

A Toolbar is a container for other controls, usually buttons. A ToolBar resides at the top of the window. Any controls in it are sent messages directly so you can view them like any other control of that type. When a control is created for a Toolbar the 'x' parameter becomes a displacement from the previous control added. A small separation can be made between clumps of controls by 'creating' a ToolSep, eg:

    void = create(ToolSep, 0, 0, TOOLBARMAIN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
In this case all the parameters are ignored (except the id of the parent). Another way of making a separation is to have any positive value other than 0 in the 'x' parameter field when creating a normal toolbar button. There is a border around any Buttons in the ToolBar that has a minimum width. I think this may be something that Windows enforces.