Definition: | integer res = get_file_type(string filename) |
Description: |
Get the type of a file or directory.
filename: the name of the file to query. It must not have wildcards (? and *). Returns an integer:
pwa/p2js: | Not supported. |
Comments: |
Both forwardslash ('/') and backslash ('\\') are handled for all platforms.
A trailing slash is optional on directories, it makes no difference whether one is present or not. The four return values above are automatically declared in psym.e/syminit(). Note this routine can be pretty slow, especially for directories, and you should certainly avoid re-checking the same thing over and over again whenever possible. The original version of demo\rosetta\Count_examples.exw was ten times slower than it is now simply because it (re-)checked the existence of the rc_cache directory in open_download() rather than just once at the start, and that is not a good plan when you’re going to do it 1,440+ times. |
Example: |
if get_file_type("C:/Program Files (x86)/Phix/builtins/vm/papnd.e")!=FILETYPE_FILE then ?9/0 end if if get_file_type("C:/Program Files (x86)/Phix/builtins/vm")!=FILETYPE_DIRECTORY then ?9/0 end if if get_file_type(`C:\Program Files (x86)\Phix\builtins\vm\`)!=FILETYPE_DIRECTORY then ?9/0 end if |
Implementation: | See builtins\pfile.e (an autoinclude) for details of the actual implementation. |
See Also: | dir |