imImage src_image, imImage dst_image, integer order)

imImage clone = imImageClone(imImage image)

imProcessMirror(imImage src_image, imImage dst_image)

imProcessFlip(imImage src_image, imImage dst_image)

imProcessRotate180(imImage src_image, imImage dst_image)

imProcessRotate90(imImage src_image, imImage dst_image, integer dir_clockwise)

imProcessNegative(imImage src_image, imImage dst_image)

imProcessToneGamut(imImage src_image, imImage dst_image, integer op, sequence params)

atom pData = imImageGetOpenGLData(imImage image)