

Definition: object filesize = get_file_size(string filename, bool asStringK=false, integer width=1)
Description: Get the size of a file in bytes.

filename: the name of the file to query.
asStringK: when true, automatically invoke/return file_size_k(filesize,width).
width: ignored when asStringK is false, else passed unaltered to "".

Returns an atom, the file size, or the string result from file_size_k(), or -1 if filename is not found or a directory.
pwa/p2js: Not supported.
Comments: This function does not compute the total size for a directory, and returns -1 instead.

You will also get -1 if a wildcard is passed that matches more than one file, see dir().

Both forwardslash ('/') and backslash ('\\') are handled for all platforms.
Auxillary function: There is also a matching object res = set_file_size(string filename, atom size) function that, obviously enough, allows you to set a specific file size (padding or truncating as rqd), returning true when it succeeds without error, otherwise an error string - see builtins/pfile.e for the full set.
?get_file_size("C:/Program Files (x86)/Phix/builtins/pfile.e")      -- prints eg 34550
?get_file_size("C:/Program Files (x86)/Phix/builtins/pfile.e",true) -- prints eg "33.74KB"
Implementation: See builtins\pfile.e (an autoinclude) for details of the actual implementation.
See Also: dir