
abs / sign / odd / even

Definition: atom res = abs(atom a)
-- or --
integer res = sign(atom a)
-- or --
integer res = odd(atom a)
-- or --
integer res = even(atom a)
Description: abs(a) returns the absolute (unsigned) value of x1.
sign(a) returns -1, 0, or +1 if a is negative, zero, or positive respectively.
odd(a) returns true(1) for eg 1,3,5.., or false(0) for eg 2,4,6.
even(a) returns false(0) for eg 1,3,5.., or true(1) for eg 2,4,6.
pwa/p2js: Supported.
Comments: sign(a) returns the same result as compare(a,0).
Be warned that atoms above or below the 53/63-bit limits always return false for odd() and true for even(), since the least significant bit is guaranteed to be 0 on all such numbers.

These functions may be applied to an atom or sq_abs() / sq_sign() / sq_odd() / sq_even() to all elements of a sequence.
The rules for sequence operations apply.
?abs(-4)        -- prints 4
?sign(5)        -- prints 1
?sign(0)        -- prints 0
?sign(-2.5)     -- prints -1
?odd(1)         -- prints 1
?even(1)        -- prints 0
Implementation: See builtins\pmaths.e (an autoinclude) for details of the actual implementation.
Since 1.0.2 odd() [and even()] are mapped directly to faster equivalent [not] and_bits() expressions by the front end (search for T_odd/T_even in psym.e and pmain.e).
See Also: compare