

The file Phix/eval.e is part of the compiler/interpreter, but since Phix is a self-hosted language that very same file (not an autoinclude) can also be used for runtime evaluation. Works on desktop/Phix only, not pwa/p2js - with a bit of luck that might be possible in Phix 2.0 but I wouldn’t bet on it.

The eval function accepts at least 1 and up to 4 parameters:

include eval.e
sequence res = eval(string code, sequence rset={}, iset={}, ival={})

code: the source code fragment to be interpreted (without backslash interpretation)
rset: a list of string names of (static) result variable identifiers
iset: a list of string names of (static) variables to initialise
ival: a list of values matching iset
Alternatively ival can be omitted and iset provided as a list of {name,value} pairs.

The code provided must be valid in a standalone sense, apart from unassigned variables covered by iset/ival, and it cannot directly reference any external identifiers. Any existing data that needs to be accessed must be provided via the ival/iset parameters, results explicitly requested via the rset parameter, and any updates applied/extracted once eval() returns. Some refcount management may be warranted, as detailed in the second example below.

Just as you cannot reference existing data within a new eval() context (other than by passing it in and pulling the modified version back out), you cannot invoke existing routines, or rely on passing routine_ids in/out. The first option around that would be to add any such routines to the code in source code form, and anyone concerned about performance issues with that approach should in the first place consider the overheads of invoking eval(one_line) and realise that eval(five_thousand_lines) is probably around about 1% additional cost. A second option could be more like res = eval(phase1); res = existing_routines(res); res = eval(phase2,res), and again passing data back and forth is probably not the overhead you should be most concerned about. A third (untested) option might be to pass callbacks to the eval() routine, with the standard restriction of all parameters and returns being atom. It may even be possible (again, untested) to pass routine_ids from the eval context to the callbacks, but not the other way around (unless that’s where they originated from) and no internally-generated callback could ever survive the return from eval(). Any such callbacks would also be prohibited from using any "native" routine_ids, since the wrong symbol table c/would be current at that point, so it might (say) accidentally invoke delete_file() instead of trim().

Strings such as `\n` (length 2) must be passed to eval, as opposed to "\n" (length 1), otherwise you’ll get errors such as "missing closing quote". You can use backticks or triple-quotes to prevent backslash interpretation, or build the code strings manually.

Note that assignment on declaration within code occurs at compile-time for integers (and bools), but at run-time for floating points, strings, and sequences, which occurs after any values specified in iset/ival have been applied:
include eval.e
string code = """
integer i = 1       -- overridable via ival/iset
atom f = 1.5,       -- non-overridable
     g              -- can be set via ival/iset
string s = "s",     -- non-overridable
       t            -- can be set via ival/iset
sequence p = {"p"}, -- non-overridable
         q          -- can be set via ival/iset
bool q_init = false -- overridable via ival/iset
if not q_init then q = {} end if
sequence rset = {"i","f","g","s","t","p","q"},
         iset = {{"i",0},           -- fine/optional
                 {"f",2.5},         -- ignored/clobbered
                 {"g",3.5},         -- fine/mandatory
                 {"s","noeffect"},  -- ignored/clobbered
                 {"t","t"},         -- fine/mandatory
                 {"p",{"not_p"}},   -- ignored/clobbered
                 {"q_init",true},   -- else next line useless
-- output is {0,1.5,3.5,"s","t",{"p"},{"q"}}
In particular note the use of q_init to suppress the defaulting of q, and that providing a default for q/making it optional is what makes it messy.
Obviuously failing to provide settings for g, t, and (q when q_init set) would trigger the usual run-time errors of the unassigned variety, and of course q would be just like g and t if all the q_init stuff were deleted.

Copying large tables into and out of an eval context is itself very efficient, however making the original NULL or similar over the call may significantly improve performance, best achieved using a function to generate ival/iset:
function get_iset()
    sequence iset = {{"table",original}}
    original = NULL -- (or {}, kill refcount)
    return iset
end function
sequence {original} = eval(code,{"table"},get_iset())
-- or maybe
sequence res = eval(code,{"table"},get_iset())
original = res[1]
res = {} -- (kill hidden refcount)
The code can contain a "with safe_mode" directive to limit the damage it can do, however at the time of writing any errors that generates may produce a rather garbled error message. Compiling the program, as opposed to interpreting it, may produce slightly better/more readable error messages.

Lastly note that include eval.e is not an autoinclude or a builtin or a single file, but pulls in about 90% of the (desktop/Phix) interpreter/compiler. Obviously that exposes almost all of the compiler innards to your application and care must be taken not to accidentally reference or worse stomp on anything it relies on: you may wish to periodically comment out both the include eval.e and the eval() call and ensure it compiles cleanly, maybe/probably taking advantage of the -norun command line option. In total there are about 1,220 such identifiers, the majority being constants or routine names.

None of this is supported by pwa/p2jspwa/p2js, however that is an entirely new backend for which I have vague plans of both getting to work online and introducing a brand new machine code generator, and maybe, just maybe, that sort of thing could open up all new kinds of possibilities, half-incidentally that is, one of which may or may not be to dramatically reduce the number of internals exposed.

See also procedure REPL() in p.exw: instead of using eval() it saves/restores the symbol table, allowing for incremental compilation and an extendable context. While there is no official wrapper as yet, a quick comparison of that code and the implementation of eval() should convince you that said might be slightly tricky but certainly not impossible. My apologies for the mess.