

Definition: include pGUI.e

Ihandle ih = IupSubmenu(nullable_string title=NULL, Ihandln menu=NULL, string attributes="", dword_seq args={})
Description: Creates a menu item that, when selected, opens another menu.

title: String containing the text to be shown on the item. It can be NULL. It will set the TITLE attribute.
menu: optional child menu identifier.
For more information on the attributes and args parameters see IupSetAttributes.

Returns: the identifier of the created element.
pwa/p2js: Supported, but see +x? markers on individual attributes and callbacks.
See Also: IupMenuItem, IupSeparator, IupMenu
Notes: In Motif and GTK, the text font will be affected by the dialog font when the menu is mapped.

IupSubMenu (with an uppercase 'M') is a simple alias of IupSubmenu and behaves identically.

Some examples can be seen in demo\pGUI\sample.exw
IMAGE? [Windows and GTK Only] (non inheritable) Image name of the submenu image.
In Windows, an item in a menu bar cannot have a check mark.
Ignored if submenu in a menu bar.
A recommended size would be 16x16 to fit the image in the menu item.
In Windows, if larger than the check mark area it will be cropped. (since 3.0)
KEY? (non inheritable) Underlines a key character in the submenu title.
It is updated only when TITLE is updated.
Deprecated, use the mnemonic support directly in the TITLE attribute.
TITLE? (non inheritable) Submenu Text.
The "&" character can be used to define a mnemonic, the next character will be used as key.
Use "&&" to show the "&" character (instead of defining a mnemonic).
WID? (non inheritable) In Windows, returns the HMENU of the parent menu and it is actually created only when its child menu is mapped.
also ACTIVE?: also accepted.
HIGHLIGHT_CB Action generated when the submenu is highlighted.
also MAP_CB, UNMAP_CB, DESTROY_CB: common callbacks are supported.